I am a legacy fan - yes I am a legacy fan - are you ?

Is it? Is it really? Isn't there something special about supporting your hometown club through thick and very thin?
Yes. It’s pathetic to suggest that you’re going to buy a t-shirt that says legacy.

See my other posts. Our fans don’t support the club through thick and thin. They support us in numbers when we’re doing well - at least in attendance.
It really isn't. Executive leadership are responsible for delivering the strategy to achieve goals, and part of delivering on that strategy is change management, which includes how you communicate the vision to all stakeholders and compel them to join you on that journey.

I didn't feel a huge surge of inspiration from Jeff's solitary opportunity to address us. of course, compared to the Haywards and Morgan it was probably refreshing.... but football has moved on. Every club has diversification strategies to mitigate risk and deliver new revenue streams, we chose eSports, music, probably wearables given the relationship with Xiaomi and some of the relatively untapped markets. Great. But that's a given these days - if chief executives aren't doing this then there's something wrong.

The points he made are fine. The premise of the address was fine. The problem was the tone and manner of it. Making a point of distancing himself further then the anonymous status of last season by reiterating he's chairman of a group, not just Wolves left me with the takeaway that the guy is going to disappear again and do bugger all until he needs to sack Bruno in November/December.

Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, but his communication style and agenda has led a fairly sizeable portion of the 'legacy' fan base to feel this way. He had an opportunity here to bring the fans along for the ride, and of course not every fan would've been happy - some people are never happy - but you don't remind them of that and give them more reason to throw stones at you.

Fosun, Jeff in particular, need to remember the importance of PR. Football clubs are plate spinning by their very nature. Lose sight of the smaller plate and the rest will come crashing down.
The suggestion is that most fans don’t really care about the other stuff, so what journey do you want Jeff to take you on?

I get the feeling that even if they did release a nice vlog following the trials and tribulations of eSports it wouldn’t matter. The minute we lost a home game people would be too furious to watch.

Sorry, in usual circumstances re stakeholder management I’d agree. But this isn’t a SaaS company delivering on an ARR model with clients who rely on their products to generate revenue or improve process.

This is a football clubs whose clients are driven by emotion.

If some of the people in this thread, to use my analogy, were users of my software, I’d fire them immediately. Totally irrational.
suppose it means anyone that has a connection to WWFC , before our European semifinal.
Aaah, you must mean the 1961 European Cup Winners Cup tournament, where we lost to Rangers, which I remember.

So that must make me a super-duper Legacy fan. Yeah, baby, I'm better than you!!!!!

(No, not really, just someone who loves the club, like so many others on here)
Aaah, you must mean the 1961 European Cup Winners Cup tournament, where we lost to Rangers, which I remember.

So that must make me a super-duper Legacy fan. Yeah, baby, I'm better than you!!!!!

(No, not really, just someone who loves the club, like so many others on here)
Yes, sadly we only made the quarter final of the actual European cup. Damn Barcelona!
Hate terms like Legacy,Cancel Culture,Woke, and the use of of and not have lol
They mean absolutely nothing and usually in the wrong context
We are all "Legacy" fans as a legacy is what is left after a period of time and events,so even someone who has supported Wolves for a few games is a Legacy fan in a sense,and either way its just another form of entitlement in my view
Ive been here for longer than you therefore i have more say over what happens next,no you dont
Ive been supporting Wolves for 8 decades, i doubt ill make a 9th but who knows,but im just a fan with no more rights than the guy whos buying his first ST this year,good luck whoever that is enjoy the ride,i know i have :)
I listen to a few of the fan podcasts and one of the better ones is the Whole Lotta Wolves. That's a mix of older and newer Wolves fans, British and American, but they all have the same emotions.

OK, so I can ignore it and enjoy the extra revenue and we can compete with the Big 6, great.

Except if I was a kid who only knew PL football as a brand, I'd still be City or Liverpool. If I was Korean I might be interested to see a team with a countryman playing, but I'd pick the outstanding one at Spurs, not the one shoehorned into Wolves.

It might be a market we should be in, but it'll never make us compete with teams that are more successful, and particularly not if it starts actually making us less successful.

Didn't say ignore it, especially if it really is not palatable to you. Just can't see what else Fosun can do to grow revenue. And no, they can't simply sell as any new owner is restricted also no matter how much cash they have.

Question though - how else do they increase revenues? Or would you rather us become just another unattractive black country yo yo club like albion who do ok and afford a cracking at the prem every now and again as they'll never afford to do better?

