Backing a Loser

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That's it. Can't trust a man who dumps his football team for a more successful rival just to look cool to the other kids!
Hmmm shall we take bets on how long this thread will last until it is either locked or shunted off to the OT wasteland

I give it 6 hours
Boris is more upmarket, he's a rugger fan!
Never understand someone who can change their football team.
Of course its a free country, but I genuinely don't get it.
A football club is for life.
I’m struggling to see the problem, apart from whether the change was more to do with the relegation than the move.

Couldn’t do it myself either, but my Uncle had season tickets for himself and his boys at Villa for years, despite being a lifelong Wolves fan.
He did it to help them reintegrate in Solihull after living abroad for years. Nobody likes the kids with the weird hoodies, slight American twang to the accent and more knowledge of baseball than football.
So he sacrificed his first love for them.
Until they grew up and buggered off so he could go back to watching a proper team.
I notice most of those making their snidey little comments keep well clear of the news/politics forum. Easier to hide on here I suppose.

Must be a lot of Murdoch employees on MM.
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