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Morgan Gibbs-White


Just doesn't shut up
Jan 22, 2013
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I won't believe it until we've heard from his mate's uncle's sister's cousin's next door neighbour's dog.



Just doesn't shut up
Dec 23, 2006
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would be typical us, spend the whole pre-season with him a key part of the new system only to sell him a day before the first game. 35m is a decent fee for him however I don’t trust the idiots in charge to replace him.
If true 35 mil is an amazing sum for MGW. I'd hope to see Neto, Podence, MGW in the starting line up at Leeds but it may just be you get an offer you can't refuse?


Just doesn't shut up
Oct 19, 2018
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would be typical us, spend the whole pre-season with him a key part of the new system only to sell him a day before the first game. 35m is a decent fee for him however I don’t trust the idiots in charge to replace him.
We're on 35 million now? And 35 million is only decent???
35 million is absolute daylight robbery! This could be deal of the century!


Just doesn't shut up
Sep 27, 2010
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Why are people so concerned about MGW leaving? If we can get a large fee for him, and as long as we reinvest then I’ll be happy for him to go.

We have to look at the reality of the situation, he has two years left on his deal and quite clearly he is open to moving to Forest.

If he stays then great, sign him up, but it’s not a massive blow for Wolverhampton Wanderers if we allow this player to leave.

No offence but have you seen the state of our squad? We are threadbare attacking wise and Bruno has built our attacking play around MGW in pre season. To sell him now would be a disaster and what message would that send to our players and our head coach?

Beijing Wolf

Has a lot to say
Aug 7, 2012
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Had a lovely evening watching the athletics at the Commonwealth Games and on the train back now reading this crap about MGW. Yes it’s just rumours and no nothing has been announced or confirmed by a reliable journalist. All I’m saying is that if true, then Jeff can **** off and take Scott with him. Unless you’ve forgotten we still don’t have a striker to start against Leeds, and who’s fault is that? That’s not going to change now is it?
I’m not disagreeing with you. If MGW is sold I will be massively unhappy and then if they do nothing with the money I will have lost my remaining faith in Fosun. I would even translate your letter to Jeff into Chinese so he would fully grasp how angry the fans are:p

I also think the striker issue is a big **** up.

However I just think there is no use getting worked up about the MGW issue before we know for sure what is happening, don’t let it ruin the lovely day you had watching the Commonwealth Games.


Just doesn't shut up
Sep 17, 2013
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£35m!!! We got any £35m players??? Oh yeah scoring for ?????
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Just doesn't shut up
Sep 27, 2010
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Well, three people have told me this is happening since the news broke.

So I guess it's happening.

Again, the price is really good but the timing is mad. Hopefully we get the names in I've been told as they're defo an upgrade.

But I'm still scarred from the battle for Keiffer Moore

Our club has become a joke.

Deleted member intdint

No offence but have you seen the state of our squad? We are threadbare attacking wise and Bruno has built our attacking play around MGW in pre season. To sell him now would be a disaster and what message would that send to our players and our head coach?

We have to sell to buy, so if we get 25m+ for an unproven player, with two years left on his contract then for me that is good business. Of course that depends on us reinvesting that money.

MGW is no superstar, he’s an academy graduate who has had one good season in the Championship. Will he be a Grealish/Maddison? Or will he be a Darren Huckerby/Jason Koumas?

As long as we reinvest the money, then getting 25m+ is fine IMO.

I suspect Lage would approve of the sale if it meant reinforcements come in.


Just doesn't shut up
Feb 2, 2012
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Is there a new trophy for smallest squad?
yes we are hot favourites to retain our title
I do wonder if Wolves releasing the video of Bruno telling MGW how he wants him to play was deliberate and essentially a smoke screen, when we were really saying….look look we wanted him to stay as much as you the legacy fans and we couldn’t have done anything else to make him stay, when the truth is vastly different
I thought the same, it was the only one to one conversation in the piece if I recall correctly.

Perton Wolf

Just doesn't shut up
Oct 16, 2010
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I guess we won't definitively know until Saturday 2pm, if he's not in the squad then it's a done deal.

I think Jeff and co. have taken the fans for granted the last few years on the back of our initial success under Nuno and adventures in Europe. If we sell MGW and don't start the season well, then the Molineux will be an extremely toxic place and to be honest, season ticket holders in particular would have every right to be ****ed off (constant ticket price hikes during challenging economic times while the so called "product" on offer arguably gets worse and FOSUN's lack of investment).


Just doesn't shut up
Feb 2, 2012
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We have to sell to buy, so if we get 25m+ for an unproven player, with two years left on his contract then for me that is good business. Of course that depends on us reinvesting that money.

MGW is no superstar, he’s an academy graduate who has had one good season in the Championship. Will he be a Grealish/Maddison? Or will he be a Darren Huckerby/Jason Koumas?

As long as we reinvest the money, then getting 25m+ is fine IMO.

I suspect Lage would approve of the sale if it meant reinforcements come in.
Personally I wouldn't swap him for Madison. I think he will play for his country and is easily the hottest English prospect we have had since Bully.


Just doesn't shut up
Nov 25, 2007
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£35m!!! We got any £35m players??? Oh yeah scoring for ?????