Leicester got world wide recognition for winning the title yet are still not a big enough club to finance repeated challenges for success. Fosuns is a strategy that could take years to see the full impact but if you want to accept that they are a faceless corporate machine then accept that they will not let their asset decline. Absolutely not so investment will keep us where we are at least.
Being a legacy fan basically means your an old git who has supported the Wolves for years. I've been supporting since the 1950s as a kid when dad listened to the sports reports as he checked his coupon and I was hooked making my 250 mile round trips as soon as i was able to get to the Molineux when I started working and had money.
The name of the club and ground with gold and black colours and a magnificent team playing in front of huge crowds, Billy, the England captain and the pin up boy of time as I collected team photos and player cards from bubble gum packets as I grew up. My wife got a brick for a present in the Steve Bull stand some years ago so a part of Molineux is mine along with my daughter who also has a brick in the same area.
I started supporting Wolves after transferring from Man Utd when it looked like we were going to walk the Championship.

I've followed us through thick and thin and kept the faith after watching us lose twice to Huddersfield, lose to Sandwell, bottle an FA cup semi final, and throw away Europe this season.

I'm in for the long haul, unless Forest are really good...
The sad truth is if I wasn't a legacy fan I probably would never have followed Wolves as I'd have found it hard to afford or even get tickets. As I've said before we sold English football down the river and lapped it up. It's all about globalisation and commercialisation. And the less said about the owners the better. Russian oligarch? Step this way. Qatar Royalty? No problem. We pretend we care about societal issues and yet some of the very worst people own our football clubs and have a direct impact on the game we hold (maybe it should be held) so dear. Why we celebrate teams chock full foreign players where once they were British is truly beyond me. And you can't tell me we didn't have great team in the past that beat the best of Europe that didn't rely solely on players from abroad. The fact is that football is becoming rootless and fans toothless.

PS - Wolverhampton Wanderers would never have existed without the people of Wolverhampton. Now the people of Wolverhampton are largely irrelevant to the existence of the club.
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It really isn't. Executive leadership are responsible for delivering the strategy to achieve goals, and part of delivering on that strategy is change management, which includes how you communicate the vision to all stakeholders and compel them to join you on that journey.

I didn't feel a huge surge of inspiration from Jeff's solitary opportunity to address us. of course, compared to the Haywards and Morgan it was probably refreshing.... but football has moved on. Every club has diversification strategies to mitigate risk and deliver new revenue streams, we chose eSports, music, probably wearables given the relationship with Xiaomi and some of the relatively untapped markets. Great. But that's a given these days - if chief executives aren't doing this then there's something wrong.

The points he made are fine. The premise of the address was fine. The problem was the tone and manner of it. Making a point of distancing himself further then the anonymous status of last season by reiterating he's chairman of a group, not just Wolves left me with the takeaway that the guy is going to disappear again and do bugger all until he needs to sack Bruno in November/December.

Whether that's true or not remains to be seen, but his communication style and agenda has led a fairly sizeable portion of the 'legacy' fan base to feel this way. He had an opportunity here to bring the fans along for the ride, and of course not every fan would've been happy - some people are never happy - but you don't remind them of that and give them more reason to throw stones at you.

Fosun, Jeff in particular, need to remember the importance of PR. Football clubs are plate spinning by their very nature. Lose sight of the smaller plate and the rest will come crashing down.
I have worked with companies in the far east . They don’t get PR or the cultural differences inside Europe and USA .
A PR man would be great, but they probably won’t get the notion or the need .
Didn't say ignore it, especially if it really is not palatable to you. Just can't see what else Fosun can do to grow revenue. And no, they can't simply sell as any new owner is restricted also no matter how much cash they have.

Question though - how else do they increase revenues? Or would you rather us become just another unattractive black country yo yo club like albion who do ok and afford a cracking at the prem every now and again as they'll never afford to do better?

Leicester got world wide recognition for winning the title yet are still not a big enough club to finance repeated challenges for success. Fosuns is a strategy that could take years to see the full impact but if you want to accept that they are a faceless corporate machine then accept that they will not let their asset decline. Absolutely not so investment will keep us where we are at least.
I don't mind a video game, watching other people play video games I just find bizarre, but each to their own!

Leicester are trying to expand their ground by 8k. Let's forget corporate and say they sell those tickets league and cup to raise maybe £800 each, so that's £6.4m in added revenue. There are no restrictions on what an owner can spend on the ground, and then the increased revenue can be invested.

