Harry Maguire Arrested

Ginger Chimp

Just doesn't shut up
Jun 29, 2005
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From the article -

Manchester United say captain Harry Maguire is "fully cooperating" with Greek authorities after reports he was arrested on the island of Mykonos. Local media are reporting the England footballer, 27, was arrested following an alleged fight on Thursday night. Two other Britons were also detained, according to the local reports.

Manchester United said in a statement: "The club is aware of an alleged incident involving Harry Maguire in Mykonos last night. "Contact has been made with Harry, and he is fully co-operating with the Greek authorities. At this time we will be making no further comment."
rumour doinv the rounds in manchester - that he was in a group being provoked by another group of English lads - local police separated them - he"s been arrested for fighting with the police not the other lads
No doubt it will get smoothed over by the Man U PR Machine
I like the idea that their version of cooperating is him asking questions from inside a cell
If I had to make an eleven of ****head footballers he is by far my captain
I have no idea if he was involved but obviously something has happened .What gets me when you hear of trouble in this Country or abroad most rational people just walk away but some just can’t or won’t .
We all know the police abroad quite often hit out first and ask questions later and I accept people can get caught unawares but equally some just stand there and won’t back down because it is perceived as a loss of face and an affront to National pride .
The man for whom the word numbskull was invented.
In fact Harry is a bit of a brain box with maths, throw a difficult multiplication at him and he will respond immediately with the answer. His best mate is a Wolves fan and he texts him after every game. His wife is a primary school teacher. Overvalued yes, numbskull no.
The police spokesman quoted in some stories seems pretty sure. Shame he didn't get the chance to coincidentally "disappear" for 24 hours like a high profile player at one of our local rivals managed recently.
The narrative from fans against Maguire is interesting considering almost 100% of England fans adored him two summers ago.

Be interesting to see what happened. I imagine the likelihood is that some gob****es had a few beers and decided they could give him abuse and cried when they got a response - much like they do in grounds but in those situations there's barriers to protect them. But we shall see!
The narrative against Maguire is interesting considering almost 100% of England fans adored him two summers ago.

Be interesting to see what happened. I imagine the likelihood is that some gob****es had a few beers and decided they could give him abuse and cried when they got a response. But we shall see!

spot on with both points

1. he’s a good defender, his only downfall is sold for x amount so people expect him to be next maldini, it’s not his fault. He’s still one of England’s current best cbs and still walk into majority current prem Cb partnerships at present

2. 100% will be group spotted him, given him verbals, pushed boundaries then altercation has occured
I have no idea if he was involved but obviously something has happened .What gets me when you hear of trouble in this Country or abroad most rational people just walk away but some just can’t or won’t .
We all know the police abroad quite often hit out first and ask questions later and I accept people can get caught unawares but equally some just stand there and won’t back down because it is perceived as a loss of face and an affront to National pride .
'the police abroad ' ? You mean they don't here?
Apparently been charged with aggravated assault, transferred and in court tomorrow. Heavy fine expected, as its Greece and cash is king, but maximum punishment of upto 15 years would be funny.
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