Noha Lemina

I get a good vibe from Noha. He's stocky and quick, and in his highlights he's clearly fleet footed. Hopefully under the wing of his brother who will keep him level headed, and GON's tutelage, he could play a role here with time. It's more likely he ends up somewhere on loan next season, but you never know.
That is really harsh. He is 18. Imagine how nervous you would be at that age meeting all those people at once. He also doesnt speak much English.
It was incredibly harsh and poorly judged. I can only imagine how nervous I’d have been at his age, foreign country, meeting a load of senior pros and not knowing the language.
I really enjoyed that video and always love the way we show a sneak peak documentary style. A slight insight to it all and I love it.

He is a young lad who is nervous but gotta be having crazy butterflies especially as big bro is there to mentor him socially and integrate him. Really bloody good video. Welcome Noha and lets see if you can beat Neto in a foot race :D

Lovely jubly
Are you so desperate to moan that you forgot his dad died recently, or such a horror that you just don't care?
Well his family who were with him seemed happy enough. I’m well aware his dad passed a few weeks ago and it must have been tough, I wish him all the best.
He looked miserable in that video. At least put in half a smile and make an effort.
He's a kid who's lost his dad, moving to a new country, he's going to have to learn a new language.... I bet most people would be a little bit within themselves at the age of 18 with all that happening.

He will be supported here he's got his brother and also our captain lost his dad at a relatively young age.
I wonder if a part of the deal was to get Noah closer to Mario after the passing of their father. The lads only 18 so having his big brother around him could be a big help.

Also, wonder if his struggles in Italy are due to him failing to adapt to living in another country.

Hopefully, he adapts well and has a good future here. I like how we’re signing promising attacking players like Noah Lemina and Enso. Brighton esk
I wonder if a part of the deal was to get Noah closer to Mario after the passing of their father. The lads only 18 so having his big brother around him could be a big help.

Also, wonder if his struggles in Italy are due to him failing to adapt to living in another country.

Hopefully, he adapts well and has a good future here. I like how we’re signing promising attacking players like Noah Lemina and Enso. Brighton esk
I reckon part of why he didn’t settle in Italy was Mr Lemina’s health. Didn’t Gary O’Neil say that Mario had been playing for a while knowing his father was poorly.

Your last point is spot on too, I reckon Noha, Enso and Nathan Fraser could save us a lot of money in the future.
I wonder if a part of the deal was to get Noah closer to Mario after the passing of their father. The lads only 18 so having his big brother around him could be a big help.

Also, wonder if his struggles in Italy are due to him failing to adapt to living in another country.

Hopefully, he adapts well and has a good future here. I like how we’re signing promising attacking players like Noah Lemina and Enso. Brighton esk
I think thats an obvious one mate 100 percent he was on a watchlist of youngsters but the death of father and supporting Mario bought him up the list
I reckon part of why he didn’t settle in Italy was Mr Lemina’s health. Didn’t Gary O’Neil say that Mario had been playing for a while knowing his father was poorly.

Your last point is spot on too, I reckon Noha, Enso and Nathan Fraser could save us a lot of money in the future.
Mario alluded to his father being in a coma during a post match interview (maybe after Tottenham), which fits with this. That's a really hard thing for a family.
You make it sound like he's just moved up to big school!!
I guess he has in a way! Mario doing a magnificent job here - great humor. You could see Noah relaxing when he didn't have the camera on him and then putting a serious game face on when he was in public. Looked as though he really wanted to do a good job and wanted to come across seriously.
Very impressed , this is all about being a caring employer which then makes people loyal and builds team spirit.
Lets hope he proves to be a great footballer. But this type of thing will bring out the best in others , let alone Mario.
I think we can say the same about the Sasa decision.
I wonder if a part of the deal was to get Noah closer to Mario after the passing of their father. The lads only 18 so having his big brother around him could be a big help.

Also, wonder if his struggles in Italy are due to him failing to adapt to living in another country.

Hopefully, he adapts well and has a good future here. I like how we’re signing promising attacking players like Noah Lemina and Enso. Brighton esk
I think he's far more likely to settle here while he's living with his brother. Mario said in his interview today he's loved being able to be around his brother 24/7 as he hasn't been able to in recent years.
Have just watched this video of Noha on YT and it's well worth a watch. It's only a couple of minutes long and he looks like he's got some serious potential. The reason I'm posting it though is the goal around 45 seconds, it's utter porn!

Have just watched this video of Noha on YT and it's well worth a watch. It's only a couple of minutes long and he looks like he's got some serious potential. The reason I'm posting it though is the goal around 45 seconds, it's utter porn!

He is just a kid, but has real potential. He needs to be somewhere he can feel safe, where he can learn and develop. I can't think of a better place. No pressure, just let him grow.
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