Ref Watch Fulham H


In Memory
Jan 3, 2007
Reaction score
John Brooks
4th Official David Webb
VAR Jarred Gillett
Natalie Aspinall is an Assistant this afternoon and with it, she becomes only the 3rd Female Match Official in Premier League history!
I officiated with the very first Wendy Toms who was very good .She used to bring her female partner to games and when she was offered separate changing facilities she just mucked in and changed and showered with us which was a bit odd
I think she was from Portsmouth and seemed to disappear off the scene very quickly .
Ref was bloody awful today
Not defending the ref (he was ****e) it’s more the rules are the problem, the 1 where Sa was going to through the ball upfield, then the Fulham midfielder just grabbed his own head and then the game stopped, that’s where the problem lies
Natalie Aspinall is an Assistant this afternoon and with it, she becomes only the 3rd Female Match Official in Premier League history!
the problem for women officiating in a match as an assistant is that when the crowd shout out obscenities at the ref she will think its aimed at her. o_O
How was Mitrovic not sent off? Clear foul for a yellow, then shoved his head into Gibbs White, borderline red but definite yellow, poor poor poor. Stopped for every supposed injury, showing cheating to work. Plus I reckon twice the keeper had the ball in his hands past the penalty area as he kicked it, guess that’s the linos call tho
Thought he was doing OK until the ridiculous Neves booking. After that it went rapidly downhill as the players realised he didn't have a clue!
Clueless. Where do they keep finding these absolute wallys?!
Personal favourite was the free kick which put Gibbs-White through, but one of their players just decided to sit down.

It’s alright mate, you just have a sit down and chill. Let the rest of us know when you’re ready.
2/10 because he got his kit on the right way round.

Pile of ****.
Not defending the ref (he was ****e) it’s more the rules are the problem, the 1 where Sa was going to through the ball upfield, then the Fulham midfielder just grabbed his own head and then the game stopped, that’s where the problem lies
If the game is stopped for a head injury, the player down should automatically go off the pitch for 5 minutes and his team should play with 10. That would stop the cheating. When you think of some of the serious head injuries you see, like Raul, I think it’s appalling that players fake head injuries for tactical reasons. That Fulham player earlier was a disgrace.
If the game is stopped for a head injury, the player down should automatically go off the pitch for 5 minutes and his team should play with 10. That would stop the cheating. When you think of some of the serious head injuries you see, like Raul, I think it’s appalling that players fake head injuries for tactical reasons. That Fulham player earlier was a disgrace.
Agreed I hate cheating like that even from our own players like Hwang against Leeds.
Agreed I hate cheating like that even from our own players like Hwang against Leeds.
Oh yeah all teams do it, including us. That was pathetic yesterday, that Reid rolling round holding his head, then within 30 seconds of the ref blowing the whistle to stop our counter attack, he’s jumping up and running up the touchline. It needs to be called out for what it is, cheating.

It’s a real shame none of the referees seem to have the bottle to actually stand up for themselves when teams are taking the **** out of them with time wasting. The people who really miss out are yet again the supporters.
In general,the pure timewasting aspect of the modern game is totally out of control.
Ref yesterday aided and became a partner in crime.
Players lying on the pitch is forced to leave the pitch..IF they want to come back they shouldn´t be allowed back in on the pitch for say four minutes.
IF the injury is forcing a substitution then this should be allowed to happen asap...but we really need to adress the problem with players simulating injuries just for time wasting purposes.
Also,,no substitutions should be allowed in OT.
Teams in older times managed seasons with just one sub.
Regarding the awfully boring timewasting..we are as much to blame as any other club.
Would just like to point that out.
The head injury issue is a perfect example of a well meant rule being introduced and quickly teams learning how to use it to their advantage. Refs have to err on the side of caution - imagine being the one who waves play on and there is an actual serious injury. Can't see them doing away with the instruction to halt play, so it looks like its another thing that is going to be as annoying as hell this season.
Take a look at the antics yesterday.

Now ask yourself the question, if that would be allowed at Old Trafford, Etihad, Anfield, etc.

We know the answer.

Edit: Will also point out that he booked a Fulham lad yesterday after Neves complained about how it was about the same as the stupid one he got carded for. And Neves was completely right, but still weak refereeing.
The head injury issue is a perfect example of a well meant rule being introduced and quickly teams learning how to use it to their advantage. Refs have to err on the side of caution - imagine being the one who waves play on and there is an actual serious injury. Can't see them doing away with the instruction to halt play, so it looks like its another thing that is going to be as annoying as hell this season.
All they’ve gotta do is put something in place where a head injury stoppage automatically means you have to go off for 5-10 minutes, they could even put it down as concussion protocol or whatever.

Ref stops the game for a head injury, the player(s) down go off. If they’ve genuinely got a head injury it’s time for the medics to look at them and assess. If they’re faking, tough **** they’ve put their team in trouble with cheating.
Do what they do in rugby, play on unless a head injury, but let the physio run onto the pitch.
If the player is then play acting in deep area they are playing the oppo onside.
He'll soon get up.
I'm hating the game more and spending more time in grassroots football.
Poor ref
Bottled mitrovic red, not even a debate for me the foul can only be a booking at least, if you book mgw for the reaction then same for mitrovic - weak weak refereeing
Also the time wasting. Just get a grip ref. Brentford away last year Sa was time wasting, first time he did it the ref booked him that ended it. Refs need to do the same with all goalies when they take 45 secs for a goal kick.

The play acting is hard to determine whether hurt or not sadly so just stop watch. But taking ages for a goal kick, easy to stop
I though he started out very well but then deteriorated until by the end he complety lost it.
Too easily influenced. Maybe he was overawed.
All they’ve gotta do is put something in place where a head injury stoppage automatically means you have to go off for 5-10 minutes, they could even put it down as concussion protocol or whatever.

Ref stops the game for a head injury, the player(s) down go off. If they’ve genuinely got a head injury it’s time for the medics to look at them and assess. If they’re faking, tough **** they’ve put their team in trouble with cheating.
But MGW was literally head butted yesterday (not in the Mitrovic one but an earlier 'challenge' for a header). He went down, should he have to go off? In the (correct) modern climate of head protection players aren't going to be put in the position of being asked not to show a head injury for the good of the team. Not that I'm saying it isn't abused far too often.
If the game is stopped for a head injury, the player down should automatically go off the pitch for 5 minutes and his team should play with 10. That would stop the cheating. When you think of some of the serious head injuries you see, like Raul, I think it’s appalling that players fake head injuries for tactical reasons. That Fulham player earlier was a disgrace.c
But MGW was literally head butted yesterday (not in the Mitrovic one but an earlier 'challenge' for a header). He went down, should he have to go off? In the (correct) modern climate of head protection players aren't going to be put in the position of being asked not to show a head injury for the good of the team. Not that I'm saying it isn't abused far too often.
Think the point is mgw didn’t lie down complaining the Fulham player deliberately stopped the game
Usual story. Our referees just aren't good enough. There's a reason why they are rarely selected for international tournaments. Yesterday's was abysmal
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