Applause at 6 minutes for Arthur

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Been following it on the news, absolutely horrific.
Of course we will … RIP Arthur

How anyone could do that to a child let alone their own beggars belief …

I’m sure they’ll get what’s coming to them in prison (not that that’s enough for what they did to that poor little boy …. Let’s hope they burn in hell)

There’s something on social media trying to get all matches this weekend to do this
How about doing something that would make a difference, like having a collection for the ****ed up care system starved of resources for the last ten years that allowed this abomination to happen? Clapping achieves sod all.
What has happened is truly horrific and abhorrent but I tend to agree.
I can’t help but feel it’s tokenism ... and not sure what it would achieve.
What's that gonna do? Like clapping for the NHS. I work for them, and I've no problem with my wages or working conditions. They're fine ta. The problem is with under-funding of services, from 2007 onwards.

Instead of the inane act of clapping: please take time to have a look at which political party is promising to invest in Children's services and CAMHS, then vote for them. This isn't a partisan suggestion, if you're a Scot please go vote for them nationalist ****ers.

When I started working in CAMHS 10 or so years ago, our team numbered 25, it's now 10. That's against rising numbers of children with mental health difficulties. That's the child and adolescent mental health side of things, social care was absolutely decimated during austerity. And it was frankly dire even before that. These things will occasionally just happen but at the moment all the old protections aren't there. I might clap but let's remember there are things we can do to protect aginst this sort of aberration.
How about doing something that would make a difference, like having a collection for the ****ed up care system starved of resources for the last ten years that allowed this abomination to happen? Clapping achieves sod all.
Or voting for a party that's going to invest?

Or... if you can't bring yourself to vote for a particular party, applying pressure on your MP to take children's services seriously. It's a shambles at the moment.
Nothings stopping you donating to charity or supporting it in a different way too. I suppose as a collective group of fans the big thing is to show awareness.
But it's not about charity Jade. We're all 'aware' child abuse is abhorrent.

We need statutory services to be funded properly. Charities don't serve the same function.
What's that gonna do? Like clapping for the NHS. I work for them, and I've no problem with my wages or working conditions. They're fine ta. The problem is with under-funding of services, from 2007 onwards.

Instead of the inane act of clapping: please take time to have a look at which political party is promising to invest in Children's services and CAMHS, then vote for them. This isn't a partisan suggestion, if you're a Scot please go vote for them nationalist ****ers.

When I started working in CAMHS 10 or so years ago, our team numbered 25, it's now 10. That's against rising numbers of children with mental health difficulties. That's the child and adolescent mental health side of things, social care was absolutely decimated during austerity. And it was frankly dire even before that. These things will occasionally just happen but at the moment all the old protections aren't there. I might clap but let's remember there are things we can do to protect aginst this sort of aberration.
Well said. All this virtue signalling clapping *******s is worth the square root of **** all. The government is where the buck stops.
What's that gonna do? Like clapping for the NHS. I work for them, and I've no problem with my wages or working conditions. They're fine ta. The problem is with under-funding of services, from 2007 onwards.

Instead of the inane act of clapping: please take time to have a look at which political party is promising to invest in Children's services and CAMHS, then vote for them. This isn't a partisan suggestion, if you're a Scot please go vote for them nationalist ****ers.

When I started working in CAMHS 10 or so years ago, our team numbered 25, it's now 10. That's against rising numbers of children with mental health difficulties. That's the child and adolescent mental health side of things, social care was absolutely decimated during austerity. And it was frankly dire even before that. These things will occasionally just happen but at the moment all the old protections aren't there. I might clap but let's remember there are things we can do to protect aginst this sort of aberration.
Without wishing to turn this into a political debate, there is no party that is ever great on delivering on their promises.,or if they do, it becomes unsustainable financially, unless and until big business is forced to pay its share...
Breaks my heart, our social services /care/child protection system is broken beyond belief, there are some vile vile people/parents out there, my daughter is a primary school teacher, and she has police/family services meetings 2/3 times a week with what she has to report, and the children are very often left with their parents, shes mentally broken on a regular basis and dreads anything like thiz happening to one of the children in her care.

RIP young man, so very sorry you werent protected x
I’ll be clapping on 6 minutes for Arthur.

Totally tragic and abhorrent what happened to the little man.

