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Just doesn't shut up
Jul 7, 2005
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More truth or more Wolves media department trying to force through their "narrative" via the convenient stooges in the media?

You can bet that Nuno, like all Wolves managers, will be NDA'd up to his rear end and unable to say anything.
I think with social media these days there’ll be some form of leak.

Whether you can fully trust it or not, I’m not sure, but others have already pointed out how quickly Spiers has sought to change his narrative. (Ostensibly because he’s been drip fed something from the club’s perspective).

Deleted member 11332

More truth or more Wolves media department trying to force through their "narrative" via the convenient stooges in the media?

You can bet that Nuno, like all Wolves managers, will be NDA'd up to his rear end and unable to say anything.

Which is the way it should be. Even if he wasn't I'd expect Nuno to respect the fact that sort of stuff should stay private. You don't air your dirty laundry in public.


Just doesn't shut up
Aug 22, 2005
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Which is the way it should be. Even if he wasn't I'd expect Nuno to respect the fact that sort of stuff should stay private. You don't air your dirty laundry in public.
But the club are airing dirty laundry in public.

The start was Spiers' publishing of the media department leaking him the inside truth/starting a smear campaign against Nuno*

*take your pick

ricki herberts moustache

Just doesn't shut up
Oct 5, 2013
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Not particularly,

Winning stuff isn't the big driving force for me supporting the club. It's about other things before that,That's what Nuno 'got'. Rare in today's game of badge kissing mercenary's everywhere you look with their cynical passion making me sick.

He 'got it' and it showed.

I'm with you 100% on that

What makes a club truly great has more to do than with just whats in the trophy cabinet; I've no interest in supporting some plastic global brand, I want a proper club with everything that comes with it. You cannae buy that sort of success you must work hard to create it.

Bill S Preston Esq.

Just doesn't shut up
Feb 27, 2016
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Just a few weeks ago he assured us he's staying to honour this contract. That for me is the reason it doesn't feel right. I always thought he was honest, and still do. His mind could have been changed I guess is also a possibility.
Or maybe he was sacked?

Bill S Preston Esq.

Just doesn't shut up
Feb 27, 2016
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As has become the norm the last few days I'm up way past my bedtime picking over the mix...

Has it really only been four years? It feels like a decade. The transformation we've had under Nuno and of course Fosun has been incredible.

Despite the mediocre season we're box office now as shown by the coverage given to us the past few days, that's in no small part down to Nuno.

It doesn't seem real, I spent the last few months wishing this season away now I'm mourning its end.

In our choke season I developed a sleep disorder which took two years to correct. For months I'd lie in bed worrying about upcoming games and past results. I vowed I'd never take the game as serious any more...

Relegations, failed promotions and mediocrity have all left me feeling angry. Promotions, great performances, European fixtures have left me elated.

Nothing in football has ever truly made me sad. Bully retiring was sad but was inevitable given his age and injury problems.

Ikeme's leukaemia diagnosis shocked me, shocked us all I'm sure but there was a shared sense of optimism that he'd get through it - and thank heavens he did. Relief and joy were the overriding emotions after his all clear.

Nuno departing has just made me so sad. I didn't think I was capable of sadness because of football. I thought I was a far more reasonable person than that. It's ridiculous but I'm utterly miserable and it's my ****ing birthday FFS.

I can't put into words a fitting tribute to Nuno. My words could never do justice for how I feel about that man and what he's done for our football club...

I hope that on the off chance he reads this he can guage through my nonsensical emotional rambling what he means to me.

Thank you Nuno. Don't manage Tottenham, they could never love you how we love you.

Stratman Wolves

Just doesn't shut up
Jan 24, 2011
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thanks for the memories big man. View attachment 21523
Between this and VAR and nonsense in football in general it feels like an era has ended in my own fandom. I love this club always but next season will feel weird and awkward, hopefully optimistic but some time away now for better perspectives. Thank you Nuno for everything.

RJs Tankard

Just doesn't shut up
Apr 7, 2012
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3.30am and I'm still absolutely gutted by this.

Have we ever had such a bond with a manager?
Have we ever had a manager have such a bond with us?

Have we ever had a manager that has bonded so well with players?

Have we ever had players that clearly respect their manager so much?

The amount of players that have taken to Instagram and Twitter to thank and praise Nuno and wish him all the best is incredible. I've seen managers go before - not only from us, but other clubs too - but players usually just keep themselves to themselves and carry on like they're not really bothered.

It was clear from yesterday that the players love him. Any rumours that Nuno had lost the dressing room are now shown to be absolute nonsense. Players never give managers a send off like they did Nuno yesterday.

Managers never get a send off like Nuno was given - especially from the players and the fans alike.

Usually when a manager goes, it's obvious that the time is right and the decision is correct because they've lost the fans and the players and nobody is bothered.

