Lower Quality Foreign Players

Not sure what the news is? Bonatini only got in by having an Italian passport IIRC. There was a rule about making 75% of their country's squads wasn't there? Clearly ridiculous as it just means you can buy from countries with poor national sides. Same rules for EU nations as the rest of the world now.
Yet another way to favour the top wealthy teams. Ridiculous. With var and no fans already, football really does seem intent on destroying itself with some other recent moves.
Not sure what the news is? Bonatini only got in by having an Italian passport IIRC. There was a rule about making 75% of their country's squads wasn't there? Clearly ridiculous as it just means you can buy from countries with poor national sides. Same rules for EU nations as the rest of the world now.

Somebody showed the FA letter to Sky -given the closing date for agreement is next Saturday I suppose there is an impasse only the Government can break .So over to Priti Patel -apparently she supports Millwall.

Just another issue to add to the Big Picture and European super League.Confusing innit.
Presumably the main effect is to stop clubs buying young up and coming players like Silva? But no problem with established international players from anywhere?
This comes from the FA who see Brexit and the changes to free movement of European labour, as a chance to keep average UK players in a job. It won't help the international side.
Nothing can help the international side as long as the FA have anything to do with it. All they want is money. Actual tournament wins are not important as long as enough Man United players are in the team for the purposes of global television viewing figures.
Let clubs sign whoever they like from wherever they like.

If a club really wants to sign a 'lower quality foreign player', whatever that is, rather than a high quality one, that should be the club's decision and they'll pay the price financially and performance.

Surely one of the argued principles of Brexit is free trade because we want to compete on equal terms with with no protective trade systems in place*. The ending of freedom of movement is something the country voted for to keep those pesky foreigners out, and keep us from working freely in their own pesky countries.
It's logical that the UK will use the VISA system to keep out young foreigners who could be taking British jobs. Why should Silva get a deal over Joe Bloggs from Kidderminster when he's barely finished his apprenticeship and hardly played a game?
Joe Bloggs just needs an opportunity. Local jobs for local people.

*Obviously apart from the free trade deals that we do want, which will be designed to give us preferential treatment over others. All we need to do is agree a FTA with the EU with an exemption saying "except for young footballers that we can make money on at the expense of Portugese football " . Obviously, we hold all the cards and they will cave in immediately.
In your dreams. Every foreign player (previously EU nationals did not) will need a work permit (the exception being Irish nationals). The FA can say what they want but ultimately the rules for work permits are, and will continue to be, set by HMG.
Can we swerve the Irish nationals bit. No disrespect but my Irish mates tell me the talent pool is dryer than ever (due to paying MON and Keane a kings ransom for some reason).

“requirements are that players coming to play here should be internationally established at the highest level; making a significant contribution to football; and not taking the place of already settled talent.”

Define "at the highest level". Does playing for Malawi or Panama equate on a par with Germany, Brazil, Italy, etc? If not, then clearly such players do not qualify, and only players from "the highest level" countries can be accepted. Who are these countries, and on what criteria are they to be judged?

Define "Internationally established". Does this mean one cap? Ten? Twenty? What percentage of (say) the last three years international games must they have played?

All very subjective, and as yet little thought appears to have been put into this.
“requirements are that players coming to play here should be internationally established at the highest level; making a significant contribution to football; and not taking the place of already settled talent.”
Already settled talent? That's one way of describing Phil Foden and Mason Greenwood's antics in Iceland I suppose. Likewise with MGW and Greasy during a supposed national lockdown.

Don't recall hearing of such antics from any member of the Portuguese squad, or indeed any supposedly 'low quality foreign talent' that has yet to establish itself on the international scene within the Premier League.

Foreign players have done nothing but improve the quality of the Premier League and indeed the home grown talent that plays within it - Conor Coady being a classic example. To restrict it will impact both the quality of the game going forwards as well as the development of home grown talent coming through the ranks.

