Fosun out?

And 320 votes put a hole in the "all wolves fans want this, that, the other from Fosun, want Shi out" statements which get right on my tits!
the truth is that any Wolves fan who is unhappy with what they have seen of FOSUN since they took over is going to have a real problem for the foreseeable future: FOSUN are here to stay as far as I can see and not only are they here to stay but they are going to follow their own strategy regardless of what a few people on the internet think about it so if you are not happy with the way things have gone so far then you are not going to be happy for a very long time

or alternatively it suggests that that is not his 'argument' at all; this notion of Fosun being in Wolves for the purpose of trading players to make profit for themselves is a red herring as far as I can see; where Shi has actually made this 'argument' would be useful to know
Think it all comes from a line of a leaked email from a few years ago.
There's no actual evidence of it.
the truth is that any Wolves fan who is unhappy with what they have seen of FOSUN since they took over is going to have a real problem for the foreseeable future: FOSUN are here to stay as far as I can see and not only are they here to stay but they are going to follow their own strategy regardless of what a few people on the internet think about it so if you are not happy with the way things have gone so far then you are not going to be happy for a very long time

Couldn't agree more. Get behind their long term strategy, accept they have made a few mistakes and no doubt will again, enjoy the fact that they are here quite some time. It means security in the PL and the chance for more - trophies, Europe etc.
How about the sheite stirring mongrel keyboard saddo’s just come out and admit it’s better been on a successful teams forum than their own.
They must be twisting up inside having to deal with and read the pleasure we are getting from blasting spurs out of the water whilst back at the sheite hole they scrape an astonishing 0-0 v Blackburn
Their just a bunch of bottlers and their following is getting smaller by the day.
Don't hold back mate, say what you mean :D
It's tempting to compile a list of the those we consider not to be Wolves fans ......
Maybe not
Problem there is you’d have to consider to differentiate between a true fan and the super fan, could be a tough call?!!
Think it all comes from a line of a leaked email from a few years ago.
There's no actual evidence of it.
Yes I was aware of the email but as you say there’s no actual evidence, that email thing has been totally overcooked and taken out of any context it might ever have had in my view
I dont understand where all this **** fans and vile fans stuff is coming from on here. Most on this forum whether hugely positive or negative/ critical appear to be Wolves fans who just have different opinions on the way the club is run. I may be wrong but I think it is really harsh and wrong to suggest there is some sort of influx from the **** on here when you dont like negative view points or criticism of the club.

I really think the large majority on here are Wolves fans and I cant see many that arent.
New Poll:

Which ages better:

[] Milk
[] This thread's title.
Should start a poll - who's the biggest tit? The 1 who started this tread (and those that voted yes) or the **** who kicked the cat
Last edited:
Even I’m embarrassed to see this thread at the top of the list every day.

Fosun have clearly been brilliant for the club and we need to keep them for as long as possible.

Those getting so upset at it are now perhaps a little closer to understanding how some of us thought when the same sort of stupid threads started appearing wanting Nuno out.
or alternatively it suggests that that is not his 'argument' at all; this notion of Fosun being in Wolves for the purpose of trading players to make profit for themselves is a red herring as far as I can see; where Shi has actually made this 'argument' would be useful to know

This was from an Reuters article in 2019. The events detailed are from 2016.

I’m not frothing at the mouth in anger about it, I’m delighted with the teams results and was singing my balls off at Tottenham on Sunday.

As Iv said previously I’m totally accepting of the owners not putting large amounts of money in as long as they don’t continue to take the **** with ticket prices.
430 isn’t a lot of traffic is it, I suppose many just ignore the dumb threads.
Still 86% supporting Fosun is good considering 100% of the midlands less successful clubs fans would have voted on this one.
View attachment 26841View attachment 26842

This was from an Reuters article in 2019. The events detailed are from 2016.

I’m not frothing at the mouth in anger about it, I’m delighted with the teams results and was singing my balls off at Tottenham on Sunday.

As Iv said previously I’m totally accepting of the owners not putting large amounts of money in as long as they don’t continue to take the **** with ticket prices.
Other than the first paragraph it’s just made up crap.

