Small time Jeff strikes again.....

Look at the date, that was in 2017. If nothing else I’m consistent in what I say. Pre-Covid the ambition was there and I couldn’t really fault Jeff or Fosun. I didn’t criticism them during the Zenga period, as I appreciated the effort and ambition. Post the 1st lockdown things have changed and the ambition has gone.

Whether Jeff was always an amateur and Dalrymple covered for him I don’t know. What I do know is that he lied to us this summer and put up the ticket prices, which to me showed how much he really thinks of us. It’s all well and good saying how much football missed the fans during the lockdown etc, but to me it looks like the second they could, they fleeced us. The Man Utd prices were an outright disgrace (I was in pool 1 and didn’t go), and then the season ticket prices were the icing on the cake. I gave them the benefit of the doubt, believed the “trust us” but now I’m done with the lies. That act of contempt towards the life and blood of the club (the fans) in my eyes is as good as going to war with us. Perhaps you are happy to pay more, perhaps you can overlook the lies, but he crossed my boundary and there is no coming back from that. Jeff Shi is a complete ****** that merely pretended he gave a **** about the fans.
I can't disagree with any of this TBH, I actually agree with it all, but overall I still give them the benefit of doubt because of the large amount of credit in the bank, but I suspect this summer will be the defining pre-season.

Despite many telling us we should not be complaining at all about anything, I do think things are deteriorating and 8th place (at present) masks the relative inactivity in the transfer market over a few windows now. I am livid about the ST price increases and the "trust us" message that was misleading IMO but you cannot prove what they meant by that unfortunately, but were happy to utilise the inference.

The last 2 windows were far more important than people admit IMO, Neves is critical to our continued welfare and you have to look ahead. Maybe we would have lost him whatever we did, but Bruno recently told us a very important thing about his mindset - that 'he loves Wolves but needs to be convinced that we our ambitious'. So these past 2 windows have been somewhat reactive rather than proactive at best, and losing Adama is not the clubs fault but the truth is we may even had stepped backwards overall, despite some trying to suggest that nothing is lost. I genuinely think any chance of Europe has probably slipped away now, and it's not about having an agenda, its just my prediction, not what I want. The manager and this group of players are just wonderful, and inadvertently I feel that by performing at absolute 100%, they are protecting the management of the club from much more criticism. To improve, you must continuously progress and not stand still, and I am not talking about huge acquisitions necessarily. But its not my money I get that. But the inactivity will make the summer window boom or bust, I fear.

Maybe I am wrong, maybe I always fear the worst, maybe anxiety grips me generally in life, that is just my outlook on most things, its not that I want to moan or have a downer on Wolves, who like everyone else, I love so madly.
I totally agree Muggers. I like Wolves Joe, but I agree the title is disrespectful.

I think we have all probably overeacted at times and said things we regret, but thats what the edit button is for or a message to the mods .
I read many EPL fan forums, and we're generally no different to other fans. There's only ever a small number of forums where fans feel great - usually due to an unanticipated upturn in achievement. It never lasts though. As soon as a team achieves unprecedented success, some fans demand more. Most online fan posts seem miserable most of the time. I'm aware that the Squeaky Wheels make the most noise, which misleads the reader who only has access to online viewpoints (like me). My best experience of that is visiting Wolverhampton 2018 Christmas time. The vitriol on here was that Nuno should be sacked as he's reached his limit. From 6,000 miles away, I was dumbfounded. I thought he was doing great. When I got to Wolverhampton, I found that most fans felt like me and the negativity I see online is not representative. As I read these pages, I remind myself of that.

Looking back over the last 40 years, I'm thrilled to be where we are now and how secure I feel in the top league in the World. I watch every game live on tv and have some miserable days when we don't win and play badly, but many magic days too. What skilled players we have. We all watch the same games, yet experience different emotions and form different opinions. My guess is that at the core of this is one's personal expectation and hope. My expectation this season was to never be in a relegation fight (we're not). My hope was to finish in the top half (10th would be great) - we might get that. Miserable losing days aside, I'm having a great season. I'm loving it. I'll be thrilled if we do better.

If you set your expectation on breaking top four, European football etc., then I understand the frustration because we are not there. It follows that some angry posts will appear. There's nothing wrong with high expectations, and it's perfectly normal to be unhappy when expectations are not met. That's normal human behavior. Maybe my expectation is too low, but it's making me happy.

I do think that the difference of opinion on how we are doing is simply a measure of our own personal expectation. Wolves are doing what they're doing. That 's no different for any of us. It is only our own personal expectation that is distorting it.
I mention it quite a lot how the internet is not a true representation of Wolves fans...

There's a larger percentage of self importance on the internet than in real life. People who regularly post on a forum will feel their opinion matters more than most, which obviously is not true (unless of course it's the opinion of myself or @SteveBullsKnee but we are superior beings and a gift from the internet Gods - you should respect and cherish us*).

