Season Ticket Prices /Relocation/New STs

No absolutely fair comments. I dropped that tweet in as of course this is a forum and there are lots of varying opinions especially on a topic like this one. I agree with small parts of what he is saying but also from your side as well. The club has to find the balance really and I think there has at least been some good initiatives this year with the ballot, removing the £20 and also extending DD. Doesn't make them saints though, I agree
Seeing as you mention Saints... ;)


Comparative I guess. These have been frozen for this year, for where I currently sit (J3) there's not a lot of difference for a similar seat at St Mary's. Obviously the facilities are newer there though and I probably wouldn't crush my knees every game

Only thing I'll say with Wolves is at least they've softened the blow with the changes to fees, DD structure and resale prices. But I said if my ST price started with a "7" then I'd have to really start thinking about it, and it's getting mighty close
I expect we will still have about the 6th most expensive 'cheapest adult' STs in the Premier League.

Of course I want to see Molineux full to the rafters, but in a way I hope it comes back to bite them on the **** and that **** in charge of ticketing gets the chop.
I don't agree with the price increase in the current climate at all but those saying a couple of million makes no difference to the club have a complete lack of understanding of how FFP works

Our maximum wage bill is directly linked to our commercial revenue and TV money is excluded from revenue

So an extra £2m might not sound a lot but it could potentially allow us to sign an extra player if we're close to the wage limit
I’m bothered about the way they released the new prices. No interview, no Tweet? Seems very cynical.
One of the major factors that does seem to have gone amiss but was mentioned earlier is that Wolves does have an aging demographic as a fan base. Higher season ticket prices doesn't lend itself to say a father getting one with his two kids. They just go elsewhere.
Why do we have long waiting lists today, yet had gates of 20,0000 and less when we were a lot cheaper ten years ago ?
I have been lucky to see Neves , Patricio , Sa , Moutinho and a host of internationals play for Wolves , worth every extra penny .
I have traveled thousands of miles and supported Wolves in every division . I feel happier now then at most times in that past.
This is the real world.
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Anyone remember when they usually release match day prices?
Mine has gone up £69 in the South bank.(65+) it might not seem a lot,but with this cost of living crisis it's something else I didn't need.I have done the DD option for the last 3 years and with them dropping the £20 fee,it's helped a bit.
Just trying to renew now on my phone,but when I fill the DD instructions it's not letting me go to the next page.Has anyone had this problem please.Or is it me being a stupid owd twit agen. :p
I don't agree with the price increase in the current climate at all but those saying a couple of million makes no difference to the club have a complete lack of understanding of how FFP works

Our maximum wage bill is directly linked to our commercial revenue and TV money is excluded from revenue

So an extra £2m might not sound a lot but it could potentially allow us to sign an extra player if we're close to the wage limit
TV money is not FFP calcs. You sure?
I don't agree with the price increase in the current climate at all but those saying a couple of million makes no difference to the club have a complete lack of understanding of how FFP works

Our maximum wage bill is directly linked to our commercial revenue and TV money is excluded from revenue

So an extra £2m might not sound a lot but it could potentially allow us to sign an extra player if we're close to the wage limit

Yep. It might now allow us to honour the 'gentleman's agreement' we have in place to buy Hwang. If that's not worth the price increase, I don't know what is! :(
Seeing as you mention Saints... ;)

View attachment 27869

Comparative I guess. These have been frozen for this year, for where I currently sit (J3) there's not a lot of difference for a similar seat at St Mary's. Obviously the facilities are newer there though and I probably wouldn't crush my knees every game