If MGW goes after impressing on loan and finally looking like he could be an asset to the first team ( and also increasing his value££££) I imagine it sets a precedent if ( and its a big IF ) Fabio tears up the Belguim league and suddenly is the flavour of the month Wolves will be quick to move him on for a profit......

Sussex Wolf

Just doesn't shut up
Jan 31, 2012
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We have to sell to buy, so if we get 25m+ for an unproven player, with two years left on his contract then for me that is good business. Of course that depends on us reinvesting that money.

MGW is no superstar, he’s an academy graduate who has had one good season in the Championship. Will he be a Grealish/Maddison? Or will he be a Darren Huckerby/Jason Koumas?

As long as we reinvest the money, then getting 25m+ is fine IMO.

I suspect Lage would approve of the sale if it meant reinforcements come in.

I don’t think Lage gets to say no to a sale if the price matches the clubs valuation.


Dec 7, 2018
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Do people not realise the implication of selling a home grown player? As far as I’m aware of, a match day squad needs a minimum of 5 home grown players (players who have trained in england for at least 3 years before they reach the age of 21).

By selling MGW, he has to be replaced by another home grown player. And in our case, it will essentially mean passing on his match day position to another U23 player - that or we purchase another home grown player of equal quality, which is almost unlikely at this stage of the transfer window. Whatever happens, it will probably be a massive downgrade unless we somehow manage to pop a few last minute magic transfers to shuffle things around - again, unlikely based on the track record of previous transfer windows.

This is also the reason why English players generally cost a premium precisely because most English players are home grown and helps to meet the matchday squad quota.
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First Mexican Wolves fan
Aug 1, 2012
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As far as I’m aware of, a match day squad needs a minimum of 5 home grown players (players who have trained in england for at least 3 years before they reach the age of 21)

That’s incorrect. There are no match day restrictions in the Premier League. There’s a limit of 17 foreign players in the 25 man squad that is registered at the closing of the transfer window.

Once clubs make it to European competitions, they need 4 homegrown players (at the club) and a minimum of 8 (homegrown in England) (these two can overlap).

Here’s an excerpt from the Athletic that talks about Wolves situation:

“Wolves are near the upper limit, but have been helped by the departure of Romain Saiss.

They have a small army of loanees returning, who will have to be managed once more, while Chiquinho, a breakthrough in the second half of last season, will no longer count as an Under-21.

Rayan Ait-Nouri and Fabio Silva are still too young to be featured in the quota. (17 foreign player limit)

Golden Oldie

Has a lot to say
Apr 10, 2018
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I said a few days ago that two Forest fans (in my local) with roots in Nottingham were confident MGW was going to Forest, and they were a bit mystified as to how we seemed not to know. One of them received a text this week which suggested a deal was now a formality.

It's all a bit odd to me and I still hope they are wrong because, unless we have a super signing coming our way .... we are giving the impression of being in 'closing down sale' mode. Not quite the recipe for enjoying the anticipation of a new season only hours away.

Premier Quality

Has a lot to say
May 29, 2022
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The fact we keep rejecting bids means it’s not a done deal.

On the one side, we don’t need to sell, he’s seemed to enjoy pre season and he’s an important part of the team for this year, so I’d say he’s not going anywhere bar a crazy bid we can’t turn down (£40-50m)

On the other side it’s weird that we’ve not come out and definitively said he’s not leaving, and that leaves this space for speculation.

Personally I hope he stays, I’m looking forward to seeing him as part of our new attacking 4 at the back lineup.


Just doesn't shut up
Jul 24, 2008
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If selling him means we can get a Nunes, I’m down with that.

North West Wanderer

Just doesn't shut up
May 9, 2008
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Trying to be level headed.

The timing is terrible.
We really should buy before we sell.
He had a great season last year, and his stock deservedly rose on the back of it.


£30m is a lot of money for what is an unproven talent at this level.
It’s Forest in for him, which is a step back based on the last 20 years. Not anyone big, respectfully.
It would if we spend that money, give us lots of options in the transfer market.
Read back a year. Most on here would sell for buttons.


Just doesn't shut up
Oct 4, 2005
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The main issue for me is not selling MGW - if we get £30m - but a complete and utter lack of belief that Shi and Sellars would invest the money wisely (if at all).

Sell him on Monday and all we would do is chase Nunes (or similar) for weeks only to end the window empty handed after being turned down repeatedly.

I'd prefer him to stay btw.


Just doesn't shut up
Feb 21, 2015
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Sounds like it's down to Gibbs White to decide his future, sign a new contract and stay with Wolves, or move on...

I still think what i got told is where everything stands. Morgan wants to stay, but he wont sign until he see's how the land lies for him. If he leaves, its going to be Fosuns decision because they dont want to wait.

Tring Wolf

MolMix Poster of the Season Winner 2011-2012 and r
Oct 1, 2011
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Does anybody think we will use the money correctly, should we sell?

This is the thing. The only way we should be selling is if we have a deal for a better player (i.e. Ramos) already agreed.

If we don’t, then we simply don’t sell MGW as we don’t have any quality cover or competition in his position. In fact, I’d argue that as it stands, with the exception of right-back when Semedo is fit, we don’t have any real strength in depth in any position.

Seems relatively simple to me and I’ve always historically supported the Club around our dealings. But the decisions around Traore and Fabio have left me concerned that we may not have all our ducks in a row here.
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