This is why this just doesn't feel right. The players obviously still want him. The majority of the fans still want him.

It still feels like Nuno has left whilst work was still in progress. Unfinished business. I still believe that he was the man for the job. Yes, this season has been disappointing - but its been far from a normal season. With normality back next season, Nuno would have had us firing on all cylinders again.

I really hope now that this isn't the start of a decline. I hope the players don't start to feel dejected. I hope that the players don't deliberately play poorly for the new manager simply because it isn't Nuno (a bit like some felt Micks squad did with Solbakken).

I hope the likes of Coady don't start feeling anxious about what the future holds.
Before Nuno arrived, most people would have been happy to drive Coady to a new club. But Nuno spotted something in Coady and totally transformed him from a player that couldn't get into the team and, arguably, close to leaving the club to get regular football - into the first name on the team sheet and an England International.

I'm not only sad for Nuno - but I'm also sad about the club because I think that this could be the start of players losing interest and a decline of the team and club again.


Oct 1, 2016
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I had already posted in this thread, sarcastic, cynical, but deep down hopelessly optimistic. I have no magic words, no combination of words that can be divined from the 100 monkeys in my head with typewriters, mythically able to write Shakespeare. Alas, now I have stewed in the effervescence of a solemn goodbye to one Nuno Espirito Santo I believe I am ready to say my own.

I was, am and always will be a statistician, armchair manager and true lover of the the studious side of the game. I consider my self much like Nuno in this, and my deep love story with Wolves was all the deeper for it. Truth be told I started supporting wolves in the season prior to promotion under McCarthy. I'd chosen a team for the first time and as I grew up on the cusp of an Albion dominated area, I was ridiculed, Ha league 1 what was I thinking when I could pretend my uncle was from Manchester.

Truth be told even through the ups and the downs of this period and the endless malaise of the middle of the championship I started every season hopeful. Alas, most seasons ended with me asking the question 'How much trouble would I really get in for quietly disposing of Jez Moxey?'.

Cue Nuno. It started in pre-season somebody finally shouting at Doherty to pay attention. 'Mett, Mett get away from that ball' as he tried to take a throw in. An infectious and upfront way of dealing with people, a bitter dislike for the media and a slyness to the hints about Neves joining and I was quietly optimistic of this man, who for better or worse, still needed to prove himself on the field.

The championship season went on like a blur we were on our way back. The two games I can honestly remember are Bristol city, I watched it while working as a manager at a bar. This game was important for me as a fan because I never cheered or shouted, I quietly watched on and analysed every pass, every move off the ball, every 50:50. But my fellow manager who was just clocking off said to me 'after such an early red you're lucky to draw' so I said 'No. There's time.' Benno's goal went in, and I think at the time he looked more shocked than me. As Nuno screamed in the stands I thumped down on the table and cheered so loud half the pub looked at me. I've never been a model professional, so don't judge how wolves made me lose my head, but in that moment I felt more connected to the club than I ever had, and Nuno gave me that moment.

Over the next 2 years there were ups, and downs, but some very special moments that cemented my love for the game. I have watched every game this year that I have not been otherwise disposed for and I have poured over the results of every women's, academy or loanees game far and wide.

I'm 25, I didn't have my dad forcing me to games as soon as I understood what a football was. Nuno, with his passion, has instilled in me a love for this club that will never fade, and for that I am forever grateful. I say with confidence, there are hundreds of fans just like me, quietly interested but not connected that now have the wolves bug thanks to Nuno and that's the most important part of this.

So for all you have done and achieved, for what you have made me feel, for parting amicably now it is time, and bonding with us fans like no other. OBRIGADO SENHOR.

You are eternally welcome in the fine city of Wolverhampton, and I hope the next manager has even half the impact on the fans you did. But don't mistake me, I am serious, return as sporting director and keep your passion flowing for this club.


Just doesn't shut up
May 20, 2020
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Thanks for the 3 best league finishes of my lifetime.
Thanks for winning the Championship.
Thanks for taking us to a Europa League Quarter Final.
Thanks for taking us to the FA Cup Semi finals.
Thanks for all the priceless memories experienced on the way of all the above.

But most of all thanks for being Nuno! For uniting our football club and city. It was always 'us vs the world' under Nuno and I'm proud to be have had him at the helm of the 'us'.

Some people like to knock or have sly digs at Wolverhampton and this area (including many on here) but not Nuno. He saw what most Wulfrunian's understand, it may not be the trendiest of towns but its got a heat of gold (or more appropriately old gold, and black).

The man took, on and immersed himself in our city. He took on the responsibility of being more than a football manager but being some sort of hybrid football manager/community leader (and did it better than anyone!).

Thank you Nuno for all you did. I doubt we'll ever have a manager like you again.

Together we were stronger.
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