Only thing I'll say with Wolves is at least they've softened the blow with the changes to fees, DD structure and resale prices. But I said if my ST price started with a "7" then I'd have to really start thinking about it, and it's getting mighty close
That is the archetypal "small cheap corner to make the lowest prices look ok" ground.
Yes, ashamed. We're in the midst of a cost of living crisis in a city that's not exactly affluent at the best of times. The club are completely tone deaf when it comes to the fans.
We are and unfortunately there are plenty of people who have been priced out of football, but the PL and general football governance in England sold it soul to the devil plenty of years ago and that horse has long since bolted. That's not a Fosun issue, thats a general football issue. Fosun want to make us self sustainable and run us as a business and the price of the relative success we are enjoying is there is a cost to that unfortunately.
It's supply and demand. We are currently selling out pretty much every week so they believe they can put the prices up. It seems they are correct too as despite all the complaints I've only actually seen a couple of people say they won't be renewing.
We are and unfortunately there are plenty of people who have been priced out of football, but the PL and general football governance in England sold it soul to the devil plenty of years ago and that horse has long since bolted. That's not a Fosun issue, thats a general football issue. Fosun want to make us self sustainable and run us as a business and the price of the relative success we are enjoying is there is a cost to that unfortunately.
It only takes one brave person/company to make that change. The amount of positive PR that comes from it is worth it in my opinion too. For example, Roma have given STH free tickets to the ECL final. Gestures like that don't go unnoticed.
Seeing as you mention Saints... ;)

View attachment 27869

Comparative I guess. These have been frozen for this year, for where I currently sit (J3) there's not a lot of difference for a similar seat at St Mary's. Obviously the facilities are newer there though and I probably wouldn't crush my knees every game

Only thing I'll say with Wolves is at least they've softened the blow with the changes to fees, DD structure and resale prices. But I said if my ST price started with a "7" then I'd have to really start thinking about it, and it's getting mighty close
No doubt when analysed it’ll show Southamptons season tickets as from £399 when in reality that’s just one small corner and the next cheapest price is 33% higher.

People might not like Wolves pricing and that’s understandable but at least we aren’t underhand in how we price them.

Could offer 300 season tickets in the Graham Hughes at £350 and then claim to have some of the cheapest tickets in the league if they wanted to be really snide.
Tickets are going to go up year on year, no question.

When Fosun came in they said they had analysed the football business and would take the most successful parts from different clubs/models. So we have seen the positive effect of that:
Use sister clubs to store youngsters and give them playing time (Manchester City)
Buy young players cheap in the academy and then flip them for a profit with no intention they would ever play (Chelsea)
Keep a small squad and player wages total cost down while maintaining a competitive first 11 (Previously Liverpool)

So now we are seeing the successful parts of football business that the fans dont like:
Huge increase in ticket prices which fans just stomach anyway (Arsenal, Chelsea)
Leak to media of signing/intent to generate optimism around renewal dates when really nothing is happening/ already confirmed (Manchester United are unbelievably good at this)

Arsenal have already shown that fans will pay obscene amounts to watch their (average to good) team play and paved the way for other teams to follow because they know their fans will pay aswell. Average season ticket price at Arsenal is £1100 (nearly £60 a game for an ST!!!). Wolves will get there soon enough you cant just shock the system and pump it straight up it has to be done incrementally.

The prices only stop going up when people dont buy, and we all know really that aint happening, so unfortunately its either pay up or dont. People who are moaning about prices going up saying it better not next year already know it is, and people who do buy shouldnt complain when the atmospheres rubbish.

After all that its essentially as you were, and in my opinion the prices rise was lower than i expected and possibly dare i even say fair. See you all at the argument thread "season prices rise again" next year.
We are and unfortunately there are plenty of people who have been priced out of football, but the PL and general football governance in England sold it soul to the devil plenty of years ago and that horse has long since bolted. That's not a Fosun issue, thats a general football issue. Fosun want to make us self sustainable and run us as a business and the price of the relative success we are enjoying is there is a cost to that unfortunately.
This argument doesn't add up. It would if we were in the Championship and ticket revenue made up a large proportion of our income but that's not the case in the PL where TV money does and that is ever-increasing. The club doesn't need to keep on increasing ticket prices, it's a choice.
I couldn't afford one before and I can't now. That's just the way it goes. Maybe one day I will. I see this as another reason why every match should be televised or streamed to give people who can't afford to watch it at the ground an affordable alternative.

