Sky Soccer saturday

They just say shocking statements. They’ve moved down the TalkSPORT model.

Unfortunately media is driven by eyeballs on ads, and they know their target market will watch/ share when they say controversial or funny stuff.

To be fair to Glen Johnson though, Traore hasn’t offered a great deal this season and has been largely ineffective compared with the brilliant performances we saw last season. His crosses in general have been shocking so far, despite improved recent performances.

He’s not alone and part of the reason we’re mid-table fodder this season is because too many key players have in large parts been a few percent below the heights they’ve achieved the previous two seasons. I’m hoping these last 5 games are a sign of us moving our overall performance levels up.
Dont watch, bunch of numpties and failed managers, why anyone gets bothered is beyond me
They just say shocking statements. They’ve moved down the TalkSPORT model.

Unfortunately media is driven by eyeballs on ads, and they know their target market will watch/ share when they say controversial or funny stuff.

To be fair to Glen Johnson though, Traore hasn’t offered a great deal this season and has been largely ineffective compared with the brilliant performances we saw last season. His crosses in general have been shocking so far, despite improved recent performances.

He’s not alone and part of the reason we’re mid-table fodder this season is because too many key players have in large parts been a few percent below the heights they’ve achieved the previous two seasons. I’m hoping these last 5 games are a sign of us moving our overall performance levels up.
Nobody is disputing that Traore hasn't done enough this season, let alone in terms of numbers. Glen Johnson though basically dismissed him as not even a threat, which is complete nonsense
Nobody is disputing that Traore hasn't done enough this season, let alone in terms of numbers. Glen Johnson though basically dismissed him as not even a threat, which is complete nonsense

It wasnt so much the criticism of Adama that surprised me. It was the way it was said by Johnson. Just total distain towards the player. Really poor for an ex pro to be like that towards a fellow pro in my opinion. I think if some saw what I saw and you saw Johnson say and how he said it they would surely agree it was OTT and unnecessary by Johnson to say it in that way.
Maybe I am wrong though and oversensitive!
It wasnt so much the criticism of Adama that surprised me. It was the way it was said by Johnson. Just total distain towards the player. Really poor for an ex pro to be like that towards a fellow pro in my opinion. I think if some saw what I saw and you saw Johnson say and how he said it they would surely agree it was OTT and unnecessary by Johnson to say it in that way.
Maybe I am wrong though and oversensitive!
I'm not oversensitive, I saw it and it riled me.

Numbers? Fine. Main threat Neto? Yes. Only score wonder goals in open play? It's seemingly been that way recently. "I'd just let Traore have the ball, he's not hard to play against, he does nothing when he's got it", and the dismissive manner of it? **** off

I'm with you, if I were Traore and I'd seen that I'd be out to ram his words down his throat tonight
I'm not oversensitive, I saw it and it riled me.

Numbers? Fine. Main threat Neto? Yes. Only score wonder goals in open play? It's seemingly been that way recently. "I'd just let Traore have the ball, he's not hard to play against, he does nothing when he's got it", and the dismissive manner of it? **** off

I'm with you, if I were Traore and I'd seen that I'd be out to ram his words down his throat tonight

Thankyou for restoring some faith in posters on this site with the above post. Felt like I must be going bonkers with some of the comments aimed at me today. I think some aimed at me without even seeing what Johnson said and how he said it. I found it really disrespectful but that makes me oversensitive apparently.
Nobody is disputing that Traore hasn't done enough this season, let alone in terms of numbers. Glen Johnson though basically dismissed him as not even a threat, which is complete nonsense
It is nonsense, smacks of lazy punditry, looking at 0 goals and 0 assists and taking it as gospel. Both our goals in the win at Arsenal came from Traore bursting forward , he earned a penalty at Brighton, created the penalty chance at Saints, created the goal against Leeds. 0 goals or assists, can’t argue, but not a threat?! Come off it Glen.
Read back what Shi said about the signing this morning.Eye opening i would call it .'Anybody within a few mins can see his talent.That he was already ready to play in the prem.''he's the type of player the fans will love '
My thoughts he may come good in his early 20's when he's bulked up.But now no where near

sooner than that.
The usual slag Wolves off by the so called pundits on Soccer Saturday today. This time Glen Johnson sticking the boot in. He claims he is only slightly interested in watching us when Neto is on the ball and claims Traore does nothing and teams may as well just let him have the ball as he does nothing.
The panel of course spent 5 minutes discussing poor old Newcastle and then gave Johnson a 30 second long part to slag us off.
They dont even hide on that show how much they dislike us. They couldnt of course be ***** to mention Jimenez's remarkable recovery as that wouldnt fit the narrative on this **** show of slagging us off every week.
Of course they spent 5 minutes gushing over Bielsa and Leeds and how he is going nowhere and they will keep all their players. Funny that they always think we will lose all of ours.
Found the Johnson comments about Traore totally disrespectful. To be honest if anyone at the club is reading this I would show Adama and the rest of the players his disrespectful comments about us before the game tonight. The were OTT and poor.

