Season Ticket Prices /Relocation/New STs

With inflation and the cost of living going up , I would think all Wolves staff will want a pay rise , quite rightly , and Molineux and Compton will have higher heating and lighting costs and food costs and ….
But hey I would like our Fosun to be charitable and give us better football at lower prices .
Wwbug aged 6
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If you are business owner and you put your prices up and people keep paying the increased prices then your product can't be too expensive
Wolves aren't a "product" though. There is no alternative for the "customer" to purchase.

In a real world business scenario, where the emotional attachment to a specific business is minimal at best, then of course people would go elsewhere to buy if the prices kept rising and rising.
Behave, they’re not rained on every game, some days it’s hail or snow, or they’re exposed to a cold wind or they get burnt to a crisp as there’s no shade. If they’re really lucky they can sit through a game in monsoon conditions not daring to move due to the puddles of water forming on the free poncho. All for £360 - bargain :)

I used to hate it when you went places and you turned up to an open terrace with rain at biblical proportions. I think Swindon one year was a particularly brutal match for that. It used to amuse me that Watford would house the away fans in the covered terrace and move home fans to the open terrace, Moxeyism at its best.

night game at Blackpool was the worst I've experienced.They started ushering us to the side under cover,but we were that soaked we stayed put.
We're not competing with Championship sides currently though are we?? Every club in front of us in the table have significantly larger stadiums and matchday revenues than us and at least 4 below us in the table do. If we want to compete and continue to punch above our weight without a big benefactor propping up significant losses we need to maximise the revenue we can generate from ticket prices. Even to stand still costs go up, the annual wages for the playing and non playing staff will no doubt increase year on year, if we freeze ticket prices there will be a shortfall. Fosun are stuck between a rock and a hard place, freeze or reduce ticket prices and show solidarity with our fans probably means selling off our better players and not replacing with the same quality which probably means we start slipping down the league and ultimately back in the Championship or continue to moderately increase prices to maintain the current playing staff or similar quality or (hopefully) moderately try and improve the quality.

A better idea would be to not give them high wages.There's plenty of players willing to have 50k a week.That guy man city have just signed is on 400k a week.Bloody ridiculous,and that's the problem.:mad:
Wolves aren't a "product" though. There is no alternative for the "customer" to purchase.

In a real world business scenario, where the emotional attachment to a specific business is minimal at best, then of course people would go elsewhere to buy if the prices kept rising and rising.
Going to football is a luxury though. The alternative is to watch the games on the tv.
We're not competing with Championship sides currently though are we?? Every club in front of us in the table have significantly larger stadiums and matchday revenues than us and at least 4 below us in the table do. If we want to compete and continue to punch above our weight without a big benefactor propping up significant losses we need to maximise the revenue we can generate from ticket prices. Even to stand still costs go up, the annual wages for the playing and non playing staff will no doubt increase year on year, if we freeze ticket prices there will be a shortfall. Fosun are stuck between a rock and a hard place, freeze or reduce ticket prices and show solidarity with our fans probably means selling off our better players and not replacing with the same quality which probably means we start slipping down the league and ultimately back in the Championship or continue to moderately increase prices to maintain the current playing staff or similar quality or (hopefully) moderately try and improve the quality.
No it wouldn't, not sure where you're getting some of these claims from but they're well off the mark. The extra STH price increase this season will fetch around £1m extra for the club, if that. It's peanuts in the grand scheme of things.
No it wouldn't, not sure where you're getting some of these claims from but they're well off the mark. The extra STH price increase this season will fetch around £1m extra for the club, if that. It's peanuts in the grand scheme of things.
OK we will agree to disagree but even to stand still I guarantee pretty much every first team player when their contracts are coming to expire will expect a pay rise or we will lose them so just to stand still we need to progressively increase or revenue and that is before spending on new players and all of the associated costs, it has to be paid for somewhere and being run as a business it is the price we will have to pay for success.
A better idea would be to not give them high wages.There's plenty of players willing to have 50k a week.That guy man city have just signed is on 400k a week.Bloody ridiculous,and that's the problem.:mad:

I hope you're not on here complaining in the summer when all 100 of our top targets reject us because we won't agree to their wage demands!
There's ya ****ing problem..Wage demands.
Couldnt be more blunt and couldnt be more right. The players wages are so ridiculous and the reason why prices have to keep going up. During covid, staff were furloughed, clubs lost money, fans paid for season tickets they knew they wouldnt be getting and the players......

