PROTEST South Bank turn backs in 6th minute

  • Thread starter Thread starter surreywolf - deleted at own request
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I think the club should come out with Arsenal and state they agree with Arsenal that the level of Refs in this so called best in the world League is embarrassing .. that will gain more traction than anything the fans do.
Maybe the fans need Towel Power……

towel power?…….what’s dat?

Some years ago the Vancouver Canucks coach waved a white towel as a symbol because of bad officiating by the game refs….watch.

after that EVERY Canuck fan was given a white towel by the club going into the Stanley Cup games. Imagine if footy fans , home and away , all over the country waved something white as a symbolic surrender to the refs… could tie a small piece of white cloth to your car antenna etc.


I know we are without Neto but it's a bit early to be waving the white flag or throwing the towel in isn't it?
I think the club should come out with Arsenal and state they agree with Arsenal that the level of Refs in this so called best in the world League is embarrassing .. that will gain more traction than anything the fans do.
But what does it achieve? How are we going to actually get better refs?
I know we are without Neto but it's a bit early to be waving the white flag or throwing the towel in isn't it?
The white towel is a symbolic surrender to bad refs…..and imagine everyone doing it. It would also show the players tthe Fans are right behind them
Do it outside Molineux when the refs arrive for the game .

Watch the video…..about the minute mark.

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The only way to bring about the necessary changes to the system is to put irresistible pressure on PGMOL, and for that to happen all the EPL clubs need to act together.

That might happen…….it’s a definite maybe.

Individual clubs will have little or no effect, although Klopp, Arteta, and the like sounding off is welcome as we all know that officialdom is frightened of upsetting the BIG SIX.

Supporters having an effect - sorry but no chance.

What I would like to see happen, just for the satisfaction of it is (as Jade says), for our players to walk off the pitch in protest at the next major mistake by the ref or VAR.

It would make a point, but probably have repercussions for the club.

So, if the EPL is a first class “product”, it is fettered to a third class system of officiating. That cannot last.
The very last people those with power care about are paying fans. Why appeal to the converted? We all know what it does to the enjoyment of the game, yet we all still turn up.

The way any message will get across re VAR is when fans stop attending, or at the very least stop celebrating VAR decisions going in their favor. The same goes for players. When they score. Don't celebrate. Walk over to the VAR screen and sarcastically wait by it.

The day broadcasters turn against it is the day things change. And for now, they couldn't be more in the opposite party. Take tonight's game as a perfect example. Sky were buzzing their tits off about it all. Yet real fans saw it for what it was. Look at Postecoglu's post match interview. We all knew what he wanted to say.

56 minutes the first half lasted. 23 of those minutes the ball was in play.

I do thoroughly believe eventually a majority will all wake up to this nonsense, but it will take time. Even now, you'll still find a percentage of real fans who say daft things like 'Well I think each team should get a certain amount of VAR decisions per match'... Or - Well, they should be given x amount of time and if it's not clear and obvious bla bla bla'... It's this sort of mentality that prevents change. Stop trying to be clever and admit what you see before your eyes.
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What about the North Bank? How about when there is a controversial decision going against us, we walk out the stand. That would be more effective. The game will get abandoned yet replayed. Players should do the same.
The moment Saturday's latest PK beat Sa to the top corner, everyone at Wolves should have walked off the pitch. Right at that moment.

There were only seconds left to play, and we all know there was no way an equalizer was coming given the totality of the circumstances.

Frankly I'm a little disappointed that GON didn't figure this out ahead of time. And while I'm desperately hopeful we will not see another farcical last gasp game-turning decision against us this season ... IF there is, and we believe it to be wrong, we need to be ready to walk off.
The moment Saturday's latest PK beat Sa to the top corner, everyone at Wolves should have walked off the pitch. Right at that moment.

There were only seconds left to play, and we all know there was no way an equalizer was coming given the totality of the circumstances.

Frankly I'm a little disappointed that GON didn't figure this out ahead of time. And while I'm desperately hopeful we will not see another farcical last gasp game-turning decision against us this season ... IF there is, and we believe it to be wrong, we need to be ready to walk off.
I think there should be an option for fans to walk off, if a decision goes against us. We have the right to protest. It would make the news. We would be able to get more coverage.
VAR can only be changed by …….

1. The owners/FA……….do they want to? Unless they were motivated to do so.

2. The supporters…..this is the easiest but not easy. If done wisely it’s the course most likely to bear fruit.

3. Through the courts……thats a wild dream.

any others I missed?

In case anybody thinks its easy for me to suggest this or that, be assured that I will pay my financial contribution of any reasonable idea.
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VAR can only be changed by …….

1. The owners/FA……….do they want to? Unless they were motivated to do so.

2. The supporters…..this is the easiest but not easy. If done wisely it’s the course most likely to bear fruit.

3. Through the courts……thats a wild dream.

any others I missed?