I must say I didn't like part of that Charles Ross' statement on this. While his sentiment is nice there were a few lines I thought were below the belt regarding the elderly. If it's a choice between heating their homes or buying a season ticket I would strongly recommend they heat their homes. Football is a luxury. I can't blame the Wolves hierarchy for the elderly not having the money to heat their homes because they've bought a season ticket. I'll leave a link to it below.

Mine has gone up £69 in the South bank.(65+) it might not seem a lot,but with this cost of living crisis it's something else I didn't need.I have done the DD option for the last 3 years and with them dropping the £20 fee,it's helped a bit.
Just trying to renew now on my phone,but when I fill the DD instructions it's not letting me go to the next page.Has anyone had this problem please.Or is it me being a stupid owd twit agen. :p

The DD page threw me for a minute. The Next button is half way down on the left just black and white.
Seeing as you mention Saints... ;)

View attachment 27869

Comparative I guess. These have been frozen for this year, for where I currently sit (J3) there's not a lot of difference for a similar seat at St Mary's. Obviously the facilities are newer there though and I probably wouldn't crush my knees every game

Only thing I'll say with Wolves is at least they've softened the blow with the changes to fees, DD structure and resale prices. But I said if my ST price started with a "7" then I'd have to really start thinking about it, and it's getting mighty close
Tenuous link if ever I've seen one haha
No doubt when analysed it’ll show Southamptons season tickets as from £399 when in reality that’s just one small corner and the next cheapest price is 33% higher.

People might not like Wolves pricing and that’s understandable but at least we aren’t underhand in how we price them.

Could offer 300 season tickets in the Graham Hughes at £350 and then claim to have some of the cheapest tickets in the league if they wanted to be really snide.
Vinny will be rubbing his hands and doing a little dance when reading this.
Anyone remember when they usually release match day prices?
think it was 2 - 3 weeks later this season (probably be after the end of May which is the cut off for membership renewal at discounted price)
Tickets are going to go up year on year, no question.

When Fosun came in they said they had analysed the football business and would take the most successful parts from different clubs/models. So we have seen the positive effect of that:
Use sister clubs to store youngsters and give them playing time (Manchester City)
Buy young players cheap in the academy and then flip them for a profit with no intention they would ever play (Chelsea)
Keep a small squad and player wages total cost down while maintaining a competitive first 11 (Previously Liverpool)

So now we are seeing the successful parts of football business that the fans dont like:
Huge increase in ticket prices which fans just stomach anyway (Arsenal, Chelsea)
Leak to media of signing/intent to generate optimism around renewal dates when really nothing is happening/ already confirmed (Manchester United are unbelievably good at this)

Arsenal have already shown that fans will pay obscene amounts to watch their (average to good) team play and paved the way for other teams to follow because they know their fans will pay aswell. Average season ticket price at Arsenal is £1100 (nearly £60 a game for an ST!!!). Wolves will get there soon enough you cant just shock the system and pump it straight up it has to be done incrementally.

The prices only stop going up when people dont buy, and we all know really that aint happening, so unfortunately its either pay up or dont. People who are moaning about prices going up saying it better not next year already know it is, and people who do buy shouldnt complain when the atmospheres rubbish.