None of this really matters though. If we're running at break even then so be it, nobody should be demanding other people's money be spent. I have the same issue as with Morgan though, if we're breaking even, then spend the money correctly. Two key features - look after the fans who turn up to matches and buy players who will make the team better, not ones to make us more marketable in other countries.

Truth for me is that Morgan never had the vision to invest for a profit. Fosun did and did a brilliant job, but now they've worked out you can't compete with people who aren't actually in a market at all, but relying on being a play thing. Added to the geopolitics we've had the best times (I did repeatedly tell everyone to enjoy those 3 amazing seasons, doubt we'll see that emotion again).
As a 70's child I've seen the good and bad, cried with joy at the good times and cried in the mid eighties when we were at our lowest. Saw a lot of mates support Liverpool in 80's and Man U in the 90's.

However not me, never strayed not for one second. Supporting Wolves is like a marriage, I love the legends but it's the badge I love most.

Am I a legacy fan?......No I am just a fan.
Please provide his actual quotation to justify this.

This is where the phrase came from, and it was a disgrace.

"Super League Teams Refer To Traditional Fans As 'Legacy Fans'" Super League Clubs Are Focused On 'Fans Of The Future'

That's when this term was created. And wolves like other clubs resisted this move.
Do we not have any respect for the truth anymore?
Shi has openly given a plan as to how we can compete against the top 6 in time by developing our brand in other ways to get finances that otherwise we couldn't raise.
And now people are making up a division between our owners and our fans. Ridiculous. Crazy. And if you disagree with him, then at least do it on the basis of what he has actually said.
I wouldn't blame Fosun if they sold us and we return to championship mediocrity with only memories of the brilliant football and footballers we've watched over the last 6 years. Last season under Lage excepted imo. Separate discussion.
Just quoting this so people read it.
Legacy fans "a term used by football club owners who view their supporters as fixed revenue streams. Legacy implies permanence, irrespective of how poorly fans might be treated. They are banking on fans’ claims to follow their club through thick and thin. How far can they stretch that loyalty, love and obsession? If a legacy fan really is “Club X until I die”, then club hierarchies have nothing to be afraid of in screwing them over."
I see a legacy fan as one who the owners have inherited on their takeover of the club. Modern thinking owners seek to grow this fan base way beyond this. The question is, are these legacy fans rewarded for their loyalty or merely taken for granted?
I have worked with companies in the far east . They don’t get PR or the cultural differences inside Europe and USA .
A PR man would be great, but they probably won’t get the notion or the need .
They had plenty of PR men when it came to making and selling Hondas, Toyotas, Kawasakis, Suzukis, Subarus et al.
Pity they didn't employ the same guys at (insert defunct UK auto manufacturer of choice). Repeat for shipbuilding etc etc
Just saying...
As an aside, I just checked the meaning of "legacy software" in the dictionary. Apparently, it is as follows:

5) adjective; of or relating to old or outdated computer software, or data that, while still functional, does not work well with up-to-date systems.

I wonder... would I be justified in replacing the word 'software' with 'fan'? If so, what would be the implications, if any?
As an aside, I just checked the meaning of "legacy software" in the dictionary. Apparently, it is as follows:

5) adjective; of or relating to old or outdated computer software, or data that, while still functional, does not work well with up-to-date systems.

I wonder... would I be justified in replacing the word 'software' with 'fan'? If so, what would be the implications, if any?
Maybe match attending (legacy) fans are outdated or not functional by your selected definition, but doubt the club would continue to exist if they disappeared and replaced by global fans buying the occasional polo-shirt, but each to their own I guess.
Yes. It’s pathetic to suggest that you’re going to buy a t-shirt that says legacy.

See my other posts. Our fans don’t support the club through thick and thin. They support us in numbers when we’re doing well - at least in attendance.

23k average in the 3rd tier with a couple of 30k gates.

22k average during Lamberts spell with a 2,000 average on the road. Certainly weren’t ‘doing well’ then. Any ‘legacy’ fan will tell you ‘that’ Rotherham game was bloody awful.
Maybe match attending (legacy) fans are outdated or not functional by your selected definition, but doubt the club would continue to exist if they disappeared and replaced by global fans buying the occasional polo-shirt, but each to their own I guess.
No. My post says that the software is 'still functional''. You've changed it to 'not functional.' With respect, that's not what I posted and not what I was trying to imply.
Also, I wasn't suggesting that legacy fans would, could or should disappear. Neither was I suggesting that they would, could or should be replaced by people who buy merchandise. That came from you as well.
However, several threads presently active indicate to me that at least some legacy fans are wholly set in their ways and resistant to any kind of change or reform. I think that is outdated. But as you say - and again, with respect - each to their own.