In case anybody thinks its easy for me to suggest this or that, be assured that I will pay my contribution of any reasonable idea.
The pundits, and the people in the media, on MOTD/Sky Sports/Talk Sport. People in authority like politicians, newspapers, the media?
I give it 10 years and this will have turned away most proper football supporters. The game is no longer what it was and it all started with the introduction of var.
They’ll be hoping it takes less than 10 years. They won’t be able to put adverts in the VAR breaks while there are still proper supporters involved.
What about the North Bank? How about when there is a controversial decision going against us, we walk out the stand. That would be more effective. The game will get abandoned yet replayed. Players should do the same.
they do that every week at 80 minutes and the game just carries on. I hadn't realised it was a protest
This is a statement and question …….please explain what you mean.
I was just saying, that the people in the media, have an influence over how VAR/PGMOL works. They have the ability to knock on the door and get things changed.
How about all the players walk off the pitch on the 6th minute. That is unavoidable on TV. Yes we would get a massive fine but at least it’s a message that wouldn’t be able to be missed
I was just saying, that the people in the media, have an influence over how VAR/PGMOL works. They have the ability to knock on the door and get things changed.
It’s not their job to change Var and reffing so I doubt they’ll be bothered.
However, if they see enough ‘unrest’ from supporters then they will report that. Any changes will have to come from the fans.
How about all the players walk off the pitch on the 6th minute. That is unavoidable on TV. Yes we would get a massive fine but at least it’s a message that wouldn’t be able to be missed

Unfortunately probably also a points deduction beyond the Spurs game. I don’t want to give these *******s any more rope than they already have, so we have to do things which are visible and effective but which don’t give them any scope to punish the club further than they already are.
How about all the players walk off the pitch on the 6th minute. That is unavoidable on TV. Yes we would get a massive fine but at least it’s a message that wouldn’t be able to be missed
What possible consequences might the players do as you suggest?
I doubt the club would sanction them walking off.
I think everyone getting a whistle, and blowing the whistle after the 6th minute would be a good protest. You can get whistles at Poundland.
I think everyone getting a whistle, and blowing the whistle after the 6th minute would be a good protest. You can get whistles at Poundland.
The whistles may not be a good idea because we can be sure that there’ll be some twit who’ll blow his whistle during the game and get the ref really annoyed at us.

Whatever fans do, we must try not to humiliate the ref as it might be counterproductive.
If we get a couple of dodgy VAR decisions go our way on Saturday like getting awarded a dubious pen and Spurs getting say a legitimate goal disallowed, will the protest still go ahead?
That's exactly the time the **** VAR chants need to be loudest. We did it at Blades once on Saturday but it wasn't loud or sustained enough to get the Sheff Utd fans joining in.

Personally, I won't join in with a victim chant (despite my frustration at the moment) but I'd enthusiastically support 90 mins **** VAR singing when we're on telly. If there's FVAR banners too then fab.
That's exactly the time the **** VAR chants need to be loudest. We did it at Blades once on Saturday but it wasn't loud or sustained enough to get the Sheff Utd fans joining in.

Personally, I won't join in with a victim chant (despite my frustration at the moment) but I'd enthusiastically support 90 mins **** VAR singing when we're on telly. If there's FVAR banners too then fab.
Make sure the **** VAR chants are during, before, and after the goals, and the best bits. So it can be heard on MOTD.
There doesn't appear to be a consensus about what we're protesting here, unless I've missed something? It's either:

1) The issue of the quality of reffing
2) The belief that there's a conspiracy.
3) VAR is bost and needs fixing.
4) VAR is ****e and needs binning.

For me, #4 is the real issue, but I'm pretty sure a lot on here at least would disagree.
Send a powerful message by all means but not to the detriment of supporting our team, i am sure Spurs will love all the fans being on the concourse and not in the ground
There doesn't appear to be a consensus about what we're protesting here, unless I've missed something? It's either:

1) The issue of the quality of reffing
2) The belief that there's a conspiracy.
3) VAR is bost and needs fixing.
4) VAR is ****e and needs binning.

For me, #4 is the real issue, but I'm pretty sure a lot on here at least would disagree.
I'd say #1 is the biggest issue, but #4 is the simplest step to improving the game.
The problem seems to be that when it's a penalty in the refs eyes he needs to wait let the game play on and let var intervene like they do with offsides. Let the technology make the decision. It will cause plenty of delays but most decisions should be accurate. Or better still just get rid of the technology and let the game flow and accept the errors like before
VAR can’t re-referee a decision. It might be a soft penalty, but if the ref has given it, VAR can’t change the decision.
But it can and does in other countries that don't use the 'clear and obvious' get-out.
See Celta Vigo v Sevilla last Saturday. Ref awarded a penalty, told to look at the screen, changed his decision.

