Have Villa Owners more Ambition than The Wolves Owners ?

Have Villa Owners more ambition than Wolves (Fosun)?

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Was listening to Talksport earlier with Simon Jordan and Martin Keown thinking Emery is behind this as he’s a control freak who wants his people above him.

Can’t say I have much of an opinion on Purslow apart from he’s worked at much bigger clubs than villa in the past and is fairly well respected in football. I have a sneaky feeling the new CEO will be someone from the states who’s worked in sport over there.
Do the 54% still think "No"?

I'd still absolutely say no. Havent seen any evidence to say they arent ambitious. They might not be able to fund us how we want, but that has nothing to do with ambition anyway.
I'd still absolutely say no. Havent seen any evidence to say they arent ambitious. They might not be able to fund us how we want, but that has nothing to do with ambition anyway.
Wouldn't ambition include plans to grow the product and develop the ground and potential revenue, a few tins of paint would be a start.
Wouldn't ambition include plans to grow the product and develop the ground and potential revenue, a few tins of paint would be a start.

No, i dont think so. They have already said they have plans to grow us, but the problem they have run into is a lack of finances. From our history we should know throwing our finances into developing the stadium isnt smart when the team needs work. I think everyone, Fosun included would love to rebuild the stadium and team together, but its not going to happen. The team needs to come first for now.

I think people do equate spending money to ambition and its not the case, they are two totally separate things. I'm hoping, but not holding my breath for a bit of a reset this season coming and we get smarter in the transfer market. We spend a fortune last season. We bought some good players but they werent the right players. Cant afford to keep doing that.
I don’t know if they’re more ambitious because I’m sure if you ask any owner the ambitions are similar in wanting to be as best as they can. Half the premier league owners have the same ambitions to get into Europe.

Wolves and Villa have VERY different owners with VERY different plans and paths to achieve it. Villa owners are the traditional billionaires involved in football, they’ll Chuck a load of money at it as it’s a play thing. It might work (it’s worked for plenty owners like that) or it might not and they get bored and pack off home. They’ve had that before with Lerner.

Fosun are an investment company they aren’t here as a play thing, ultimately at some point they’ll want to see a return on that investment. I think initially (naively) they thought with Gestifute they were going to build a network of clubs and the payback would be player trading through their network of clubs to outside clubs. I think they’ve probably seen that isn’t going to happen and their end game will be an exit move slowly by way of reducing their shareholding over time. I don’t think regardless of FFP we will see 100s of millions pumped in externally now until other investors come on board.
How in the blue Hell do we have the FFP problems we do, when Villa have posted operating losses like this in the past three years?
Loopholes sold their ground and bought it back but they can’t do that again they are stuck without selling a few next season likely to cause them issues hence why signing free agents on huge wages
Extraordinary, even with the £100m sale of Grealish they only posted a £300,000 profit in 2022. I am beginning to think Villa could be the next Everton - first UEFA sanctions are inevitable and a possible Premier League investigation at some point, you'd think.
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I would honestly laugh if Villa went bust, moreso probably than even the Albion.

Hmmm.... So much for the genius Purslow. Probably why he left... UEFA FFP problems incoming....
So for the previous financial year they can only afford to have lost approx £70m to take them to the rolling £105m loss.

If they were on course to lose the best part of £100m in the one prior without the Grealish sale that's probably a solid starting point.

Adding about £100m in amortisation costs, plus the additional wages, whilst recouping £50m but even then Ings from FFP is likely to have actually resulted in a loss, and a few of the other transfers likely just cancelled out the remaining amortisation costs, so that's probably closer to £35m.

Seems a bit tight to me unless they've got another rabbit to pull out of their hat.
LOL @Hot Fuss but you've blindly missed the point of this thread then because it's point is not about the vile..
It's about the lack of funds and ambition by our owners in the past 2 or is it 3 transfer windows now.
We've spent plenty of money but we have spent it extremely poorly
Read somewhwre they had a deal agreed for tammy abraham before he got injured on the last day of the season. Anyone at roma of interest as they always seem to be needing to sell
Fosun have ambitions to get us challenging for the title and in the Champions League by 2026. At least, they had that ambition. Ambition means little, overall. Have to have the means to achieve it, else most likely ends in tears. Could see "ambition" as being like the "possession" stat in matches.
Extraordinary, even with the £100m sale of Grealish they only posted a £300,000 profit in 2022. I am beginning to think Villa could be the next Everton - first UEFA sanctions are inevitable and a possible Premier League investigation at some point, you'd think.
Would love to see it but Premier league investigations seem to just fizzle out with nothing really ever happening. Of course that will be until we cross a line and then our feet wont ****ing touch...
If I could but can't change title of this thread or start new thread (mods stopped me)
I'd change it to "Villa Fans have More Ambition & Optimism than Wolves Fans next Season "

Example my local pub in Telford which is evenly split between Wolves villa, baggie and blues fans and friends..
Villa fans and friends have been fairly quiet last few seasons. Yet last Friday as soon as I walked in the pub the bar person wearing a villa top was serving me my usual pint with a smile alright Then he proceeded to tell me about all the optimism they have for the new season and then to tell me about our club Wolves are selling loads of players and mind the gap next season in other words.

Why have Villa fans got this optimism and their owners not worried about FFP.. On the contrary to our owners appear to be giving us now for next season??

Spanish manager like us spent as much as us last few windows yet no worries?
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If I could but can't change title of this thread or start new thread (mods stopped me)
I'd change it to "Villa Fans have More Ambition & Optimism than Wolves Fans next Season "

Example my local pub in Telford which is evenly split between Wolves villa, baggie and blues fans and friends..
Villa fans and friends have been fairly quiet last few seasons. Yet last Friday as soon as I walked in the pub the bar person wearing a villa top was serving me my usual pint with a smile alright Then he proceeded to tell me about all the optimism they have for the new season and then to tell me about our club Wolves are selling loads of players and mind the gap next season in other words.

Why have Villa fans got this optimism and their owners not worried about FFP.. On the contrary to our owner appear to be giving us now for next season??

Spanish manager like us spent as much as us last few windows yet no worries?
Because they got their manager in early enough to climb up the table and he isn’t adding embarrassment to an already poor position like ours is.

There isn’t as much in it as some people make out.. but you can feel when you’re in the ascendancy and when you’re not.
Because they got their manager in early enough to climb up the table and he isn’t adding embarrassment to an already poor position like ours is.

There isn’t as much in it as some people make out.. but you can feel when you’re in the ascendancy and when you’re not.
They’re also backing their manager which we aren’t.
Is there a single Wolves fan that wouldn't swap owners with Villa in a heart beat?!
No way would Emery work for this shower. Lage is their level now.
They have money to burn and don’t really care. Fosun clearly lost the vision when nuno left
More cash in the bank possibly & more willingness to invest
Is there a single Wolves fan that wouldn't swap owners with Villa in a heart beat?!
Maybe atm, but I still think some of their spending may come home to roost, and teams like them will struggle to meet the wages to turnover rules that are gradually getting tougher. Also mighty thors posts on another thread suggest that Fosun may not be the only owners with issues and that other Chinese companies may have to reign in in the future.
The only consolation we Wolves fans have (bragging rights) over Villa is we've beaten them mostly over last few seasons..

If we don't get the results or any points off them this coming season the tables will have truly turned with "mind the gap" bragging rights
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