May he rest in peace and those responsible rot in hell!
Not much consolation if you don't believe in heaven or hell. His life, which did actually exist, was six years of torture. How about doing something to stop that happening?
This brought a tear to my eye when it popped up on my phone.

Rest in peace little man. Please may there be a god and you a king in whatever afterlife there might be.
But it's not about charity Jade. We're all 'aware' child abuse is abhorrent.

We need statutory services to be funded properly. Charities don't serve the same function.
Totally agree, everything is underfunded at the minute (apart from mysterious companies owned by politicians’ mates).

My point is at least we’re showing there’s awareness in the wider public and it might put pressure into the people who can make the right changes. A bunch of football fans can’t change the law but they can influence the people who can. I think and hope anyway.
Without wishing to turn this into a political debate, there is no party that is ever great on delivering on their promises.,or if they do, it becomes unsustainable financially, unless and until big business is forced to pay its share...
Agreed, let's not as far as that's possible. It's a footie forum after all. But if the OP appears apolitical but is necessarily political then it's hard not to move it in that direction. In this case, I've not much time for either Blairite or Corbynite Labour, but both were better (in reality / principle) for public services than the Tories. In children's mental health services, where I work (alongside children's, i.e. social, services) we've been smashed to pieces by this lot. That's not political, just an observation.
Totally agree, everything is underfunded at the minute (apart from mysterious companies owned by politicians’ mates).

My point is at least we’re showing there’s awareness in the wider public and it might put pressure into the people who can make the right changes. A bunch of football fans can’t change the law but they can influence the people who can. I think and hope anyway.
Agreed Jade, and apologies if it looked like I was suggesting you thought otherwise.
Totally agree, everything is underfunded at the minute (apart from mysterious companies owned by politicians’ mates).

My point is at least we’re showing there’s awareness in the wider public and it might put pressure into the people who can make the right changes. A bunch of football fans can’t change the law but they can influence the people who can. I think and hope anyway.
The only thing that has the slightest chance of changing the conditions that produced this is ending 11 years of the couldn't care less Tories
To those who attend matches with their young kids, what will you say when your kid asks why everybody is clapping?

Whoever is arranging this, I'm sure their heart is in the right place but I'm not so sure the gesture is entirely appropriate
Agreed, let's not as far as that's possible. It's a footie forum after all. But if the OP appears apolitical but is necessarily political then it's hard not to move it in that direction. In this case, I've not much time for either Blairite or Corbynite Labour, but both were better (in reality / principle) for public services than the Tories. In children's mental health services, where I work (alongside children's, i.e. social, services) we've been smashed to pieces by this lot. That's not political, just an observation.
Tbh I work in health care as well, and we were u defended before the current lot got I as well....but it certainly hasn't got better. The difficulty isunderfunding is not put right by a few years of a few quid.....its loads of years of loads of money isn't it. And, sorry to say, but I see it getting worse. The population is aging, and many of us who have been at the coal face for years are knackered and will finish as soon as we can. Anyway, enough of this.
Yup . BSK, clapping doesn't solve anything, but perhaps raising awareness may help?...
Why has this turned political?

This is about showing a bit of respect and love for a little (football loving) boy that got killed by people that should have unconditional love for him.

Yes more should be be done (funding, services, etc) … but what’s wrong in showing that some of us do care and are heartbroken by this tragic death in the 6th minute of tomorrow’s match?
The only thing that has the slightest chance of changing the conditions that produced this is ending 11 years of the couldn't care less Tories
Glad you nailed your political colours to the mast so clearly on this thread :( . Perhaps we all need to step back and not derail it.
This minutes applause should never have been required.

I hope the systematic failings what have ultimately lead to the death of this poor boy are addressed and those in charge of the social services involved are dismissed and never work in that sector again.

I'm guessing they will "learn from there failures"
Tbh I work in health care as well, and we were u defended before the current lot got I as well....but it certainly hasn't got better. The difficulty isunderfunding is not put right by a few years of a few quid.....its loads of years of loads of money isn't it. And, sorry to say, but I see it getting worse. The population is aging, and many of us who have been at the coal face for years are knackered and will finish as soon as we can. Anyway, enough of this.
Yup . BSK, clapping doesn't solve anything, but perhaps raising awareness may help?...
Yes. I am trying to think of an alternative way of saying to the government 'do something about it' tomorrow, not just clapping pointlessly. Any bright ideas anyone?
This minutes applause should never have been required.

