Alleged Racism at Forest

If it's true I agree with previous posters it's wholly unacceptable and if proven the culprit should be dealt with accordingly.

However, I do have a small nagging degree of sceptisism because forest have form against us in making things up ie the podence "non spitting" incident.

Also I agree why has taken a long while for the incident to be reported nearly a week since the game was pkayed.
If it's true I agree with previous posters it's wholly unacceptable and if proven the culprit should be dealt with accordingly.

However, I do have a small nagging degree of sceptisism because forest have form against us in making things up ie the podence "non spitting" incident.

Also I agree why has taken a long while for the incident to be reported nearly a week since the game was pkayed.
I absolutely agree, hence my "if true"....

I note that the original comment doesn't say that MGW heard the alleged abuse. I can't help wondering just where these allegations came from.
Its says a lot about this individual if he had recourse to racism.
I mean the whole spitting think makes me a bit skeptical, but then again it was quite hostile, so I wouldn't be surprised if someone let their inner racist show.
If true the individual in question should have a lifetime ban.

Us, west brom, forest, Leeds, Everton,Burnley and any other club all have these individuals it's a societal problem not a football one.
I hope its not true but unfortunately it probably is. Imo there's a nasty undertone of the abuse he gets, and while he might be a ******* he's well within his rights to hate us the way he was treated.
How depressing. In the same week that the club puts the brilliant One Pack video out, some prat does this. If they’re guilty, throw the book at them, we don’t want people like that in the pack.
So a week later they have realised someone was racist to the ****? I'm totally against racism however I just don't believe this to be true
Beyond not acceptable if true but knowing our luck it'll be an instant 10 point deduction.
I’ve only just seen this. MGW is a first class cretin and if you really wanted to insult him, there’s a whole myriad of things you could say. Why do the brain dead ****-wit ****s always go for the colour of the skin. Some days I despair at some people’s mentality.
Agreed, but....... in your use of the word cretin you could be seen as being prejudiced against those who suffer a medical complaint, and as such, how I that so different from separating people out by skin colour? . As a species these days we seem to be almost random about what to find offence over. Many things have improved over the years, but the use and interpretation and reaction to words, whilst changed is different but in some ways no better.

And Timberwolf, I am not meaning to have a go at you, just using a word that you have used to indicate the perversity of language and acceptability
I dont like the abuse that his girlfriend has been getting either. Its just pathetic really. I am by no means MGW's biggest fan and the way he has acted since he left us when we have played against him but you can understand in a way his reaction in the recent game if you have people chanting vile things against the mother of his child and alleged racism.
Agreed, but....... in your use of the word cretin you could be seen as being prejudiced against those who suffer a medical complaint, and as such, how I that so different from separating people out by skin colour? . As a species these days we seem to be almost random about what to find offence over. Many things have improved over the years, but the use and interpretation and reaction to words, whilst changed is different but in some ways no better.

And Timberwolf, I am not meaning to have a go at you, just using a word that you have used to indicate the perversity of language and acceptability
Racism and homophobia are particularly unacceptable. Also sexism and discrimination against disability. Those are the big ones, nothing really random about it.
It’s yet another incident by a “fan”, which damages the club’s reputation and hurts a young lad whose career started with us; no matter how he has gone and moved on to pastures new.

I have also heard of a friend having to report homophobic comments made at the game as well, by a Wolves supporter who was behind them and that has been reported to the Police too.

It’s utterly saddening such incidents are happening again and again and again and thus damaging the One Pack mantra and Wolves standing as a good team to support.
It’s yet another incident by a “fan”, which damages the club’s reputation and hurts a young lad whose career started with us; no matter how he has gone and moved on to pastures new.

I have also heard of a friend having to report homophobic comments made at the game as well, by a Wolves supporter who was behind them and that has been reported to the Police too.

