Morgan Gibbs-White

And we have no more injuries. Not wise to plan around an injury free season.
We had lots last season and finished 10th. Season is over 38 games, focusing on our form over the last few and saying we are heading for relegation is a bit much
What are the long term effects of Covid that we all know?
Guessing you haven’t heard of long covid…..

Taken from the list on the NHS website:

Common long COVID symptoms include:

  • extreme tiredness (fatigue)
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain or tightness
  • problems with memory and concentration ("brain fog")
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • heart palpitations
  • dizziness
  • pins and needles
  • joint pain
  • depression and anxiety
  • tinnitus, earaches
  • feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
  • a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
  • rashes

So his performance could be affected by issues with concentration, more suspeptable to injury due to fatigue affecting his energy on the pitch, he might have more joint pain.

This website is worth a read: What is ‘long COVID’ – and how might it affect participation in sport? | Sport NI

Also, a South African gold medalist swimmer from 2012 went from still very healthy and training hard every day to even over a year post covid suffers daily from fatigue, lung issues and lost a significant amount of weight.

Covid is also thought to be behind a number of players heart issues that has caused early retirements.

All of this info is common knowledge and very easy to find also, symptoms of long covid kept a few players from Newcastle out for quite some time.
Guessing you haven’t heard of long covid…..

Taken from the list on the NHS website:

Common long COVID symptoms include:

  • extreme tiredness (fatigue)
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain or tightness
  • problems with memory and concentration ("brain fog")
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • heart palpitations
  • dizziness
  • pins and needles
  • joint pain
  • depression and anxiety
  • tinnitus, earaches
  • feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
  • a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
  • rashes

So his performance could be affected by issues with concentration, more suspeptable to injury due to fatigue affecting his energy on the pitch, he might have more joint pain.

This website is worth a read: What is ‘long COVID’ – and how might it affect participation in sport? | Sport NI

Also, a South African gold medalist swimmer from 2012 went from still very healthy and training hard every day to even over a year post covid suffers daily from fatigue, lung issues and lost a significant amount of weight.

Covid is also thought to be behind a number of players heart issues that has caused early retirements.

All of this info is common knowledge and very easy to find also, symptoms of long covid kept a few players from Newcastle out for quite some time.
Yes that’s all very interesting but I’d hardly call 2 years long anything, give it 20 and we’ll have a look at the data.
We had lots last season and finished 10th. Season is over 38 games, focusing on our form over the last few and saying we are heading for relegation is a bit much

That's why I didn't say it. What I said was, if we continue from how we ended last season, then we could be in the relegation battle. Using the last 15 matches, not the "last few", we are 4th from bottom in the form table. Injuries are a fact of life.

It is not even opinion, it is a mathematical fact that our last 15 match form - with Jonny and Neto *returned* from injury - has us in the relegation struggle. Note relegation struggle does not mean relegated. Even at our worst, I think we are too good for that. As well as the 3 actually relegated, there are usually 3 or 4 other clubs in the struggle. Thats' where we will be unless we change course.
Yes that’s all very interesting but I’d hardly call 2 years long anything, give it 20 and we’ll have a look at the data.
I can tell you that it's no ****ing picnic as i'm see a specialist at St James Hospital in Leeds for my after-effects.
Originally got it on Sunday 29th April 2020 and for 2 week I was bad, but the long term effects are worse and the top 8 are my main problems.
Walking a flight of stairs and i 'm struggling to breath, chest / heart pains to point though i was having a heart attack last October and been on heart monitor often now and multiple bloods taken.
And i'm mild case - seen people having to use oxygen masks.
I can tell you that it's no ****ing picnic as i'm see a specialist at St James Hospital in Leeds for my after-effects.
Originally got it on Sunday 29th April 2020 and for 2 week I was bad, but the long term effects are worse and the top 8 are my main problems.
Walking a flight of stairs and i 'm struggling to breath, chest / heart pains to point though i was having a heart attack last October and been on heart monitor often now and multiple bloods taken.
And i'm mild case - seen people having to use oxygen masks.

