Tougher Measures Coming to English Football

Some good stuff in there, throwing things at players got massively out of hand last year and the pyro stuff probably needed to happen.

"Jumping on the pitch" needs to be carefully policed, should the fans at Villa when we got the winner all be banned?

As long as it is common sense then that should be positive..
Some good stuff in there, throwing things at players got massively out of hand last year and the pyro stuff probably needed to happen.

"Jumping on the pitch" needs to be carefully policed, should the fans at Villa when we got the winner all be banned?

As long as it is common sense then that should be positive..
Had an interesting 606 phone in on Radio 5 last night. It was a fan behaviour special and for once it was serious and measured. They had a social psychologist on who is an expert in the area and has done years of research into football fan behaviour. He was calmly trying to explain the various factors and suggesting that we have to differentiate between celebratory pitch incursions and the some of the idiot and violent individuals who cause trouble when invading the pitch. At this point Sutton kept on interrupting him and trying to manufacture outrage, the same petty way him and Savage do on a normal 606. This guy put him straight back in his box and said if he didn't want a proper discussion he'll just leave the programme. Then went on to go through the various factors while a chastened Sutton stayed quiet for once. I like Sutton's publicising of dementia on football but hate the way 606 has been dumbed down and turned into a taunting show that constantly tries to manufacture outrage to get callers angry and argumentative. Anyway, the podcast is available, it's a good listen.
I’ve not gone on to a pitch since about 1986. They can be as tough as they want, as long as the cages don’t return.
'A significant increase in fan behaviour issues'? I think that's an exageration myself; there's been a bit more, and I reckon the stats probably look awful, but we're not talking large scale disorder. I don't think I saw any last season except for some handbags vs Spurs at home. Also, what do bans mean... we're not talking lifetime bans for going on the pitch to celebrate are we?
'A significant increase in fan behaviour issues'? I think that's an exageration myself; there's been a bit more, and I reckon the stats probably look awful, but we're not talking large scale disorder. I don't think I saw any last season except for some handbags vs Spurs at home. Also, what do bans mean... we're not talking lifetime bans for going on the pitch to celebrate are we?

There was loads last season, but mainly came to light more because the pitch invasions mostly ended up with more than one incident of violence, E.g. the fan who decked Billy Sharp, Port Vale fans clobbering someone, etc.

Not just the usual pitch invasions to celebrate playoff / big wins and a bit of posturing. It got really bad at multiple grounds.

Society has gone down the ****ter behaviour wise but we can blame a mixture of the government dividing everybody in various ways in recent years, huge cocaine use and post-pandemic ‘release’ for all of it combined.

For me, I know fans running on the pitch to celebrate isn’t the same as ‘disorder’, but the only way to police it is to have a blanket ban and strict punishments for all forms of encroachment.

I’ve not once felt the urge to run into a pitch, and don’t really understand why any adults would. And if your kid wants to, just say they can’t.
There was loads last season, but mainly came to light more because the pitch invasions mostly ended up with more than one incident of violence, E.g. the fan who decked Billy Sharp, Port Vale fans clobbering someone, etc.

Not just the usual pitch invasions to celebrate playoff / big wins and a bit of posturing. It got really bad at multiple grounds.

Society has gone down the ****ter behaviour wise but we can blame a mixture of the government dividing everybody in various ways in recent years, huge cocaine use and post-pandemic ‘release’ for all of it combined.

For me, I know fans running on the pitch to celebrate isn’t the same as ‘disorder’, but the only way to police it is to have a blanket ban and strict punishments for all forms of encroachment.

I’ve not once felt the urge to run into a pitch, and don’t really understand why any adults would. And if your kid wants to, just say they can’t.
I agree with some of that but those ********* would already be banned and probably charged with ABH. If I'm remembering right, they both got custodial sentences and banned for life.

I think here, and in many other areas of law, there's a reflexive drive to punish in ever more draconian ways: something bad happens - get 'tougher'. I'd recommend Jonathon Sumption's Reith lectures to anyone interested in this issue: The Reith Lectures - Jonathan Sumption - Law and the Decline of Politics - Shifting the Foundations - BBC Sounds
In this case, I think the laws are strict enough, they just need enforcing.
Too right bang the lot of them up! Youth of today - don't know how lucky they are! No rationing, no blackouts etc.

