What on earth is this?

Wasn’t aimed at you personally
Ok…..then who?…….who were your post aimed at?
You mentioned or implied that some Mixers are twisting the facts…….name them or their post numbers.
Its a fair request…….you are accusing some Mixers of twisting/lying…..then, step up., ….. please and point them out.

Who are they ?
Ok…..then who?…….who were your post aimed at?
You mentioned or implied that some Mixers are twisting the facts…….name them or their post numbers.
Its a fair request…….you are accusing some Mixers of twisting/lying…..then, step up., ….. please and point them out.

Who are they ?
Look at the picture and tell me what you see?

Tiki taka? Total football? A tactical master plan?
I see a photograph, which captures (as they usually do), a single moment in time. This could be the start of a more elaborate diagram captured at an unfortunate time or just a doodle to capture a single move, identify a weakness or whatever because perhaps that's easier than writing in down? Frankly, it looks laughable but who knows the truth!
I am really surprised that all of you have missed what this diagram tells us about squad morale…
… every player looks to be a little cross!!
We have come a long way since October ain’t we. Christ, it’s mad to think how bad we were. The WC break, going all in with Lopetegui, and investing in Jan has saved us.

What a horrible season. Finally we can properly look forward again.
The first half of the season is a good reminder as to why Jeff Shi can not be allowed to have free reign when it comes to the footballing side of the club, his head coach and DoF appointments after Nuno were utterly dreadful.

Lopetegui has saved his bacon.
The dreaded whiteboard. I forgot just how desperate things were. We were an absolute shambles pre-JL.
A big relief for sure not there yet but as good as I reckon. With Lage booted out I so wanted David to succeed but it was too big a job for him so call for Julen. What a tough job he’s had but what a great job he’s done. There’s been bumps but he’s steered us through them. It’s a near miracle considering the amount of refs and VAR BS we’ve had to contend with too.
Amazed that a top quality football man like Sellars hasnt had clubs lining up to appoint him since he left to be honest.
Only people on here believed the hype and false story that he was good at his job and was well respected in the game.

He won’t work in the prem for a fair while
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