I am sorry to hear that mate.

I had Covid really bad over Christmas 2020, and I was in bed for three weeks. It was probably March 2021 before I felt like my old self.

I really should have gone into hospital, but I really don't want to. I honestly thought I wouldn't come out. I have never been so ill in all my life - horrible!

But thankfully I don't think I have any of the listed symptoms. But my wife, who had mild Covid at the same time has lost her sense of taste - foods she loved taste like soap now. She loved coffee but now can't stand the taste

It really is no joke, I do know people that have been completely transformed by it - and we lost a few older friends to it as well.
I can tell you that it's no ****ing picnic as i'm see a specialist at St James Hospital in Leeds for my after-effects.
Originally got it on Sunday 29th April 2020 and for 2 week I was bad, but the long term effects are worse and the top 8 are my main problems.
Walking a flight of stairs and i 'm struggling to breath, chest / heart pains to point though i was having a heart attack last October and been on heart monitor often now and multiple bloods taken.
And i'm mild case - seen people having to use oxygen masks.
That’s lousy. I hope you get better soon and hopefully every day is at least a small improvement.
I can tell you that it's no ****ing picnic as i'm see a specialist at St James Hospital in Leeds for my after-effects.
Originally got it on Sunday 29th April 2020 and for 2 week I was bad, but the long term effects are worse and the top 8 are my main problems.
Walking a flight of stairs and i 'm struggling to breath, chest / heart pains to point though i was having a heart attack last October and been on heart monitor often now and multiple bloods taken.
And i'm mild case - seen people having to use oxygen masks.
That’s still not long term data.
Am keen for MGW to be given his chance for Wolves but the thing I hope he can reign in is the way (when I watched him for Sheff U) he always seems to come across as getting annoyed with other players if they didn’t make a pass to him or if they didn’t reach an overhit pass he made to them. Am sure it would wind his team mates up.
Am keen for MGW to be given his chance for Wolves but the thing I hope he can reign in is the way (when I watched him for Sheff U) he always seems to come across as getting annoyed with other players if they didn’t make a pass to him or if they didn’t reach an overhit pass he made to them. Am sure it would wind his team mates up.

Would fit in well with our Pedro then!
Am keen for MGW to be given his chance for Wolves but the thing I hope he can reign in is the way (when I watched him for Sheff U) he always seems to come across as getting annoyed with other players if they didn’t make a pass to him or if they didn’t reach an overhit pass he made to them. Am sure it would wind his team mates up.
He always seemed very popular with his team mates to be fair - and nothing wrong with having high standards.
Yes that’s all very interesting but I’d hardly call 2 years long anything, give it 20 and we’ll have a look at the data.
Then let's give Hwang a 20-year contract and look at his data after he's finished. That work for you?
How about thalidomide? Should we have waited 20 years for that particular data set to come in? Actually, it took five years which was five too many.

Apologies to Muchy for not staying entirely on the topic of football, and further apologies to Hwang whom I believe deserves a chance in a setup that suits his strengths.
As for MGW, I really hope he decides to stick with Wolves. He also deserves his chance and then it will be up to him to take it. For some reason, I'm actually quite excited at the prospect and if nothing else, I'm very much looking forward to seeing something different.
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Then let's give Hwang a 20-year contract and look at his data after he's finished. That work for you?
How about thalidomide? Should we have waited 20 years for that particular data set to come in? Actually, it took five years which was five too many.

Apologies to Muchy for not staying entirely on the topic of football, and further apologies to Hwang whom I believe deserves a chance in a setup that suits his strengths.
As for MGW, I really hope he decides to stick with Wolves. He also deserves his chance and then it will be up to him to take it. For some reason, I'm actually quite excited at the prospect and if nothing else, I'm very much looking forward to seeing something different.
Are you ****ed?
Guessing you haven’t heard of long covid…..