Neither do France or Germany seem to be suffering from the kind of idiocies that we are expected to tolerate every weekend.
But it can and does in other countries that don't use the 'clear and obvious' get-out.
See Celta Vigo v Sevilla last Saturday. Ref awarded a penalty, told to look at the screen, changed his decision.

Neither do France or Germany seem to be suffering from the kind of idiocies that we are expected to tolerate every weekend.
It sort of sums up the way it's been since the start for me. When Howard Webb took over there was a lot of media talk about VARs spotting small things and re-refereeing the game. So they decided the system wasn't working, and the way to fix it was to use the 'clear and obvious' (which is a pretty nebulous phrase) to set the bar for an over-rule much higher. Now we've got the mistakes like the last two against us which are wrong, but not obviously enough wrong (or most people who watched them live thought they were pens) to be over-ruled. So round and round we go, like a dog chasing it's tail, in the belief that the solution is just one more tweak away.
Maybe the fans need Towel Power……

towel power?…….what’s dat?

Some years ago the Vancouver Canucks coach waved a white towel as a symbol because of bad officiating by the game refs….watch.

after that EVERY Canuck fan was given a white towel by the club going into the Stanley Cup games. Imagine if footy fans , home and away , all over the country waved something white as a symbolic surrender to the refs… could tie a small piece of white cloth to your car antenna etc.


Copied from Spanish bullfighting fans waving white hankies when disappointed with a matador's performance.
I love this ! But do the players hate it as much as the fans ?
At last count, Wolves have had several players - across several positions - weighing in on their negative feelings on VAR, including at the front (Neto) and at the back (Sa), with Semedo and others also taking shots at it - plus GON, who apparently has had another conversation with Webbie. I would think they hate it far worse than the fans. When you get down to it, it's their livelihood that hinges on the results we are seeing the club being cheated out of. You think Toti is a big fan, seeing how he was deprived of his moment of FA Cup glory at Anfield?

These guys are all flesh and blood, with real emotions, and all highly competitive to have gotten this far. Of course they're bothered, even if they are professionals, and "need to get on with it" regardless.

Would they bypass an opportunity to celebrate a goal in front of the supporters, to show up an official in front of the VAR monitor?

I can only imagine the disciplinary blow-back, if simply taking off your shirt gets a yellow. The whole team, leaving the pitch to circle the VAR monitor, for whatever reason ... I can see red cards and suspensions there. Unless of course it was LiVARpool, then all is OK. :(
At last count, Wolves have had several players - across several positions - weighing in on their negative feelings on VAR, including at the front (Neto) and at the back (Sa), with Semedo and others also taking shots at it - plus GON, who apparently has had another conversation with Webbie. I would think they hate it far worse than the fans. When you get down to it, it's their livelihood that hinges on the results we are seeing the club being cheated out of. You think Toti is a big fan, seeing how he was deprived of his moment of FA Cup glory at Anfield?

These guys are all flesh and blood, with real emotions, and all highly competitive to have gotten this far. Of course they're bothered, even if they are professionals, and "need to get on with it" regardless.

Would they bypass an opportunity to celebrate a goal in front of the supporters, to show up an official in front of the VAR monitor?

I can only imagine the disciplinary blow-back, if simply taking off your shirt gets a yellow. The whole team, leaving the pitch to circle the VAR monitor, for whatever reason ... I can see red cards and suspensions there. Unless of course it was LiVARpool, then all is OK. :(
Have they though? I mean they've moaned about the poor onfield refs and the poor VARs, but is there actually a single incident there where getting rid of VAR solves the problem, have they actually called for this? It's turning into Raiders of the Lost Arc, you think it's about Indiana, but actually he has no influence on the plot!
Have they though? I mean they've moaned about the poor onfield refs and the poor VARs, but is there actually a single incident there where getting rid of VAR solves the problem, have they actually called for this? It's turning into Raiders of the Lost Arc, you think it's about Indiana, but actually he has no influence on the plot!
I think the players only want to get a fair shake of things. Several (plus GON) are now talking openly of having "lost faith in the officiating". I can't blame them, at all.

Personally, I'd bin the whole thing off, and keep goal line tech (simple and objective). Oh, and give us back some/all of our lost 6 points.
I think the players only want to get a fair shake of things. Several (plus GON) are now talking openly of having "lost faith in the officiating". I can't blame them, at all.

Personally, I'd bin the whole thing off, and keep goal line tech (simple and objective). Oh, and give us back some/all of our lost 6 points.
Yes, me too. But then I guarantee you that if they'd decided to bin it off at the end of last season and people would be all over here saying 'if only we had a review system we'd have 6 more points by now'!

I don't want it, but I don't think players moaning about the officials (including VAR) is necessarily the same thing as them wanting to be rid of it.
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