After all that its essentially as you were, and in my opinion the prices rise was lower than i expected and possibly dare i even say fair. See you all at the argument thread "season prices rise again" next year.
They won’t go up if we get relegated.
General costs rising and inflation won’t matter as much then.
Seeing as you mention Saints... ;)

View attachment 27869

Comparative I guess. These have been frozen for this year, for where I currently sit (J3) there's not a lot of difference for a similar seat at St Mary's. Obviously the facilities are newer there though and I probably wouldn't crush my knees every game

Only thing I'll say with Wolves is at least they've softened the blow with the changes to fees, DD structure and resale prices. But I said if my ST price started with a "7" then I'd have to really start thinking about it, and it's getting mighty close
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That is the archetypal "small cheap corner to make the lowest prices look ok" ground.

to be fair the next cheapest at £530 cover a fair bit of the ground, which is probably a fairer comparison
£360 with a 'free' poncho every game!
Behave, they’re not rained on every game, some days it’s hail or snow, or they’re exposed to a cold wind or they get burnt to a crisp as there’s no shade. If they’re really lucky they can sit through a game in monsoon conditions not daring to move due to the puddles of water forming on the free poncho. All for £360 - bargain :)

I used to hate it when you went places and you turned up to an open terrace with rain at biblical proportions. I think Swindon one year was a particularly brutal match for that. It used to amuse me that Watford would house the away fans in the covered terrace and move home fans to the open terrace, Moxeyism at its best.
Or maybe recognising that people aged 18-21 may have a lot less disposable income than adults and over 65s.

Really...I would have thought the opposite unless they are in further education?
I would say my lad, working full time, living at home paying £100 board a month, with his only bills being mobile and car insurance has considerably more disposable income.

It was the same for me when I was his age - I look back and think, why didn't I save some of that - mind you I had a great time
This argument doesn't add up. It would if we were in the Championship and ticket revenue made up a large proportion of our income but that's not the case in the PL where TV money does and that is ever-increasing. The club doesn't need to keep on increasing ticket prices, it's a choice.
We're not competing with Championship sides currently though are we?? Every club in front of us in the table have significantly larger stadiums and matchday revenues than us and at least 4 below us in the table do. If we want to compete and continue to punch above our weight without a big benefactor propping up significant losses we need to maximise the revenue we can generate from ticket prices. Even to stand still costs go up, the annual wages for the playing and non playing staff will no doubt increase year on year, if we freeze ticket prices there will be a shortfall. Fosun are stuck between a rock and a hard place, freeze or reduce ticket prices and show solidarity with our fans probably means selling off our better players and not replacing with the same quality which probably means we start slipping down the league and ultimately back in the Championship or continue to moderately increase prices to maintain the current playing staff or similar quality or (hopefully) moderately try and improve the quality.
Used to be a season ticket holder when I lived in Wales and the Midlands but changed to a member when I moved to Newcastle as I couldn't make all the games. I still went to around 80% of home games. Now my kids have grown up and I have more freedom with work I've been on the season ticket waiting list for a number of years. I'm pretty high up now and would expect to be offered one this summer.

However, don't think I'd take one now as getting match day tickets this season has been pretty easy as a member. I've got a ticket for every game I've wanted to go to, including tonight against Man City. After the Norwich game I'd have seen 14 home games this season. The cost issue for me is the travel rather than the ticket price. The only downside is being unable to get away tickets legitimately, but I don't think being a season ticket holder will help with that.

As I haven't been able to go to many away games this season and our away games being on all over the place and not many on a Saturday afternoon, I've been to see a local club, Gateshead, play a lot at home. They won their league and got promoted to the National League. Have to say it's been more entertaining watching them this season than Wolves. I've seen 9 Wolves games when we haven't scored and lost.