I hope the systematic failings what have ultimately lead to the death of this poor boy are addressed and those in charge of the social services involved are dismissed and never work in that sector again.

I'm guessing they will "learn from there failures"
They are grossly overworked and under resourced. Not their fault.
Glad you nailed your political colours to the mast so clearly on this thread :( . Perhaps we all need to step back and not derail it.
Well, regardless of my or your political views, if you can't see how the social services have been allowed to deteriorate over the last 11 years you must be blind.
Not much consolation if you don't believe in heaven or hell. His life, which did actually exist, was six years of torture. How about doing something to stop that happening?
Who are we to decide and do something?

Doing something is the responsibility of the authorities who appear to have let Arthur down. Lessons must be learnt especially when social workers visited his home just 2 months before he died and said they had no concerns.

I will doing something along with many thousands of other local football fans to show respect for a young life taken away in such an abhorrent way. Not much to ask is it!
Yes. I am trying to think of an alternative way of saying to the government 'do something about it' tomorrow, not just clapping pointlessly. Any bright ideas anyone?
I'm all out mate. Years of banging my head against brick walls with no one listening sadly....
Why has this turned political?

This is about showing a bit of respect and love for a little (football loving) boy that got killed by people that should have unconditional love for him.

Yes more should be be done (funding, services, etc) … but what’s wrong in showing that some of us do care and are heartbroken by this tragic death in the 6th minute of tomorrow’s match?
It’s people wanting to stop it happening again rather than simply clapping to assuage their consciences, not addressing the issues and allowing it to happen again.
Well, regardless of my or your political views, if you can't see how the social services have been allowed to deteriorate over the last 11 years you must be blind.
Far from it.

Enough from me on this anyway mate. I suspect we both have the same wishes and hopes, even if we may differ in other things.
Who are we to decide and do something?

Doing something is the responsibility of the authorities who appear to have let Arthur down. Lessons must be learnt especially when social workers visited his home just 2 months before he died and said they had no concerns.

I will doing something along with many thousands of other local football fans to show respect for a young life taken away in such an abhorrent way. Not much to ask is it!
Who are we? We are the British public. Who are 'the authorities' who have let Arthur down? People who work long hours for low pay because they care? Try looking at their and your political masters
When there's been a minute applause in the past for some being murdered or dying has there ever been a case when fans have started clapping but then their team or the opposition scores a goal? It must have happened at some time or other. That must be a bit weird. I would feel a bit weird clapping to remember someone who has been murdered but then watching my team score a goal and suddenly celebrating that instead. It would just be an instinct of course, but I don't know, it would feel like I was just following the crowd.

Of course, I would join in the applause but I think things like this are best in the correct surroundings. I don't know if football is the place. I suppose church used to be the place for it. I don't know what would be the right place now.
This minutes applause should never have been required.

I hope the systematic failings what have ultimately lead to the death of this poor boy are addressed and those in charge of the social services involved are dismissed and never work in that sector again.

I'm guessing they will "learn from there failures"
That's a pretty crass observation.

Maybe wait for the serious case review and see if there was a failure of any individual, it's usually some poor kid just out of Uni with more cases than anyone could possibly look after having the wool pulled over their eyes by devious scumbags.
Why has this turned political?

This is about showing a bit of respect and love for a little (football loving) boy that got killed by people that should have unconditional love for him.

Yes more should be be done (funding, services, etc) … but what’s wrong in showing that some of us do care and are heartbroken by this tragic death in the 6th minute of tomorrow’s match?
Because: you can clap all you like, and perhaps feel good about that, but to do something meaningful about it IS political. It ahs to be. Or else you don't really care so don't ****ing clap.

So it's impossible to divorce the suggestion we clap from what we're clapping for. Unless, and I hate to be crass here, you're just clapping to only celebrate this babbie's life and nothing more? It's not an either/or situation but... (do you know what I'm feeling provoked now so I'll just say it, and I hate politics on t'internet, it's just shouting): if you vote for a party inclined to reduce taxation and spending on public services then don't be surprised if those public services (including CHILDRENS services) are not up to scratch. It's not even complex economics like those needed to appreciate austerity made no sense at all (e.g. domestic economics are different to national ones?!?) it's as simple as: if you pay for a cheapo service you'll get a cheapo service. And kids will fall through the cracks. And the most vulnerable kids will suffer...
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