Seriously, needs to be stamped out quickly or as others have said it will become endemic.
Had an interesting 606 phone in on Radio 5 last night. It was a fan behaviour special and for once it was serious and measured. They had a social psychologist on who is an expert in the area and has done years of research into football fan behaviour. He was calmly trying to explain the various factors and suggesting that we have to differentiate between celebratory pitch incursions and the some of the idiot and violent individuals who cause trouble when invading the pitch. At this point Sutton kept on interrupting him and trying to manufacture outrage, the same petty way him and Savage do on a normal 606. This guy put him straight back in his box and said if he didn't want a proper discussion he'll just leave the programme. Then went on to go through the various factors while a chastened Sutton stayed quiet for once. I like Sutton's publicising of dementia on football but hate the way 606 has been dumbed down and turned into a taunting show that constantly tries to manufacture outrage to get callers angry and argumentative. Anyway, the podcast is available, it's a good listen.
Agree on both the importance of a reasoned discussion (which is becoming increasingly rare) and the decline of 606.

I may only be in my mid-30s, but I remember the days when 606 had a presenter, usually a commentator with good overall football knowledge, who would introduce callers to talk about an issue affecting their club or the match they'd just seen (particularly away fans as a sort of match report). Sure there was the occasional ranter but they were quickly screened out.

Then they started adding a 'pundit' as an irritant, and now the two irritants-in-chief 'present' together, where it seems anyone with a vaguely informed/nuances perspective gets shouted down just so another deluded numpty can come on and say MaN uNiTeD r CrAp, which gets a 10 second clip for 'reactions' from other numpties but kills it for the rest of us - I can't listen anymore...
Had an interesting 606 phone in on Radio 5 last night. It was a fan behaviour special and for once it was serious and measured. They had a social psychologist on who is an expert in the area and has done years of research into football fan behaviour. He was calmly trying to explain the various factors and suggesting that we have to differentiate between celebratory pitch incursions and the some of the idiot and violent individuals who cause trouble when invading the pitch. At this point Sutton kept on interrupting him and trying to manufacture outrage, the same petty way him and Savage do on a normal 606. This guy put him straight back in his box and said if he didn't want a proper discussion he'll just leave the programme. Then went on to go through the various factors while a chastened Sutton stayed quiet for once. I like Sutton's publicising of dementia on football but hate the way 606 has been dumbed down and turned into a taunting show that constantly tries to manufacture outrage to get callers angry and argumentative. Anyway, the podcast is available, it's a good listen.
He's a shock jock buffoon, condescending idiot.

Will have to listen out for that
Agree on both the importance of a reasoned discussion (which is becoming increasingly rare) and the decline of 606.

I may only be in my mid-30s, but I remember the days when 606 had a presenter, usually a commentator with good overall football knowledge, who would introduce callers to talk about an issue affecting their club or the match they'd just seen (particularly away fans as a sort of match report). Sure there was the occasional ranter but they were quickly screened out.

Then they started adding a 'pundit' as an irritant, and now the two irritants-in-chief 'present' together, where it seems anyone with a vaguely informed/nuances perspective gets shouted down just so another deluded numpty can come on and say MaN uNiTeD r CrAp, which gets a 10 second clip for 'reactions' from other numpties but kills it for the rest of us - I can't listen anymore...
Yes, spot on. Now and again, when Savage and Sutton are unavailable they bring in someone else with a commentator and it is often so much better then. Pat Nevin is great on there for having a grown up discussion, even Mark Lawrenson does a pretty good job in comparison. He does some dad jokes, but otherwise he's up for an intelligent conversation.
'A significant increase in fan behaviour issues'? I think that's an exageration myself; there's been a bit more, and I reckon the stats probably look awful, but we're not talking large scale disorder. I don't think I saw any last season except for some handbags vs Spurs at home. Also, what do bans mean... we're not talking lifetime bans for going on the pitch to celebrate are we?
Think this is a fair point, and the psychologist on the programme (Clifford Stott) was making a case for how statistically small the amount of incidents are and how a number of televised all or nothing games in a row at the end of the season made it feel like it was a lot worse. Also, I think the Euro final debacle last summer is still fresh in everyone's mind, and that was pretty awful.
Sutton was ok when he first came onto 606 as he was prepared to challenge the establishment but he rapidly descended into being controversial for the sake of it. He and Savage are dreadful now - so much so they'd fit in well on Talksport - so I rarely listen to them now.
If you think it’s bad now, wait until the current crop of c.15 to 21 year olds come through. (Yes, I know there are exceptions)

