Things that grinds your gears


Just doesn't shut up
Jun 15, 2011
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What things annoy you for no apparent reason.

People who cut their grass with a strimmer instead of a lawn mower

People acting like they live in Harlem, despite growing up in Wolverhampton

Glory hunters

Vinegar bottles with out the stopper on them

The cast of Hollyoakes

People who will happily vote in the x factor but don't vote during general elections then moan about the government
Or even the middle one when there's no-one in the left hand lane :mad:

Very true. I also get $$$$ed off now by how you can use the hard shoulder on the m6 and you have some morons who use it to undertake. Annoying!
People who drive with their fog lights on for no reason whatsoever.
People who drive with their lights on during the day!!!!!

A lot of cars have automatic headlights which come on at a certain degree of darkness, my car has them and they come on much earlier/lighter than I would choose.
A lot of cars have automatic headlights which come on at a certain degree of darkness, my car has them and they come on much earlier/lighter than I would choose.

I can understand if its just turning dark, but its people who drive around at say 2-3pm with full beams on!! Why?!? Causes accidents.
- Anyone who watches or has anything to do with the following TV programs; The Only Way Is Essex, Made In Chelsea, Jersey Shore, Britain's Got Talent, The X Factor

- Modern life in general, and the general attitude of my generation.

- Male fashion and men's clothing stores never having anything decent to buy.

- 90% of modern music... Awful.

- People who talk with posh accents. I.E most politicians.

I sound like a miserable $$$$$$$ but I'm not...
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1. Careless/ignorant drivers (ie, right hand lane hoggers, people that don't indicate when turning off, etc).

2. People that don't know when to use their, there and they're. Geeky I know, but it annoys me.

3. PeEpZ DaT TyP LyK DiS InNiT.

4. Chavs.
People driving in the opposite direction and start turning left (right for you caggy guys) before you've passed them, (if you had to brake, they'd clip your back corner.
  • Bad drivers.
  • Dangerous cyclists.
  • Plastic gloryhunters - Support your local team, not one based in Manchester, Liverpool or London (especially if you've no connection to those areas).
  • Reality television - Utter garbage intended for Sun readers.
  • Distasteful modern music - For once in your life try listening to a piece of music in which the lyrics don't mention any form of intimate (or otherwise) relationship.
  • "Banker bashers" - It's not my fault you're on the dole. I didn't bring your world crashing down around you.
  • People who live for today - Tomorrow never comes, right?
  • West Bromwich Albion and anyone currently affiliated with it in any way.
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Plastic gloryhunters - Support your local team, not one based in Manchester, Liverpool or London (especially if you've no connection to those areas).

Guess I'm one of those then

Even though Wolves have had very little "glory" in the 30+ years I've been associated with them :embarassed:
a broken clutch grinds my gears

women putting makeup on while driving
people who moan all the time
reality tv shows
false breasts
insurance adverts
sky tv
man u fans
man city fans
chelsea fans
jeremy kyle and his guests
Other people-each and every one of you,i'm a right miserable git lately.
a broken clutch grinds my gears

women putting makeup on while driving
people who moan all the time
reality tv shows
false breasts
insurance adverts
sky tv
man u fans
man city fans
chelsea fans
jeremy kyle and his guests
False breasts, I agree. I don't want a hand full of plastic.
"press 1 for" telephone lines
Middle lane drivers
The woman at my daughters school who turns up at 9am every morning, just $$$$ing get up 5 mins earlier and get your kids to school on time you silly bitch. I have no idea why this grinds me but I just want to shout it at her every $$$$ing morning!!
Lorries overtaking for 4 miles and holding up steams of traffic behind.
What things annoy you for no apparent reason.

People who cut their grass with a strimmer instead of a lawn mower

People acting like they live in Harlem, despite growing up in Wolverhampton

Glory hunters

Vinegar bottles with out the stopper on them

The cast of Hollyoakes

People who will happily vote in the x factor but don't vote during general elections then moan about the government

People who spell Hollyoaks wrong.
All of u chatting $$$$e on here!!!!!!!!!
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People who don't say thank you to the bus driver.
Nick $$$$ing $$$$$$$$ Smegg
Modern music
People who say music such as the Who are 'old' and make 'music for grandads' - I'm twenty and $$$$ing love it!!!!!
Illiterate people - I know some can't help it but there is plenty who can and it irks me.
People spelling words such as 'heroes' 'hero's' WTF????
People who write with no capital letters at the right time.
Americans and their self-centred ignorance and arrogance
Google Chrome for saying I've spelt 'centred' wrong!!! $$$$ off!!
Glory hunters
'Hardmen' -Yo, I'm gonna smash yo $$$$in head in blad!
Luis Suarez
Nick $$$$ing $$$$$$$$ Smegg
Modern music
People who say music such as the Who are 'old' and make 'music for grandads' - I'm twenty and $$$$ing love it!!!!!
Illiterate people - I know some can't help it but there is plenty who can and it irks me.
People spelling words such as 'heroes' 'hero's' WTF????
People who write with no capital letters at the right time.
Americans and their self-centred ignorance and arrogance
Google Chrome for saying I've spelt 'centred' wrong!!! $$$$ off!!
Glory hunters
'Hardmen' -Yo, I'm gonna smash yo $$$$in head in blad!
Luis Suarez
People who post threads asking for others opinions but not giving their own cough cough NWW cough cough
Playing music on phones, especially on public transport.
Jeans around people's arses showing their pants.
People who stand there holding their nuts in public, usually down jogging bottoms.
People who spit.
Shopkeepers / garage workers talking on mobiles when you are being served, then putting their hand out for the money without speaking to you - normally Indian.
Other peoples smoke.
People who stop for no reason in supermarkets without checking if anyone is behind them.
People who insist on turning up early, just as bad as lateness.

God, I can moan...
Very true. I also get $$$$ed off now by how you can use the hard shoulder on the m6 and you have some morons who use it to undertake. Annoying!

I do that :)

People will choose to ignore the signs and crawl at 50 when there is an empty lane when you can cruise at 60!

If you are an aware driver there is no problem.
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