I've also been treated diabolically by the club over getting a refund for tickets I bought for the Bournemouth game pre-lockdown. Two years of wrangling ended up with me threatening legal action and finally getting my money back after the bank who issue my credit card taking the money back from Wolves and refunding me. Not sure if it was ineptitude and incompetence or malice from the club. It left a bitter taste in the mouth. Anyway, with all the financial pressure, I'll pick and choose my games next season, like this season, and see a bit more of Gateshead in the National League. For all this, if I lived locally, I'd never miss a home game, but understand the financial pressure others are up against.
We're not competing with Championship sides currently though are we?? Every club in front of us in the table have significantly larger stadiums and matchday revenues than us and at least 4 below us in the table do. If we want to compete and continue to punch above our weight without a big benefactor propping up significant losses we need to maximise the revenue we can generate from ticket prices. Even to stand still costs go up, the annual wages for the playing and non playing staff will no doubt increase year on year, if we freeze ticket prices there will be a shortfall. Fosun are stuck between a rock and a hard place, freeze or reduce ticket prices and show solidarity with our fans probably means selling off our better players and not replacing with the same quality which probably means we start slipping down the league and ultimately back in the Championship or continue to moderately increase prices to maintain the current playing staff or similar quality or (hopefully) moderately try and improve the quality.
Look at the leaps your making there.

Not raising prices to bring in an extra £1m means we have to sell off players and will eventually get relegated. All because we don’t raise prices!? Listen to yourself.

An extra £1m on tickets has no bearing whatsoever on who we are able to sign or pay for. You’ve been told enough times on here yet you still believe it!?
Look at the leaps your making there.

Not raising prices to bring in an extra £1m means we have to sell off players and will eventually get relegated. All because we don’t raise prices!? Listen to yourself.

An extra £1m on tickets has no bearing whatsoever on who we are able to sign or pay for. You’ve been told enough times on here yet you still believe it!?
Are you going to renew?
We're not competing with Championship sides currently though are we?? Every club in front of us in the table have significantly larger stadiums and matchday revenues than us and at least 4 below us in the table do. If we want to compete and continue to punch above our weight without a big benefactor propping up significant losses we need to maximise the revenue we can generate from ticket prices. Even to stand still costs go up, the annual wages for the playing and non playing staff will no doubt increase year on year, if we freeze ticket prices there will be a shortfall. Fosun are stuck between a rock and a hard place, freeze or reduce ticket prices and show solidarity with our fans probably means selling off our better players and not replacing with the same quality which probably means we start slipping down the league and ultimately back in the Championship or continue to moderately increase prices to maintain the current playing staff or similar quality or (hopefully) moderately try and improve the quality.

In that case then, FOSUN need to develop the stadium to increase capacity and the commercial offering.

Otherwise it's just the fans taking on the pain of higher prices.
Has anyone got a link to the complete price list of STH's for 2022-23? The renewal price chart that has been posted on this thread several times was the one for 2021-22 (last year's). The price I am quoted now for renewing in the BWU wing 65+ is £494, which seems a bit high to me. Is there somewhere a complete list for prices for season 2022-23, as I can't find one on the official site
Look at the leaps your making there.

Not raising prices to bring in an extra £1m means we have to sell off players and will eventually get relegated. All because we don’t raise prices!? Listen to yourself.

An extra £1m on tickets has no bearing whatsoever on who we are able to sign or pay for. You’ve been told enough times on here yet you still believe it!?
It does, there's a saying in business, look after the pennies and the pounds look after themselves. £1m may seem small fry but it is a not insignificant amount and no doubt if it's £1m this year , fans would be moaning again next year when we're still in a cost of living crisis so it's £1m compounded plus another £1m again. Like it or not we're being run as a business and the cost of success and of finally punching above our weight is the cost of attending games, Fosun aren't in this to run us as a charity. The general greed in the game in this country is to blame for what we're experiencing much more than Fosun themselves (if this had been tackled properly 30 years ago Fosun wouldn't even be our owners).
No doubt when analysed it’ll show Southamptons season tickets as from £399 when in reality that’s just one small corner and the next cheapest price is 33% higher.

People might not like Wolves pricing and that’s understandable but at least we aren’t underhand in how we price them.

Could offer 300 season tickets in the Graham Hughes at £350 and then claim to have some of the cheapest tickets in the league if they wanted to be really snide.
To be fair that corner where the Saints tickets are £399 are about 3000 fans, not much smaller than the South bank.
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