Taken from the list on the NHS website:

Common long COVID symptoms include:

  • extreme tiredness (fatigue)
  • shortness of breath
  • chest pain or tightness
  • problems with memory and concentration ("brain fog")
  • difficulty sleeping (insomnia)
  • heart palpitations
  • dizziness
  • pins and needles
  • joint pain
  • depression and anxiety
  • tinnitus, earaches
  • feeling sick, diarrhoea, stomach aches, loss of appetite
  • a high temperature, cough, headaches, sore throat, changes to sense of smell or taste
  • rashes

So his performance could be affected by issues with concentration, more suspeptable to injury due to fatigue affecting his energy on the pitch, he might have more joint pain.

This website is worth a read: What is ‘long COVID’ – and how might it affect participation in sport? | Sport NI

Also, a South African gold medalist swimmer from 2012 went from still very healthy and training hard every day to even over a year post covid suffers daily from fatigue, lung issues and lost a significant amount of weight.

Covid is also thought to be behind a number of players heart issues that has caused early retirements.

All of this info is common knowledge and very easy to find also, symptoms of long covid kept a few players from Newcastle out for quite some time.

I’ve had most of those symptoms for the last 20 years :0
If we continue the trend of last season we will be in line for relegation. Whete is any evidence our form will improve?
There isn't any.
Mind you, there isn't -as yet - any evidence to say that it won't.
Have to wait for the data to come in.
I do love a bit of anticipation.
There isn't any.
Mind you, there isn't -as yet - any evidence to say that it won't.
Have to wait for the data to come in.
I do love a bit of anticipation.
Hi Japan wolf what about the Japanese lad from Liverpool I do like him think he would suit us thoughts please.
Hopefully we get him tied down and he can play a part. When he’s on the pitch he plays with the enthusiasm of somebody who just loves to play football. That can only be a good thing.

Plus keeping him would mean we don’t necessarily need to bolster the non striker attacking options.
Back on topic MGW if Forest are so keen on him due to Steve Cooper we should test their resolve ,why not swop him for Brennan Johnson ?
Not sure what that means. Or what your point is.
If you have issues with my comments in post 2417 I'd be perfectly happy to discuss them with you.
The floor is yours.
I was commenting on someone else’s comment that “we all know the effects of long covid”.
I pointed out that after 2 years there simply isn’t enough long term data to know yet because it’s only been 2 years.
Then you butt in and start babbling on about Hwang and Thalidomide?
You sounded ****ed because your post was all over the place, I hope that helps you understand better and thanks for getting involved by the way.
Hope things resolve sooner rather than later for all affected, but back to football please folks.
I wasn’t saying this for my own entertainment. Back to football please, won’t be asking again.
Hi Japan wolf what about the Japanese lad from Liverpool I do like him think he would suit us thoughts please.
To be honest, I've never really followed Japanese football. I watch the occasional game on the TV but it tends to be slower and less physical than the British variety. Takumi Minamoto (I'm assuming that is who you are referring to - forgive me if I'm wrong) is very highly thought of in Japan and like most Japanese players he is technically very competent. Would I take him? Well, apparently he holds the Guinness world record for the most high fives in one minute. 182, to be precise. That might come in handy if we ever score a few goals.
I saw a figure of 17 million mentioned in one of the papers. At that price, maybe yes. As a left-winger in a front three I've absolutely no doubt that he'd be an improvement on Hwang, mainly as I don't see Hwang as a left-winger. I'm told Minamoto can also play as an attacking midfielder, and he is capable of scoring a few goals. Now there's a thought...
I don't think many Japanese players have really made their mark in the PL. Okazaki for Leicester and Yoshida for Southampton are probably the only ones to stay the course. I believe that Minamoto is 27 so should be at his peak.
Not sure if that helps at all, but still.
Because this isn’t Football Manager. Forest even contemplating selling Johnson to a mid-table team is laughable.
So you must think that Wolves selling Gibbs-White is equally laughable. Well you may be about to be surprised ! His fancy flicks and moody childish behaviour hasn’t gone unnoticed you wait and see.
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