Ludicrous and out of touch.
Speedway manages to get around it somehow, with predominantly young lower level Australian riders reguarly coming over here to improve and become generally half decent riders, they do have/take the places in British Teams that British riders could fill, however Speedway has long since become a minority Sport due to its failure to move with the times, and ability to shoot itself in the foot with its ridiculous rules on various things including allowing riders to ride for Teams in both divisions, If they can find a way around the foreign rider/player issue then im pretty darned sure the PL/EFL can/will find a way round it..
Can we swerve the Irish nationals bit. No disrespect but my Irish mates tell me the talent pool is dryer than ever (due to paying MON and Keane a kings ransom for some reason).
The only reason l mentioned Irish nationals is that there is an historic exception which will continue. I wasn't implying that Wolves will wish to take advantage of it (of course, if Mick was still our manager....). I'm half Irish by the way.
Why not? We currently have rules for non EU players

It stands to reason that when we exit the EU the current non EU rules will apply to everyone
UK has already exited the EU (l'm not about to revisit that debate). We are currently coming towards the end of Transition (where we continue to apply EU rules for an interim period). HMG's plan is indeed that the same immigration rules will apply to everyone regardless of nationality. That is also almost certainly why Wolves bought young EU talent over the summer.
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The EPL clubs won't sign up to this nonsense. Like for like, they'd be paying double for similar 'quality' if they bought from within. Domestic prices are ridiculously inflated.
Does playing for Malawi or Panama equate on a par with Germany, Brazil, Italy, etc?

Obviously not, and it never has.

"The previous system meant non-EU players had to play 75 per cent of their country’s competitive matches over the last two years – if the country was in the top 70 of the FIFA rankings. Any player who fell outside of that criteria would need to mount an appeal in order to obtain a work permit, although a large number of appeals were successful where the employing club could demonstrate that the player in question had exceptional talent."
Very encouraging development, far too many sub standard foreign players in the English leagues who add very little and stop the development of young English players. The big clubs aren't happy but this will be good for the English game.
Our best young soho abroad anyway which just shows the futility of the situation as they can’t get game time here.
While the Brexit driven rule changes are obviously the reason that the FA can change the criteria for EU nationals, I'm fairly sure that people who voted for or against didn't have their clubs U23 team at the forefront of their mind. In fact I vaguely remember the FA were trying to reduce the number of foreign players for a few years prior to that vote.
A possible solution would be to make the rules refer to a % of their nation's year group teams rather than full international? Of course, given what we paid we would presumably have gotten an exception for Silva anyway.
It's because of Brexit -the transition period is about to end and every sector ,including football ,will be affected.International recruitment will have to be in line with government principles hence the suggestions from the FA (see below).The Prem tho don't want to change.

The summer window recruitment of young European players looks really sensible in light of the possible changes.