Society, indeed life in general, has got progressively worse pretty much year in year out since the turn of the millennium. It’s then just been massively amplified the last 5 years or so.

Football is just a reflection of that.
Sutton was ok when he first came onto 606 as he was prepared to challenge the establishment but he rapidly descended into being controversial for the sake of it. He and Savage are dreadful now - so much so they'd fit in well on Talksport - so I rarely listen to them now.
Yes, good point. I remember Sutton was pretty good initially. Thinking back, Savage was okay when he first started the co-commentary on Radio 5 (I'm talking mid to late 2000s), had some good points from a footballers point of view. He was never going to be great though. It all went down hill once controversy became king and shows are made for clips to put on social media.
'A significant increase in fan behaviour issues'? I think that's an exageration .... we're not talking lifetime bans for going on the pitch to celebrate are we?
We should reserve the right if we ever get to play Rotherham and win a corner again surely?
If every fan who enters the pitch gets banned from the ground, then there wouldn't be many home fans at Craven Cottage this season.!

A good idea in principal, but common sense must prevail.
I think drug sniffer dogs could help prevent a lot of issues at football games too.

A better read…

I think drug sniffer dogs could help prevent a lot of issues at football games too.

A better read…

They have them at loads of grounds....
If you think it’s bad now, wait until the current crop of c.15 to 21 year olds come through. (Yes, I know there are exceptions)

Society, indeed life in general, has got progressively worse pretty much year in year out since the turn of the millennium. It’s then just been massively amplified the last 5 years or so.

Football is just a reflection of that.
I don't know if that's right mate. I do some work in schools and I find most of the babbies coming up to be really socially responsible. I struggle a bit with their interpretation of 'liberal', which I find to be very rigid and doctrinaire and, frankly, illiberal. But in the main (even though I think they're a bit too soft) I think they're actually quite open-minded and decent.

Society has got worse in many ways, but I actually think the current 15-21 cohort feel quite alienated by that. As a slightly socially conservative (but old-fashioned socialist) lad, I worry they exagerate and borrow too much from the US, but I think their underlying principles are respectable. I wouldn't worry too much about this lot, they're different to us but they're okay.
Something rightly had to be done after player assaults following pitch invasions at the end of last season. Stay in the stands to celebrate and allow the players to do a lap of honour. Not sure players exhausted physically and mentally really enjoy being grabbed and patted on the head from all angles in celebration.
Something rightly had to be done after player assaults following pitch invasions at the end of last season. Stay in the stands to celebrate and allow the players to do a lap of honour. Not sure players exhausted physically and mentally really enjoy being grabbed and patted on the head from all angles in celebration.
But something was done. The divs got bans and prison sentences.
Agree on both the importance of a reasoned discussion (which is becoming increasingly rare) and the decline of 606.

I may only be in my mid-30s, but I remember the days when 606 had a presenter, usually a commentator with good overall football knowledge, who would introduce callers to talk about an issue affecting their club or the match they'd just seen (particularly away fans as a sort of match report). Sure there was the occasional ranter but they were quickly screened out.

Then they started adding a 'pundit' as an irritant, and now the two irritants-in-chief 'present' together, where it seems anyone with a vaguely informed/nuances perspective gets shouted down just so another deluded numpty can come on and say MaN uNiTeD r CrAp, which gets a 10 second clip for 'reactions' from other numpties but kills it for the rest of us - I can't listen anymore...
You're maybe a bit young then to remember Danny Baker on 606: the best radio that's ever happened.