*I understand my own opinion is as irrelevant as the next man's, but if my comments annoy just one person then I will feel immense satisfaction.**

**Another little wind up, bound to grate on someone.
I totally agree Muggers. I like Wolves Joe, but I agree the title is disrespectful.
Surprised to see you reans coming in on the snowflake end of the spectrum.

It has been a cracking and passionate debate. New information, fiercely fought
opinions that deepen perspectives.

Small time is a proposition to be considered, as is shown by the wide spread of opinion.

In my view, small time remains a warranted description of Wolves' actions this transfer window,
is the best description of the failure to expand the ground, and could also be applied to
possibly two other transfer windows.

I would wager that in their hearts virtually all Wolves fans agree that both this transfer
window and the inaction on the ground are deeply disappointing. The harpoon is
poised to sink into the demonic body of the Premier cartel, and Fosun take a step back.
That cant be the cause for polite language or disengagement.

Bruno is our man here. Cooler and more dispassionate than Nuno ever was, he wants to
"win titles", and is prepared to fight for what is necessary. A lot of the Aunt Karen like
responses to this thread are disrespectful to the efforts of a wonderful coach.

Back him.....disrupt the cosy consensus.....hit the elite as hard as you can while they are weak...hold the line.....
That act of contempt towards the life and blood of the club (the fans) in my eyes is as good as going to war with us.

As good as going to war? Calm down, have a cup of tea, I promise it'll be OK. You really don't need to be quite so dramatic and emotional about it!

If putting season ticket prices up is "going to war" (as an aside, do you do this with everything that's impacted by inflation? TESCO ARE GOING TO WAR WITH CUSTOMERS?), then how would you describe other owners who have changed clubs shirt colours, renamed, or even moved clubs?
Surprised to see you reans coming in on the snowflake end of the spectrum.

It has been a cracking and passionate debate. New information, fiercely fought
opinions that deepen perspectives.

Small time is a proposition to be considered, as is shown by the wide spread of opinion.

In my view, small time remains a warranted description of Wolves' actions this transfer window,
is the best description of the failure to expand the ground, and could also be applied to
possibly two other transfer windows.

I would wager that in their hearts virtually all Wolves fans agree that both this transfer
window and the inaction on the ground are deeply disappointing. The harpoon is
poised to sink into the demonic body of the Premier cartel, and Fosun take a step back.
That cant be the cause for polite language or disengagement.

Bruno is our man here. Cooler and more dispassionate than Nuno ever was, he wants to
"win titles", and is prepared to fight for what is necessary. A lot of the Aunt Karen like
responses to this thread are disrespectful to the efforts of a wonderful coach.

Back him.....disrupt the cosy consensus.....hit the elite as hard as you can while they are weak...hold the line.....
As my GCSE English teacher told me “you write eloquently but it’s a load of old cobblers, try harder”
Best ever start to a Premier League season and some of the Mix faithful take the opportunity to use the January transfer window (in which only Newcastle have done any real business) to dust off and hang out their 'You let us down again' banners.

Not been happy this year with a lot of stuff off the pitch, including membership shenanigans, the megastore, and the GH stand, but on the pitch it's the best it's ever been in my lifetime. Some of you don't know you're born.
As my GCSE English teacher told me “you write eloquently but it’s a load of old cobblers, try harder”
A number of years ago we had a student at the university i worked at (not a humble brag - needed for context!) who was infamous for writing fantastically complex and free flowing pieces of work that said absolutely nothing. It's an art. I have to say, before you even mentioned it, some of the posts you are referring to reminded me of him.
I mention it quite a lot how the internet is not a true representation of Wolves fans...

There's a larger percentage of self importance on the internet than in real life. People who regularly post on a forum will feel their opinion matters more than most, which obviously is not true (unless of course it's the opinion of myself or @SteveBullsKnee but we are superior beings and a gift from the internet Gods - you should respect and cherish us*).

*I understand my own opinion is as irrelevant as the next man's, but if my comments annoy just one person then I will feel immense satisfaction.**

**Another little wind up, bound to grate on someone.
Also think more people enter debate on the internet if they’ve got something negative to say rather than positive.
Maybe a bit of that getting off your chest feeling.
Last edited:
A number of years ago we had a student at the university i worked at (not a humble brag - needed for context!) who was infamous for writing fantastically complex and free flowing pieces of work that said absolutely nothing. It's an art. I have to say, before you even mentioned it, some of the posts you are referring to reminded me of him.
Like a good politicians speech. Greatly put together with zero content.
Surprised to see you reans coming in on the snowflake end of the spectrum.

It has been a cracking and passionate debate. New information, fiercely fought
opinions that deepen perspectives.

Small time is a proposition to be considered, as is shown by the wide spread of opinion.

In my view, small time remains a warranted description of Wolves' actions this transfer window,
is the best description of the failure to expand the ground, and could also be applied to
possibly two other transfer windows.

I would wager that in their hearts virtually all Wolves fans agree that both this transfer
window and the inaction on the ground are deeply disappointing. The harpoon is
poised to sink into the demonic body of the Premier cartel, and Fosun take a step back.
That cant be the cause for polite language or disengagement.