23k average in the 3rd tier with a couple of 30k gates.

22k average during Lamberts spell with a 2,000 average on the road. Certainly weren’t ‘doing well’ then. Any ‘legacy’ fan will tell you ‘that’ Rotherham game was bloody awful.
No numbers to build any significant brand on.
Whatever it is , it is not an insult IMO .
I know it describes me. It is only a subset of a wider fan base.
I supppse it means anyone that has a connection to WWFC , before our European semifinal. So a child of a supporter would be a legacy fan even if very young.
Just checking... European Semi final vs Ferencvaros or Glasgow Rangers? ;-)) I am OK for the first one then but I was too young for the Scots.
They had plenty of PR men when it came to making and selling Hondas, Toyotas, Kawasakis, Suzukis, Subarus et al.
Pity they didn't employ the same guys at (insert defunct UK auto manufacturer of choice). Repeat for shipbuilding etc etc
Just saying...
I believe those companies sold on the strength of their product , and they felt they did not require expensive European PR and advertising.
That is the point I was making. Product is primary.
I believe those companies sold on the strength of their product , and they felt they did not require expensive European PR and advertising.
That is the point I was making. Product is primary.
That's a fair point. Product is primary. That said, I'm not entirely sure if I agree that the companies I mentioned held back with the PR. 'You meet the nicest people on a Honda' springs to mind.
Back in the 70s when I was into bikes, the Japanese manufacturers placed bold, colourful adverts all over the place. When I was still in school my mates and I wrote to the manufacturers asking for the latest catalogues and received a whole bunch of stuff including wall posters by return of post. Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha weren't just competing against Norton and Triumph, they were competing against each other. I felt valued by all of them even before I was old enough to get a licence. That to me is great PR.
Then after we'd stuck them on the wall it was off to the Mol to watch Dougan, Richards and the rest. Happy days...
Legacy fan - someone who's been going to games for at least 144 years
So I was standing on the duck boards at Dudley Road, wondering whether to leave before the final whistle to get the next tram before the rush starts, when the bloke next to me shouted ''Oi, inside left, yow'm bloody useless. Me gran could've scoured that & she's bin dead since Gladstone was a lad. Ahm glad I day pay to watch this shower-if they ever mend the 'oles in the fence, ahd stop comin'.''
So I was standing on the duck boards at Dudley Road, wondering whether to leave before the final whistle to get the next tram before the rush starts, when the bloke next to me shouted ''Oi, inside left, yow'm bloody useless. Me gran could've scoured that & she's bin dead since Gladstone was a lad. Ahm glad I day pay to watch this shower-if they ever mend the 'oles in the fence, ahd stop comin'.''
There was somebody selling rosettes up town last wick. They doe care about us Goldthorn lads no more, theym after fans from Chapel Ash, maybe further off even!
Very pertinent comments from Mark Taylor, ex-Aussie test skipper, at the end of the test match. Talking about having fans back in the test grounds vs the time of Covid, he said...

"We're broadcasting to millions around the world. But it's the fans inside the ground that make the game. It those fans that make the atmosphere. It's those fans that the players play for."

Nail. Head.
There’s so much foot stomping at the moment.

The same legacy fans clocked up an average 20,000 attendance in L1, btw.

All of the loyalty talk goes one way, apparently. The 200,000 were always there, apparently. Apart from when things were ****, then they weren’t. They were genuine legacy fans at that point.

Now the owner is focusing on a sustainable way to grow the company their toys have been thrown out of the pram. They feel undervalued. Their poor feelings.

They want a new ground. New players. European football. Acknowledgement - of what I don’t know. Want want want. Until times get tough, then they **** off again.

Quit the ****ing moaning and realise that nobody gives a **** about your outdated view on the world. Least of all Fosun. They’re going to keep running the strategy, regardless of your opinion. And it feels like the right strategy, btw.

So bored of seeing adults moan so much about a turn of phrase. It’s mental.
I love you man.

BTW, I am not legacy.
Seems like I'm a legacy human being these days. The world has gone Instatwitface crazy.
They had plenty of PR men when it came to making and selling Hondas, Toyotas, Kawasakis, Suzukis, Subarus et al.
Pity they didn't employ the same guys at (insert defunct UK auto manufacturer of choice). Repeat for shipbuilding etc etc
Just saying...
they would have probably done better by just building better cars and cheaper ships.
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