He's incredibly knowledgeable and funny as ****. I remember his most lethal object you've ever taken to the footie phone in. I think a Charlton fan 'won' having taken a chainsaw in?
Can they start banning people with cardboard signs asking for shirts? (Sorry pet hate of mine)

In all seriousness though the drug problems are in grounds up and down the country, I've seen many people snorting coke in the South Bank it needs stamping out.

I've always been massively anti pitch invasions it was pathetic when we did it against Rotherham in league 1, the majority of the southbank turned against the fans on the pitch that day who were mainly bandwagon jumpers.... then the club decided to give a fan who was on the pitch a "fan of the season" award when the majority of fans missed out on the opportunity to thank the lads. It seems to have been popular the end of the season again we had the **** on the pitch at an under 23s game goading wolves fans ..... I know they don't have much to get excited about across the border but that was ridiculous over a reserves game, add to that players been assaulted action needs to be taken, didn't Mick nearly deck a fan at Barnsley when we went up?

Hopefully action is been taken against the fans who can ruin the experience for the majority however I hope football fans aren't been used in a political game when the majority of us are sensible.
Can they start banning people with cardboard signs asking for shirts? (Sorry pet hate of mine)

In all seriousness though the drug problems are in grounds up and down the country, I've seen many people snorting coke in the South Bank it needs stamping out.

I've always been massively anti pitch invasions it was pathetic when we did it against Rotherham in league 1, the majority of the southbank turned against the fans on the pitch that day who were mainly bandwagon jumpers.... then the club decided to give a fan who was on the pitch a "fan of the season" award when the majority of fans missed out on the opportunity to thank the lads. It seems to have been popular the end of the season again we had the **** on the pitch at an under 23s game goading wolves fans ..... I know they don't have much to get excited about across the border but that was ridiculous over a reserves game, add to that players been assaulted action needs to be taken, didn't Mick nearly deck a fan at Barnsley when we went up?

Hopefully action is been taken against the fans who can ruin the experience for the majority however I hope football fans aren't been used in a political game when the majority of us are sensible.
Jiminez please give me your shirt.

No, bob off, if he's gonna give his shirt away it'll be to a charity, not to some entitled little ****. Just watch the match and enjoy it.

I think the consequence for demanding a shirt should be you have to wear it to your first job interview.
You're maybe a bit young then to remember Danny Baker on 606: the best radio that's ever happened.

He's incredibly knowledgeable and funny as ****. I remember his most lethal object you've ever taken to the footie phone in. I think a Charlton fan 'won' having taken a chainsaw in?
My favourite was a man who called in and said that, when he was a kid, his mother had made him a wooden dickie bow tie in his team colours to wear the match. I can't remember for sure what team it was, I think it was Partick Thistle, but it was definitely a Scottish team.

Anyway, this wooden bow tie was so heavy that it would weigh his neck down, so he would be stooping all match and have a sore neck for days afterwards. He was scared about offending his mother, but eventually told his dad that it hurt his neck and he didn't want to wear it. So that he could still take it to the match, his dad nailed the bow tie to a wooden broomstick (minus the brush). So this fella was saying, in order not to offend his parents, he went to the match all season carrying a wooden dickie bow tie on a broomstick.

Edit - thanks for the internet I just found the call. I slightly misremembered it, it was Dundee United and some of the details were wrong, but this is comedy gold with Baker and Kelly.

My favourite was a man who called in and said that, when he was a kid, his mother had made him a wooden dickie bow tie in his team colours to wear the match. I can't remember for sure what team it was, I think it was Partick Thistle, but it was definitely a Scottish team.

Anyway, this wooden bow tie was so heavy that it would weigh his neck down, so he would be stooping all match and have a sore neck for days afterwards. He was scared about offending his mother, but eventually told his dad that it hurt his neck and he didn't want to wear it. So that he could still take it to the match, his dad nailed the bow tie to a wooden broomstick (minus the brush). So this fella was saying, in order not to offend his parents, he went to the match all season carrying a wooden dickie bow tie on a broomstick.

Edit - thanks for the internet I just found the call. I slightly misremembered it, it was Dundee United and some of the details were wrong, but this is comedy gold with Baker and Kelly.

Brilliant, 2 foot wide ! Danny Baker yet another one lost forever to woke cancel culture.
Personally I like the pyros / flares. I thought they had safe flares now?
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