What Mendes and Guo didn’t publicly reveal then or since. Haha cos it’s a load of *******s

An analyst who worked for Fosun emailed an employee of Mendes which detailed the plan, really! What a load of *******s.
Other than the first paragraph it’s just made up crap.

What Mendes and Guo didn’t publicly reveal then or since. Haha cos it’s a load of *******s

An analyst who worked for Fosun emailed an employee of Mendes which detailed the plan, really! What a load of *******s.
It’s says Mendes business partner not an employee.
Strange thing to make up I’d have thought?
Because You are allowed opposing views on the running of our football club.

I don’t like your post - why hasn’t it been removed ?
Your also allowed to support any opposing club you want, I do draw the line at Wonkets who go on other clubs forums and start unbelievable Stupid, Dumbass threads.
It’s like they are disturbed in the head, Maybe his brother has just told him he’s really his dad and his sister is actually his auntie Mabel, who knows!
It’s says Mendes business partner not an employee.
Strange thing to make up I’d have thought?
But he isn’t his business partner.
Strange thing to make up, that supposed journalist probably won story of the year at the click bait awards.
Have Fosun made mistakes? Of course. Managers, signings, structure and communication.

They've also done a lot of good for the club. Lopatugui (till Spain came calling) Nuno and then Bruno. They took a massive gamble on assembling a squad to get us out of the champ that paid off despite EUFA hitting us for it.

I get the self sufficient line and to be fair, It's easier to stomach watching young players make mistakes while they develop than some of the mercenaries we've had in the past. Our academy is bringing through talent and we're smarter with loans for the kids.

They also did well to support the city during the pandemic.

Both us and Sandwell Town are under Chinese ownership and I know who I prefer as owners.

I'd love a 50k full stadium and battling for the title every season but this ain't gonna happen so I'm enjoying what we have.
But he isn’t his business partner.
Strange thing to make up, that supposed journalist probably won story of the year at the click bait awards.
He’s his nephew and co founded with him the company which looks after Ronaldos image rights, so hardly “an employee” and clearly a business partner.
When people put up this story on player trading and the 'supporting ' evidence why do they not also add the later comments about Guo/Fosun changing their minds and now seeing Wolves as more than an investment (no I haven't got the links but I know these things have been said a few times by them)?
Currently there is no evidence of buying and selling players to Fosuns profit. They may not be putting more money in but they aren't taking any out either.
He’s his nephew and co founded with him the company which looks after Ronaldos image rights, so hardly “an employee” and clearly a business partner.
And he received an email from an employee from Fosun telling him the plan?? Yet they don’t show any evidence of an email, personally I believe it’s just a made up story that fits the narrative
Think it all comes from a line of a leaked email from a few years ago.
There's no actual evidence of it.

Yes I was aware of the email but as you say there’s no actual evidence, that email thing has been totally overcooked and taken out of any context it might ever have had in my view

This was from an Reuters article in 2019. The events detailed are from 2016.

I’m not frothing at the mouth in anger about it, I’m delighted with the teams results and was singing my balls off at Tottenham on Sunday.

As Iv said previously I’m totally accepting of the owners not putting large amounts of money in as long as they don’t continue to take the **** with ticket prices.

The thing that article takes out of context, is by linking those two leaked emails.

It's been a while since I read the emails fully, but as I recall, they were sent by different people, and were several years apart. I don't think it's unfair to say that Mendes looks to have a carousel of clubs which can work together to be mutually beneficial (" a complete system in global football").

However, that then gets wrongly linked to the "trading players is the most lucrative part of the football industry" quote, because together it sounds juicy enough to write an article out of. As far as I remember, that was a throwaway line at the end of an email about a separate topic. There wasn't a business plan of how to make a success of player trading, and it could well have just been meant as a "we're buying Wolves, but don't expect to make a profit from club ownership, as the only aspect which makes a profit is player trading" (i.e. as an agency).
The mods love it because it drives traffic to the site.
If that's your opinion i'm not really sure why you stay here? and that goes for those agreeing with you.

If you don't like it go elsewhere and create your own closed group with no dissenting voices to your own hallowed opinion.

For the record i don't agree with the idea that fosun=bad, and by the looks the poll shows the same, however people will always have an opinion and sometimes its good that they view it so that others can show them that its not necessarily the widely held view they had thought. But in your world that would never happen.

