Forum Issues?

Is pre moderation for new members based on length of time or number of posts?
Or, is there an FAQ available somewhere that I can peruse at my leisure?
Not as such but there are a few sticky posts at the top of this forum with some extra info in.
Any ideas why why the Lopetegui thread isn't showing on my thread listing ...everything else is there....
I can get to it by clicking links in notifications but it's not showing anywhere else?
Any ideas why why the Lopetegui thread isn't showing on my thread listing ...everything else is there....
I can get to it by clicking links in notifications but it's not showing anywhere else?
the thread was started by someone you have on ignore?
any idea why im having to clear cookies on a daily basis? using safari, up to date. Works fine on phone/ipad
Is there a way I can change a part of the colour scheme?

The right hand bar where you can see the scrolling indicator is black and the scroll indicator a dark grey making it nigh on invisible.

using safari, its the same for my apple desktop and iPad.

By coincidence I just found the style tab and changed it to default..Perfect!
only on the Mix
Last several days a blue or red perimeter strip about a 1/4 inch on my iPad, pops up intermittently, lasts for about a second and disappears…..
but then, only at the bottom of the screen, an advertising strip, about 1.25in appears and stays there until I hit refresh.
Have frequently clearing history. Can’t see a pattern yet but will try to grab a screen shot. Not a big deal,( to me), but thought you should know.
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Ok…’s a pic of same thing on my wife’s iPad.
Dang….pic is too large and therefore can’t post it.

btw….my screen grab works everywhere but on the mix…..used to.

so far, not on my pc although I tried to ‘induce’ it….political section and forum and main forum.
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Ok…..seems to be ok now. Cleared history again and shut power off.
Also my Apple screen grab function is working again in the Mix.
Can someone please advise me as to why all of a sudden when I open any page on the Mix it’s bombarded with pop up ads which I can’t get rid of?
I get targeted pop up ads relevant to my location which suggests something ….but I don’t know what. There are not overwhelming so I just ignore
Can someone please advise me as to why all of a sudden when I open any page on the Mix it’s bombarded with pop up ads which I can’t get rid of?
I had some for several days last week on both my wife’s and my iPad but not on my pc. Finally got rid of them by turning off my iPad. Read the ‘Forum Issues’ thread.
Can someone please advise me as to why all of a sudden when I open any page on the Mix it’s bombarded with pop up ads which I can’t get rid of?
im going to shift this in to the forum issues thread in the stickies
Can someone please advise me as to why all of a sudden when I open any page on the Mix it’s bombarded with pop up ads which I can’t get rid of?
first thing is to make sure you definitely logged in i know it sounds daft but sometimes the cookies will expire and you need to log in again.

otherwise if you can get a screenshot of the offending ad post it up in this thread, we aren't supposed to have full screen pop ups on logged in accounts so it helps to try adn get them dealt with quicker :)
Quick thing, every time I try to reply to a message, the text I enter goes into the same box as the reply not into the new text area (if that makes sense)
I'm also now getting the same problem with the replies.
what device, operating system etc. are you using?
What can I do about the continuous, incessant ads peeps?
Do I need to change my browser or something?
99% of the time I access the site via my mobile phone but the ads are making it almost unreadable now!!!
Ads at the top of the page, a huge advert at the bottom of the page and one that flashes in and out all the way around what ever I'm viewing and reduces the size of the page I'm on. Absolute **** show!!!
What can I do about the continuous, incessant ads peeps?
Do I need to change my browser or something?
99% of the time I access the site via my mobile phone but the ads are making it almost unreadable now!!!
Ads at the top of the page, a huge advert at the bottom of the page and one that flashes in and out all the way around what ever I'm viewing and reduces the size of the page I'm on. Absolute **** show!!!
Firstly always check you are logged in, logged in you shouldn't be seeing anything more than an ad at the top on most pages. Sometimes if your cookies are disabled it might forget your logged in status.

What browser are you using and on what device.
Firstly always check you are logged in, logged in you shouldn't be seeing anything more than an ad at the top on most pages. Sometimes if your cookies are disabled it might forget your logged in status.

What browser are you using and on what device.
Thanks Bod, I use Chrome on a Samsung whatchamacallit! Lol
I'm sure I was logged in yesterday whilst it was doing it but it's been fine so far this morning, so happy days!
Thanks again.
Thanks Bod, I use Chrome on a Samsung whatchamacallit! Lol
I'm sure I was logged in yesterday whilst it was doing it but it's been fine so far this morning, so happy days!
Thanks again.
im on the same mobile device, chrome on a samsung. So I would say the likelihood is its logging you out somehow
I'm using a Samsung mobile device. Still having the problem with the reply being put in the reply text area. It also makes the spacing between paragraphs go weird too.
I'm using a Samsung mobile device. Still having the problem with the reply being put in the reply text area. It also makes the spacing between paragraphs go weird too.
Are you using Chrome browser or the default Samsung one?
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