Every football club is falling over themselves to make more revenue and more profit but nobody ever addresses the other side of the argument which has equal weighting which is the costs. Sadly with oil states investing where expense is no issue, the costs for everyone else are only going to be inflated further. It would take the whole of football to suddenly take a stand to reset the crazy wages. Something which is never going to happen because they know fans will pay out but the players wont all take a pay cut.

Look at Wijnaldum moving to PSG, he was going to Barcelona before PSG offered to DOUBLE the wages barca offered. Not even put an extra £50 or £100,000 on, they just doubled it. Was there even a negotiation? Highlights why its impossible to correct.

Even Mo Salah claims that he wants to sign a new deal at Liverpool because he loves the club so much, but it turns out he only loves the club when they write £400,000 a week on a contract.
I couldn't afford one before and I can't now. That's just the way it goes. Maybe one day I will. I see this as another reason why every match should be televised or streamed to give people who can't afford to watch it at the ground an affordable alternative.

I must say I didn't like part of that Charles Ross' statement on this. While his sentiment is nice there were a few lines I thought were below the belt regarding the elderly. If it's a choice between heating their homes or buying a season ticket I would strongly recommend they heat their homes. Football is a luxury. I can't blame the Wolves hierarchy for the elderly not having the money to heat their homes because they've bought a season ticket. I'll leave a link to it below.

Charles Ross makes the point that Wolves official website has not yet published the prices. That was yesterday, I still cannot see any mention of the various prices on the website. My email renewal price appears to be different from the information given in the press.
Here's a Statement from the Wolves 1877 Trust

Couldnt be more blunt and couldnt be more right. The players wages are so ridiculous and the reason why prices have to keep going up. During covid, staff were furloughed, clubs lost money, fans paid for season tickets they knew they wouldnt be getting and the players......

Every football club is falling over themselves to make more revenue and more profit but nobody ever addresses the other side of the argument which has equal weighting which is the costs. Sadly with oil states investing where expense is no issue, the costs for everyone else are only going to be inflated further. It would take the whole of football to suddenly take a stand to reset the crazy wages. Something which is never going to happen because they know fans will pay out but the players wont all take a pay cut.

Look at Wijnaldum moving to PSG, he was going to Barcelona before PSG offered to DOUBLE the wages barca offered. Not even put an extra £50 or £100,000 on, they just doubled it. Was there even a negotiation? Highlights why its impossible to correct.

Even Mo Salah claims that he wants to sign a new deal at Liverpool because he loves the club so much, but it turns out he only loves the club when they write £400,000 a week on a contract.

When that happens here,thats me finished,and I've followed them home and away for 52 years.There's no way my season ticket is gonna be increased just so a player can come here with that stupid wage.END OF.
I hope you're not on here complaining in the summer when all 100 of our top targets reject us because we won't agree to their wage demands!

I wow be complaining cuz 1 thing I hate is greedy ****ers.They can stay away for all I care.
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When that happens here,thats me finished,and I've followed them home and away for 52 years.There's no way my season ticket is gonna be increased just so a player can come here with that stupid wage.END OF.
The problem is the knock on effect... If player A ups his contract to 400k / week then player B who may rightly acknowledge he isn't quite worth what player A is getting will want market rate and increase his salary from 150k/week to 200k/week and on it goes. Meanwhile its us the fans who continue to find this ludicrosity! Barring a great reset no idea how it is fixed though...
Charles Ross makes the point that Wolves official website has not yet published the prices. That was yesterday, I still cannot see any mention of the various prices on the website. My email renewal price appears to be different from the information given in the press.
Yes, I have been looking for them too. Seems to me, they only want people renewing to see them.
The problem is the knock on effect... If player A ups his contract to 400k / week then player B who may rightly acknowledge he isn't quite worth what player A is getting will want market rate and increase his salary from 150k/week to 200k/week and on it goes. Meanwhile its us the fans who continue to find this ludicrosity! Barring a great reset no idea how it is fixed though...
It's never going to be fixed. No one who earns wages (including everyone in the world with a job) will except lower wages for doing their job in normal circumstances. Not ever....
A better idea would be to not give them high wages.There's plenty of players willing to have 50k a week.That guy man city have just signed is on 400k a week.Bloody ridiculous,and that's the problem.:mad:
Jizz tried that... Look at what happened. Players do not love the club like fans do....