Bruno is our man here. Cooler and more dispassionate than Nuno ever was, he wants to
"win titles", and is prepared to fight for what is necessary. A lot of the Aunt Karen like
responses to this thread are disrespectful to the efforts of a wonderful coach.

Back him.....disrupt the cosy consensus.....hit the elite as hard as you can while they are weak...hold the line.....
Ah but if you had said "Wolves have acted small time in this window" that is more accurate.
I don't think its fair to call Jeff Shi "small time" per se Joe.
Proper scary that was too. Liverpool game wasn’t it?

Scary......****ing scary...Dow get coming to a champion league game then.These foreigners with their flares,firecrackers ect.Yow'l never gew to another football match agen.:mad:
Surprised to see you reans coming in on the snowflake end of the spectrum.

It has been a cracking and passionate debate. New information, fiercely fought
opinions that deepen perspectives.

Small time is a proposition to be considered, as is shown by the wide spread of opinion.

In my view, small time remains a warranted description of Wolves' actions this transfer window,
is the best description of the failure to expand the ground, and could also be applied to
possibly two other transfer windows.

I would wager that in their hearts virtually all Wolves fans agree that both this transfer
window and the inaction on the ground are deeply disappointing. The harpoon is
poised to sink into the demonic body of the Premier cartel, and Fosun take a step back.
That cant be the cause for polite language or disengagement.

Bruno is our man here. Cooler and more dispassionate than Nuno ever was, he wants to
"win titles", and is prepared to fight for what is necessary. A lot of the Aunt Karen like
responses to this thread are disrespectful to the efforts of a wonderful coach.

Back him.....disrupt the cosy consensus.....hit the elite as hard as you can while they are weak...hold the line.....

With the Baroque writing style you possess, I'm not entirely sure we're still talking about Wolves or if we're all preparing to go to war in the 1700s?
Kinda like leaving reviews, I'm far more likely to write a bad review than a good one.
Isn’t the ratio something like 1 in 10 will leave a bad review but only 1 in 100 will leave a good review? I’m sure I’ve been told that in some management training at some point in my life.
Even mild-mannered Dave Edwards is sticking the boot in:

Dont think thats exactly putting the boot in
He gives very valid reasons why things didnt happen,and mainly praises the club for what its acheived
He does point out that we should have added a CM, but also how difficult it could be to get that quality to replace Neves or Mouts
Also questions not replacing Traore,but follows that with how good a deal it is for all concerned
All in all a decent synopsis i feel
Dont think thats exactly putting the boot in
He gives very valid reasons why things didnt happen,and mainly praises the club for what its acheived
He does point out that we should have added a CM, but also how difficult it could be to get that quality to replace Neves or Mouts
Also questions not replacing Traore,but follows that with how good a deal it is for all concerned
All in all a decent synopsis i feel
He's balanced in his views, but I think he is being critical TBH, though very nicely.

"But the overriding emotion from fans will be disappointment.
It feels like Wolves are really on the cusp of breaking into the top eight, or even top six, and the only thing that will stop them is squad depth and the lack of a few key individuals to improve the team.
Hopefully it’s not an opportunity missed because Wolves have been in sensational form recently and it would have been a great time to capitalise on it. In midfield, I think they have enough to get by but it’s not ideal, they should have brought in another midfielder."

But then he quantifies each criticism ...........he'll make a great politician!
He's balanced in his views, but I think he is being critical TBH, though very nicely.

"But the overriding emotion from fans will be disappointment.
It feels like Wolves are really on the cusp of breaking into the top eight, or even top six, and the only thing that will stop them is squad depth and the lack of a few key individuals to improve the team.
Hopefully it’s not an opportunity missed because Wolves have been in sensational form recently and it would have been a great time to capitalise on it. In midfield, I think they have enough to get by but it’s not ideal, they should have brought in another midfielder."

But then he quantifies each criticism ...........he'll make a great politician!
Yep he also goes on to say we are not a top 6 side yet which again is balanced,top 8 yes i agree there or there abouts
Thread should be renamed Sensible Jeff strikes again.
With the Baroque writing style you possess, I'm not entirely sure we're still talking about Wolves or if we're all preparing to go to war in the 1700s?
Baroque! Why thank you sir.

Most of my better lines are censored by Mutchy unfortunately.
I haven't read much of this thread. Observing the title and maybe 5-6 posts.

I love wolves, and it can proper ruin my entire weekend if things go bad. But I genuinely worry for the coping mechanisms some of you have? The amount of extreme and polarised reactions on here to things is wild.

We've had some non-descript windows lately (Not bad, come on, seriously?) but the world is not burning down. Jeff Shi is not evil. Laurie Dalrymple is not the Messiah.

I genuinely think he could be doing a better job, his communication skills and the official PR lines from the club change far too often for a company that's meant to have a plan. But....balance please.
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