If genuinely interested in the prospects of our players, they should put an end to the stockpiling of young potential talent, as someone else already said, and sort out the 'homegrown' rule - either have it meaning British-born players/players who came here as children (e.g. economic migrants and asylum seekers) or bin it off because at the moment it's pretty meaningless. I'd also like to see a minimum requirement for players developed in academies or brought in before 18, although to be fair to clubs like us there would need to be a longish grace period. Won't happen though and I doubt it would have much support even domestically, certainly not here on the Mix where there seem to only be about three of us who still care about the national team!
If genuinely interested in the prospects of our players, they should put an end to the stockpiling of young potential talent, as someone else already said, and sort out the 'homegrown' rule - either have it meaning British-born players/players who came here as children (e.g. economic migrants and asylum seekers) or bin it off because at the moment it's pretty meaningless. I'd also like to see a minimum requirement for players developed in academies or brought in before 18, although to be fair to clubs like us there would need to be a longish grace period. Won't happen though and I doubt it would have much support even domestically, certainly not here on the Mix where there seem to only be about three of us who still care about the national team!
This will make the national team worse. Russia brought in rules to stop the amount of foreign teams and are binning it off because it made the domestic league pony
Yet in ordinary business, our employers are busily finding ways to replace UK born employees with the cheapest overseas staff they can find. Quality doesn't even come in to it. They're cheap, they'll do. And there's always a way round the regulations if you have enough financial clout. Why should football be different? It's just a game, after all.
This has always been the case, but being part of the eu we could not restrict anybody that had right to live in the eu.
Seems to me like it is exactly the same rules as before, only our membership of the eu has changed.
Yet in ordinary business, our employers are busily finding ways to replace UK born employees with the cheapest overseas staff they can find. Quality doesn't even come in to it. They're cheap, they'll do. And there's always a way round the regulations if you have enough financial clout. Why should football be different? It's just a game, after all.
Well, brexit is going to have a big effect one way or another on that isn't it?
Strange one,as Englands national side is as strong as I´ve seen.
I grew up during the 70´s.Not a foreigner in sight first division and certainly no England side qualifying for either West Germany 74 or Argentina 78.
The Scots have probably fared the worst since the globalisation of the Premier League. Every side had a Scot in them at one time.
Mail reporting that the FA and Prem can't agree on post Brexit immigration arrangements and Prem may submit their own proposals to the Home Office before Saturday's deadline.

FA want to increase the number of players available for England selection.Prem want immigration rules relaxed.

If football can't agree then the Home office will decide -over to Priti Patel.then.
The government wont back that, it'll be a non starter. If not they'll drown in a bath of appeals.

Football in the UK is a massive income to a threadbare government pot, they absolutely wont want to lose valuable income. This wont be a sporting decision, it will become an economic one.
Are the ruling bodies just bored? Football got to the point where there was not much more that needed changing, was pretty attractive, competitive and any controversy was accepted as part and parcel of the game (even if we loved moaning about injustices). Then we had:
  1. Officials behind the goals.
  2. Failure in one European Competition giving automatic access into another at advanced stages
  3. Constant tampering with the offside laws
  4. New handball rules
  5. FFP
  6. VAR
  7. A new Europa League Second Division - making it less attractive to qualify for Europe
  8. Restrictions on who can be signed (obviously favouring those who can afford the big transfer fees)
Tell me one thing on that list that has made Football better.

Nowadays at least we can see how favoured the bigger clubs are on and off the pitch and can revel in Virgil Van Dykes ACL for week's own end.
FA win over Post Brexit plan says Mail.

Are we on the list of top academies -seems like preferential treatment for big six otherwise.

What we need to know is how this would have affected recruitment if it had been operating since the Fosun takeover.
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In your dreams. Every foreign player (previously EU nationals did not) will need a work permit (the exception being Irish nationals). The FA can say what they want but ultimately the rules for work permits are, and will continue to be, set by HMG.
Of course, it is totally within HMG's power, under an umbrella law, to give a general derogation and/or easing on the rigidity of criteria to obtain said work permits for clubs affiliated to the FA. I'm sure they can find a precedent somewhere or other. First I would look into, if I were consulted, would be the Commonwealth office, and some other niche areas including the NHS. They are there I'm sure.

Hey Wolfie, does the UK make use of legal notices to regulate according to ministerial/departmental discretion provided by an umbrella law? Perhaps they're called something else over there?
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Of course, it is totally within HMG's power, under an umbrella law, to give a general derogation and/or easing on the rigidity of criteria to obtain said work permits for clubs affiliated to the FA. I'm sure they can find a precedent somewhere or other. First I would look into, if I were consulted, would be the Commonwealth office, and some other niche areas including the NHS. They are there I'm sure.

Hey Wolfie, does the UK make use of legal notices to regulate according to ministerial/departmental discretion provided by an umbrella law? Perhaps they're called something else over there?
There are certainly lots of things at the Home Secretary's discretion (in practice applied by designated officials except in the most contentious cases). However such decisions are all potentially subject to judicial review.
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