Season Ticket Prices /Relocation/New STs

Once you have bought your season ticket you can log into your account and then offer your seat for re-sale by individual home match - normally it is up to 2 home games in advance. You won't get confirmation that your ST seat was resold until usually after full time when you get a statement of the amount of Wolves cash added to your account. It is fairly easy to do on-line.
You may not get confirmation but you can check once you've offered it to see if it has then become available on the ticket plan and then you can keep checking to see if it then has sold. I may be wrong but got the impression that you could change your mind up until someone has actually bought it.
Any idea how far down the list people are getting contacted? I know someone at 1625 who has not heard anything.
Got me and my son 2 next to each other in Billy Wright lower. Was shaking when i was paying!!! Hopefully everyone else got what they wanted!
In two minds whether or not to be a Billy no mates and sit on my tod or not. Thanks god for the 24hour window
Can someone tell me what the carabo cup enrollment is please? Clicked it and it said i need to add card details? Assume its to save my seats for cup games?
Can someone tell me what the carabo cup enrollment is please? Clicked it and it said i need to add card details? Assume its to save my seats for cup games?
Yep, You are automatically charged for your seats for cup games if you enrol.
In two minds whether or not to be a Billy no mates and sit on my tod or not. Thanks god for the 24hour window

I sat on me tod for about 5 years.Ya get to know ya neighbors in time,and at the end of the day ,yam ony there to support the wolves not talk all through the match. :tonguewink: Tay as bad as it sounds.
Now to order your tartan leg blanket, thermos and subscription to supply your werthers
They’re probably still in the loft from the last time I had a ST in the Northbank before they rebuilt it, it was hardly party central there. Anyway, it gets well limbs-y in W8. Mainly because lots of them have been recently replaced…
Obviously none of them are mix members,or they wouldn't bother.I mean that transfer thread is enough to drive anyone away.Never mind come.And NO I ay read all the pages from today I've just scrolled past most of the comments.
I've had an email offering me one.. Don't think I'll take it up
Now to order your tartan leg blanket, thermos and subscription to supply your werthers
Have you ever sat in the BW? In many years as an ST in there I have never seen a leg blanket, a thermos or anybody holding a bag of Werthers. But I have seen teenagers wearing sombreros, Mexican flags, loads of young blokes and their girlfriends and young kids with their Dads. That's the reality. Try using your eyes and thinking outside your lazy stereotypes ;)
Have you ever sat in the BW? In many years as an ST in there I have never seen a leg blanket, a thermos or anybody holding a bag of Werthers.
1st question, Yep and got the usual tut tut for being to loud, in fact they tutted that hard their nashers nearly ejected.

2nd part, sums it up for me.

3rd was a joke, sorry I offended

4th tbf it's the family enclosure
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1st question, Yep and got the usual tut tut for being to loud, in fact they tutted that hard their nashers nearly ejected.

2nd part, sums it up for me.

3rd was a joke, sorry I offended

4th tbf it's the family enclosure
Rubbish! Anything for a cheap laugh,eh?
Rubbish! Anything for a cheap laugh,eh?
As i said, I apologise if I offended, but you had to carry on. Now you're starting to live upto your name, have a good day.
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As i said, I apologise if I offended, but you had to carry on. Now you're starting to live upto your name, have a good day.
I don't know what gave you the impression I was offended. I definitely wasn't, so there was no reason for you to apologise. I am not of that generation that constantly looks for offence. All I was saying is that what you said about the BW seems based on ignorance. The BWU is very mixed age-wise, at least the bit of it I sit in (North Bank end). To my immediate left there are four young blokes, all STs, in their twenties/ thirties. In the row in front there is a family with a couple of teenagers. There is one retiree behind me, but the rest in my immediate vicinity are blokes (and a few women) in their 40s to 60s, most of them must still be in work. None of that fits your stereotype, but heyho, I am sure you don't give a toss as long as you get a laugh.
Relocated from the Steve Bull to a very good view in the South Bank. I wasn't a fan of the very dated and jam packed Steve Bull, no brainer move for me - plus £95 back too!
Just got the invite I guess there won’t be much chance of two seats together?
Just got the invite I guess there won’t be much chance of two seats together?
There were 2s in corners of Bully & BW, but last time I looked there were good seats in J7 & 8 of Bully one directly infront of the other, at least if u can do this for a season u can change next year
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