The days of wage capping were over before most Mixers were born. They are not coming back not matter how much you may yearn for "the good old days".
Wolves aren't a "product" though. There is no alternative for the "customer" to purchase.

In a real world business scenario, where the emotional attachment to a specific business is minimal at best, then of course people would go elsewhere to buy if the prices kept rising and rising.
During the Moxey years I felt very much like this. While we were yo-yoing and even dropping to Divsion One.
But I do really believe Fosun are trying their best ,and I feel we are getting much better value for money.
But Fosun do have financial parameters and they are not a charity , if they were charitable , I can think of better causes .
Is anybody really surprised that an investment company has increased prices, for the fourth consecutive season?
Fair play to those who are happy to keep accepting it but how long before folk stop feeling like an important part of the club and instead begin to feel like a cash cow?
Presumably matchday ticket prices will also be hit, I will therefore be holding back on membership renewals, until I know exactly what I'm signing up to.
Is anybody really surprised that an investment company has increased prices, for the fourth consecutive season?
Fair play to those who are happy to keep accepting it but how long before folk stop feeling like an important part of the club and instead begin to feel like a cash cow?
Presumably matchday ticket prices will also be hit, I will therefore be holding back on membership renewals, until I know exactly what I'm signing up to.
I do find it devious that they try to get people to renew their membership before releasing what match day tickets will cost.
The problem is the knock on effect... If player A ups his contract to 400k / week then player B who may rightly acknowledge he isn't quite worth what player A is getting will want market rate and increase his salary from 150k/week to 200k/week and on it goes. Meanwhile its us the fans who continue to find this ludicrosity! Barring a great reset no idea how it is fixed though...

To be honest cannot see Fosun paying out wages that high.They will buy younger players on 4/5 year contracts on smaller wages.We might in10 years time if we are up there with the top boys.But I would be finished by then anyway.

I'm 70 in June so I ay got the same dedication I had wen I was young.I hate VAR.I hate fans teking photos on mobile phones of free kicks and pens,and I hate it wen there's no atmosphere in games.So I ay as bothered anymore.If it gets to expensive I'll just keep me money in my pocket and watch the games on tv in a comfy pub with all the other lads being priced out.:mad:
I do find it devious that they try to get people to renew their membership before releasing what match day tickets will cost.
It's actually almost certainly about ensuring that only current members get new STs. If you trade up they set the membership fee against the ST cost.
I do find it devious that they try to get people to renew their membership before releasing what match day tickets will cost.
My local non-league side may gain a couple of new attendees, should they take the **** too much or should they continue with the annual rises indefinitely!
Yeah, let's get rid of those show ponies like Neves on their big salaries, and get back some real footballers who'll play for peanuts and be grateful to get that, like Eggert Johnsson!
You pay peanuts and you get monkeys. Of all clubs we should bloody well know that.
You pay peanuts and you get monkeys. Of all clubs we should bloody well know that.
The trouble is WW, this argument only holds up if when you're not paying peanuts, you're not getting monkeys!
It remains to be seen whether the price increases can be justified on a merely footballing standpoint!
It's actually almost certainly about ensuring that only current members get new STs. If you trade up they set the membership fee against the ST cost.
They could still release their plans for match day pricing. And new season tickets etc.
The trouble is WW, this argument only holds up if when you're not paying peanuts, you're not getting monkeys!
It remains to be seen whether the price increases can be justified on a merely footballing standpoint!
Do you really think that many/any of the current squad merit that description?
Do you really think that many/any of the current squad merit that description?
I get what you're saying but it's not really relevant to any argument about increases for next season, none of us have any idea who will remain with us and the calibre of replacement that will replace the ones that don't. Are the increases justifiable in your opinion, if for example, we were to sell the likes of Neves, Neto, Podence, Sa, Semedo......and then replace them with cheaper, younger, unknowns?
I get what you're saying but it's not really relevant to any argument about increases for next season, none of us have any idea who will remain with us and the calibre of replacement that will replace the ones that don't. Are the increases justifiable in your opinion, if for example, we were to sell the likes of Neves, Neto, Podence, Sa, Semedo......and then replace them with cheaper, younger, unknowns?
At face value no BUT quite a few of our recent "cheaper unknowns" have turned out to be epic buys so.....
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