Kind of getting tired of these sort of comments, so well done you've probably got the reaction you want and can go back to your clique and claim some sort of triumph.
If that's your opinion i'm not really sure why you stay here? and that goes for those agreeing with you.

If you don't like it go elsewhere and create your own closed group with no dissenting voices to your own hallowed opinion.

For the record i don't agree with the idea that fosun=bad, and by the looks the poll shows the same, however people will always have an opinion and sometimes its good that they view it so that others can show them that its not necessarily the widely held view they had thought. But in your world that would never happen.

Kind of getting tired of these sort of comments, so well done you've probably got the reaction you want and can go back to your clique and claim some sort of triumph.
As you asked so politely, I will tell you why I stay on this site.
The Cricket and Joke threads are excellent.
I am also interested in the views of fellow Wolves fans in matters football. What I find less palatable are the contributions of the very obvious WUMs.
And he received an email from an employee from Fosun telling him the plan?? Yet they don’t show any evidence of an email, personally I believe it’s just a made up story that fits the narrative

If there was any credibility to the article then they would have shown the emails. They didnt.
What if they released an official statement outlining that moving forward the club must be self sustaining, and they've no plans to break the top four by bankrolling the club?
I guess most fans want to believe that their owners share the same ambitions as they do. Fact is, only a handful of clubs will challenge for the Champions league, and the likelihood of the likes of Wolves, West Ham or Brighton breaking into this club get smaller every year.
I am actually OK with that, but would prefer the Chairman to be honest rather than make promises he can't keep.
So yes, I would like him to make a statement that we have to live within our means and not to expect Fosun to bankroll us. I would also like him to put the new stadium rumours to rest.
When people put up this story on player trading and the 'supporting ' evidence why do they not also add the later comments about Guo/Fosun changing their minds and now seeing Wolves as more than an investment (no I haven't got the links but I know these things have been said a few times by them)?
Currently there is no evidence of buying and selling players to Fosuns profit. They may not be putting more money in but they aren't taking any out either.
Think you're referring to this?

This is the best Wolves have been in my lifetime. It's not about lack of ambition, it's about how we do things. Plain as day Fosun aren't going to throw money at players but have an approach based on youth and sustainability. The original project appears to be dead and for reasons that we can only guess at. However, part of the long term plan always seemed to be youth and sustainability so we just cut out the throw money at it for longer part.

We have people on here having a pop at other clubs' fans but some of ours are every bit as bad. Almost every club in the country would rather be wolves but it's still not good enough apparently. Unless we find a crazy billionaire who can also run the club well (two unlikely things) then this is as good as it's going to get. If you don't like it then you're going to continue to be disappointed and that's silly. Enjoy it!

Besides, as someone who knows a crazy billionaire or three, you really don't want to go there. You don't become a billionaire without being nuts, corrupt, or unethical. Fosun have their own ethics issues but they do know how to run a football business.

Fosun are not perfect but they make our previous owners look like the rank amateurs they were, however well meaning and however much money (relative terms) they put in.

Where there is an issue is re: ground - that's disappointing and uncommunicative.

Wolves 2021/22 have not always been exciting but on the whole we have very little to complain about. EDIT: Except doncks and trincao because being a football fan without complaining feels wrong.
Things change from result to result. Arsenal and Spurs matches giving all of us a direct feeling In the following week.
But cut through that and Fosun have changed there timescale and approach.
That leads to youth being brought along quicker and that looks good. But certain short term weaknesses are not addressed , and football is all about the immediate.
In the 1960 to 1990s fans never spoke after a match about the long term . The last match was all that mattered , the next match was 3.00pm on Saturday. And there are a lot of healthy things about that attitude. Not least for our mental health !
I wasn't sure where to post this so I thought this would be the best thread. Below is a link to a report on how well European football clubs are doing on Chinese social media. Of course cracking China is part of Fosun's long-term strategy for Wolves. Wolves moved up three places from 18th to 15th. That's very good considering the teams above us have all at one time or another competed in the Champions League.

This for me is another sign that the club is growing and trying to put itself in a position to compete commercially with the biggest clubs in Europe. Let's see where we are in 10 or 20 years.

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