i really wouldn't worry. we have been poor in large patches this season so some of it is gonna happen

i was moaning about football focus' bielsa bobbins today then the wife pointed out it was the same interviewer (younger woman who speaks spanish / portuguese) who visited the portuguese coffee shop in w'ton to lavish praise on moutinho / patricio two years ago

it is totally true, we were the media darlings not so long ago. and even if we start firing again, i daresay most pundits won't watch and say we're boring for large parts

what goes around comes around. the bigger, more important questions are:
a) will bielsa actually hang around. he has a record of disappearing
b) will he actually *do* anything with leeds, except win platitudes
c) can nuno come strong again? if he can then he is every bit as good as (better than?) bielsa. FACT
I know it is not Soccer Saturday but it is about Sky's football coverage. I do not watch the build it to non Wolves games so I had no idea until I was watching Sky Sports News last night how bigger temper tantrum the talking tailor's dummy Jaime Redknapp threw when Keano suggested Spurs were massively over rated as a team. Loved the bit where Redknapp squealed " But Roy they are internationals " and Roy Keane came back with the withering response " Internationals Jaime you get a cap these days for just being able to trap a ball ! " How true is that !

I know Roy Keane is Marmite as you either like him or you don't but it is great to hear a pundit actually offer opinions with no sacred cows unlike some who will not speak a bad word about their former clubs.
I don't think they have got it right with the new pundits. When they replaced Rodney Marsh and Frank McLintock, they still managed to keep the chemistry with the new ones coming in. Now it's just a bit tedious and boring. I caught the opening thirty minutes on Saturday and Kris Boyd was really annoying. I know they are limited to only three pundits in the studio, but just have three interesting pundits and don't bother cutting away to people in other studios.

Either have funny characters who are at least entertaining, or top coaches who have some authority about what they are talking about.
I don't think they have got it right with the new pundits. When they replaced Rodney Marsh and Frank McLintock, they still managed to keep the chemistry with the new ones coming in. Now it's just a bit tedious and boring. I caught the opening thirty minutes on Saturday and Kris Boyd was really annoying. I know they are limited to only three pundits in the studio, but just have three interesting pundits and don't bother cutting away to people in other studios.

Either have funny characters who are at least entertaining, or top coaches who have some authority about what they are talking about.

Give me Ally McCoist over Kris Boyd any day as Ally does know his stuff and is humorous where as Wiggy Boyd ( Sky have him and James McFadden on SPL games and they both have far more hair now than when they played ! ) is poor.
I know it is not Soccer Saturday but it is about Sky's football coverage. I do not watch the build it to non Wolves games so I had no idea until I was watching Sky Sports News last night how bigger temper tantrum the talking tailor's dummy Jaime Redknapp threw when Keano suggested Spurs were massively over rated as a team. Loved the bit where Redknapp squealed " But Roy they are internationals " and Roy Keane came back with the withering response " Internationals Jaime you get a cap these days for just being able to trap a ball ! " How true is that !

I know Roy Keane is Marmite as you either like him or you don't but it is great to hear a pundit actually offer opinions with no sacred cows unlike some who will not speak a bad word about their former clubs.

I enjoyed him calling out Redknapps points. I am sick of him and his father shoved in our faces all of the time.
Their coverage of Nuno's press conference today was awful, silly questions and asking about Adama baby oil as if its just started rather than been doing it for months. Pushing him to give opinion on Masons handling of WBA game when they know he's been fined for comments. His replies were good and terse and basically said ask the referees
The trouble pundits have currently is every single game is on tv and the vast majority of football is boring behind closed doors so they have so much "gap" to fill and nothing really to talk about. They have so many games to cover they are running out of pundits to cover them so they are either bringing back dinosaurs or ex players/nearly retired players who are like rabbits in the headlights. There is about 5 decent ones in total out of what seems like about 50 being used.
Glen Johnson spoke with a bitter and twisted sneering manner toward Adama. I suspect because he has little or no respect for our club rather than Adama himself. If he is capable of so little with the ball why do players queue up to scythe him down? Agreed not every cross is pin point and his shooting can be wayward on occasion's but to say he does nothing is just complete opinionated tripe. His influence in the last few games has clearly been obviously very positive indeed and Johnson ought to actually try using some objective analysis rather than subjectively sneering and making demeaning remarks about players who have five times more talent than he ever had.
Their coverage of Nuno's press conference today was awful, silly questions and asking about Adama baby oil as if its just started rather than been doing it for months. Pushing him to give opinion on Masons handling of WBA game when they know he's been fined for comments. His replies were good and terse and basically said ask the referees

I have just seen that and Nuno looked really peeved ! . Like you I enjoyed how he said basically you are asking me questions that need to be addressed to the referees.

Like all of us Nuno gets on with some less well than others and I have noticed this in his media interviews as the other week on BT he spoke to the interviewer pre match who used to do the Football League show when it was on ITV and I think he does BT non league games as the main presenter and Nuno said " it is good to see you " with genuine warmth and on Saturday he was the same with Elidh Barbour before and after the Newcastle game ( It was during being asked by Elidh the after match questions following the Burnley game that Nuno made his now even more spot on following the weekend's fiasco remarks about Lee Mason ! ) where as today's line of questioning that descended into farce with the baby oil questions Nuno could not have looked anymore like " What the hell am I doing here " if he tried !
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