If anyone has a spare brain cell...

12 likes since 31st December ... that's not a movement, not even close to a fart
Wow! That protest has the potential momentum of a stoked up steam locomotive. ;)
$$$$ing too right!!!!!!

Had it with the pair of 'em after seeing us linked with scum like King

Get out of OUR club
Get out of OUR club

MOXEY and MORGAN get out of OUR club

$$$$ing too right!!!!!!

Had it with the pair of 'em after seeing us linked with scum like King

Get out of OUR club
Get out of OUR club

MOXEY and MORGAN get out of OUR club


As I said on the Marlon King thread.

Moxey and Morgan are also our scouts these days?
Alternatively, if any brain cells going spare could possibly be donated to the Chuckle Brother to help them run our football club. On second thoughts maybe they're not the ones in need, both seem to be doing quite well out of the arrangement.
No but they are ones ruining this famous club you $$$$ing numpty!!!

They're ruining the club by:

- making sure we're in the black
- bowing down to fan pressure and sacking two(!) respected managers inside 12 months
- by increasing the capacity of the stadium without landing us in debt
- by presiding over the most sucessful period we've had over the course of the last 30 years

Tell me. Did you want Moxey and Morgan out when we won the championship? Or when we were beating Man Utd/Man City/Liverpool/Chelsea/Villa/WBA. Or was it just when we got relelgated and were left with a bunch of players with zero confidence.
They're ruining the club by:

- making sure we're in the black
- bowing down to fan pressure and sacking two(!) respected managers inside 12 months
- by increasing the capacity of the stadium without landing us in debt
- by presiding over the most sucessful period we've had over the course of the last 30 years

Tell me. Did you want Moxey and Morgan out when we won the championship? Or when we were beating Man Utd/Man City/Liverpool/Chelsea/Villa/WBA. Or was it just when we got relelgated and were left with a bunch of players with zero confidence.

"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsiblity of our future." George Berrnard Shaw
"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsiblity of our future." George Berrnard Shaw

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt" Abraham Lincoln ;-)
you never have to wonder why fans of other clubs hate us
I'm not sure. Blackburn fans have acted like **** before now, has it made me hate Blackburn fans? Not particularly.

Blackburn fans have had a lot more to be upset about than us.

Fans of Palace for example must look and think "what a bunch of ungrateful greedy deluded $$$$s"
How dare they Steve Morgan has done nothing but good with his 30m after getting this club for free. Don't worry about the fact all the moneys gone and we're 5 points off the bottom of the league and abiut to record our lowest early bird figures ever.
Jesus I do wish these Cretins would go somewhere else, they are a disgrace to the club, Morgan has already put in £10 M this season

If they want to protest do it OUTSIDE the ground.

We need to be pulling together we need to win not have distractions
Jesus I do wish these Cretins would go somewhere else, they are a disgrace to the club, Morgan has already put in £10 M this season

If they want to protest do it OUTSIDE the ground.

We need to be pulling together we need to win not have distractions

yes they're cretins but SM hasn't put 10M in this season....it's the clubs money not his!!!
Jesus I do wish these Cretins would go somewhere else, they are a disgrace to the club, Morgan has already put in £10 M this season

If they want to protest do it OUTSIDE the ground.

We need to be pulling together we need to win not have distractions

Morgan has put zero in.
Another "our fans are worse than those of any other club" thread by the theatre goers. If we go down, that group will number thousands.
Another "our fans are worse than those of any other club" thread by the theatre goers. If we go down, that group will number thousands.

I genuinely think we have some of the best fans in the world and I am proud to support this great club........but we also do have some cretins that do the majority no favours at all
In some respects, do chairmen who make too many bad decisions deserve to be "fired" by fan power. You could say players are moved on if they don't perform and managers can only make so many bad decisions before they are moved on too.

Personally, I think Morgan has made some terrible decisions and was negligent in the prem. He has lacked ambition this season imo but I don't think he's deliberately running us into the ground. yet. could relegation though be one $$$$ up too far though?
Personally, I think Morgan has made some terrible decisions and was negligent in the prem. He has lacked ambition this season imo but I don't think he's deliberately running us into the ground. yet. could relegation though be one $$$$ up too far though?

I don't think he's been negligent and lacking in ambition. I just think he's been complacent.
I think he's human and going through the same raft of emotions we all are. clearing the squad out is not the simple task people seem to think it is. players won't simply go just because we want them to or we think it's the right thing to do. We are 3 matches in to a new manager's reign lets keep a sense of perspective and see where we are in a few weeks time. It's not the best of times but fans need to hold their nerve as well. just an opinion...
How many other Championship clubs have spent £3 million in the transfer window?
You can talk about Morgan and Moxey and well riun club till you atre blue in the face. I only judge any employee, owner (or Government for that matter) on one sole criterion:

- is the place ina better state now than when they arrived?

Morgan took over after we had finished in the Champ play-offs.
Moxey became CEO when we were mid table in the Champ.

So...as we stand we are in a slightly worse position.
The fact we had 3 years in the Prem and seem to have landed ourselves in a position whereby you would never have known that, to the extent that Curtis Davis would be a significant improvement to the squad,...is to me a deriliction of duty.

New stand,.. Great Museum.

So what?

Morgan needs to admit mistakes fast.
Moxey needs to go.
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