It’s utterly saddening such incidents are happening again and again and again and thus damaging the One Pack mantra and Wolves standing as a good team to support.
Yes, I mean I've seen people saying how it's bad that this comes out at the same time as the video, but the sad truth is that we wouldn't need to make a One Pack video if we were actually one pack!
Agreed, but....... in your use of the word cretin you could be seen as being prejudiced against those who suffer a medical complaint, and as such, how I that so different from separating people out by skin colour? . As a species these days we seem to be almost random about what to find offence over. Many things have improved over the years, but the use and interpretation and reaction to words, whilst changed is different but in some ways no better.

And Timberwolf, I am not meaning to have a go at you, just using a word that you have used to indicate the perversity of language and acceptability
Very true and slightly scary in that your example shows just how easy it can be to miss potentially offensive language. Sometimes all that you can do is change it when it is flagged.
I’ve only just seen this. MGW is a first class cretin and if you really wanted to insult him, there’s a whole myriad of things you could say. Why do the brain dead ****-wit ****s always go for the colour of the skin. Some days I despair at some people’s mentality.
I find the term "brain dead" equally unsavoury.
I wouldn't rush to judgement on this. Let's see the evidence. They created a song and dance about Podence's "spitting" and in the end there was no case to answer. They have form for being economical with the truth when it suits them.
I think that most people feel similarly hence the proliferation of variants on 'if true" in the comments.
It’s yet another incident by a “fan”, which damages the club’s reputation and hurts a young lad whose career started with us; no matter how he has gone and moved on to pastures new.

I have also heard of a friend having to report homophobic comments made at the game as well, by a Wolves supporter who was behind them and that has been reported to the Police too.

It’s utterly saddening such incidents are happening again and again and again and thus damaging the One Pack mantra and Wolves standing as a good team to support.

At the moment Kashmire, we don’t know if it happened.

The lad has form for lying and “seeing” something that didn’t happen and making his lies “official record”

Not trying to minimise it, but on this one, I will wait to hear the verdict of an investigation before I chastise someone against a lad who was willing to tell easily disproved lies in an official hearing that could have caused significant repetitional harm and damage to Podence’s reputation and career.

The homophobic abuse your friend heard is deplorable and I hope that fan who did it, gets the strongest punishment.

No room for bigotry or that kind of behaviour in sport!

Let’s wait and see what happens with an investigation. If it has happened (I pray it hasn’t) then that person is scum and has no place in the pack!
At the moment Kashmire, we don’t know if it happened.

The lad has form for lying and “seeing” something that didn’t happen and making his lies “official record”

Not trying to minimise it, but on this one, I will wait to hear the verdict of an investigation before I chastise someone against a lad who was willing to tell easily disproved lies in an official hearing that could have caused significant repetitional harm and damage to Podence’s reputation and career.

The homophobic abuse your friend heard is deplorable and I hope that fan who did it, gets the strongest punishment.

No room for bigotry or that kind of behaviour in sport!

Let’s wait and see what happens with an investigation. If it has happened (I pray it hasn’t) then that person is scum and has no place in the pack!
Do we know if it was MGW himself who reported it?
Do we know if it was MGW himself who reported it?

No, I am sorry. I should have said MGW and Forest as a club have a record of making “official complaints” on something that didn’t happen.

So forgive me for not putting Forest on the post too
I meant it as ‘unthinking’ but hey, compare it equally with racism if you like.
Just think about what you're saying, the same way I would be regarding the use of any words that could be deemed racist.
Both are equally abhorrent, if that clears it up for you.
Not really. There’s no equivalence with racism. Sorry!
Descrimination based on disability

I think there isn’t any of those listed including racism that is more important than the other when the abuse is aimed at that protected class
If it’s true, it’s deplorable and the person(s) responsible should be banned.

But as many others have said, it’s strange for this to be reported almost a week later, and NF have form for making complaints that don’t withstand scrutiny. Maybe MGW is facing trouble for his incitement towards the away fans after his goal?
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