Nuno’s gone

I've been supporting Wolves since the Graham Turner days and the closest I can think of to this feeling is when Bully had to prematurely retire. You think of all the great moments they bought you, that you know you'll never experience again in quite the same way. There was something special about what Nuno bought to Wolves. It's hard to put your finger on it, but it was there right away. Right from that pre-season game against Leicester, you knew something special was about to happen, and boy did he deliver.
That said, no one man can ever be bigger than the club, and despite the strange feeling many of us have now, there is no way of knowing what the next chapter will bring. There is no reason why his successor can't build on Nuno's legacy and if Wolves go on to flourish, Nuno can be proud of the immense contribution he made along the way.

I'm not going on Sunday, but I'm sure those that are will give a man assured of Legendary status in the Wolves history books the send off he deserves.
Oh why have you put that on here!! Properly made me well up that has! Feel for the kid. Nuno was Superman, did more for this club and city in four years than anyone I can think of

Nuno was Wolves and Wolves were Nuno, now we've truly lost our identity
Sorry mate!

Just thought it was apt as that kid is how a fair few of us probably feel.

It isn’t just about it ending, it’s how it’s ended. The last time I walked away from Molineux we’d just beat Espanyol 4-0 and we were riding Nuno’s wave. By the time I go back all of that will be history and everything will be different. It just feels like we’ve missed so much.
Sorry mate!

Just thought it was apt as that kid is how a fair few of us probably feel.

It isn’t just about it ending, it’s how it’s ended. The last time I walked away from Molineux we’d just beat Espanyol 4-0 and we were riding Nuno’s wave. By the time I go back all of that will be history and everything will be different. It just feels like we’ve missed so much.
Nah you're alright, I feel exactly what that kid was feeling and the singing in an attempt to make it go away, I'll be doing it on Sunday no doubt with tears in my eyes

Yep. I was at the last game with fans against Brighton but the time before that I was in Barcelona, didn't have a ticket, didn't matter - there were Wolves fans everywhere and it was amazing how far we'd come, how united we all were, and Nuno was the catalyst for it all. I know @sedgwolf1980 has mentioned it but before that Brighton game we'd just done Spurs at their swanky new stadium, we were on an unbeaten run and we were flying... then the pandemic hit, nothing was the same after it and now it's all been ripped apart just as we were going to get back together

That's probably what hurts the most, it feels like there's a lot of unfinished business
After hearing this news just before i went to bed, and now thinking on it all morning i feel really down. He's such a top bloke as well as being a great manager. I'm just gutted. After a long season last season and a pandemic, as well all our injuries i think we have done well to hold things together this season. Its ruined my bloody weekend.

If by some chance you read this Nuno, i wish nothing but the best and good fortune in the future. You are a quality human being and there arent enough people like you around.
This was sorted weeks ago.

They come and go and hey why get sentimental. The Mendes project will involve comings and goings and profiteering.

I make a forecast that Nuno will be sacked from his next job within twelve months. Nuno and Wolves fitted - he could have took us all the way.

See ya Nuno. Did a good job.

Next ....
'Shocking news. Actually feeling kind of numb, hard to believe. Like someone said in earlier post "feels like we had unfinished business" and with the pandemic were robbed of something more about to come from Nuno and Wolves.
This is another blow in a crappy year with terrible injuries to key players and the world turned upside down. Hard to believe our two best players would be lost for the season. Worried what will happen now. Cold statement from Jeff, but I really hope they get to find a real competent manager and also backroom staff.

'Nuno won't be replaced easily and worry what direction team will take, what will happen to key players like Patricio, Neves, Traore and the loanies RAN, Vitinha etc. What will the summer transfer window be like this year....

Nuno was so much more than a great football manager. He's just a great person with great insight on life in general it seems. He was such a breath of fresh air right from the get go. Wish Nuno nothing but the best. Wolves legend.
Thank you Nuno for all the joy and memories. I really enjoyed watching Wolves play. Greatest football I've seen Wolves play since the '70's.

1st year - 2017-18 Winning promotion to Premier League
2nd year - 2018-19 7th place in PL, semifinal FA-Cup. Beating Spurs 3-1, Chelsea 2-1, Leicester 4-3, Everton 3-1, Man Utd 2-1, Arsenal 3-1 in the league and Liverpool 2-1 and Man Utd 2-1 in the FA-Cup
3rd year - 2019-20 7th in PL, Europa League, Asia trophy. Beating Man City three times, in Asia, then home and away 3-2, 2-0,
Spurs 3-2, Everton 3-1 are highlight matches I fondly remember.
4th year - 2020-21 5 wins 2 draws 3 losses in the first 10 games and then disaster struck losing Raul and later Neto. Beating Arsenal twice 2-1, 2-1.
DREAMING IS FOR FREE yes sometimes I thought I was but not
As strange as it sounds, if it had to happen, I'm glad it happened like this.... Every manager leaves a club eventuality. And almost everyone of them is sacked and generally for poor performances and results which have left the club in an extremely bad position.... This doesn't feel like that.

Nuno is departing with his rep mostly intact and indeed,his profile and standing in the game has vastly improved.
It's been a win for us and is a win for him.

So in a perverted sort of way I can use this to take comfort from his departure.

He's been our greatest manager in my life time, but more importantly, he's shown with his words and actions what an immense human being he truly is.
Make no mistake , Nuno Espírito Santo is the best of us.

I love the ****ing bones of the man and will miss him and his humanity most of all.

All the best, Gaffer... Love ya man.
Although I think it’s ridiculous if there’s truth in him being effectively sacked and told of it in the last week, it gives me a shred of hope that there might be a succession plan in place, and that Fosun still mean business. The easy option was keep Nuno and hope things improve with return of fans and injured players, but they’re elected to twist. Have severe doubts whether it’s the right decision, but if it’s the clubs decision nonetheless hopefully we won’t be so caught on our heels with his successor

Some fantastic memories in there. Made me quite emotional thinking about what he's given me personally by taking the club I love where he has. Leicester, Cardiff and my personal favourite Bristol city.

Reflecting this morning, I think we could all tell he wasn't happy the last few months and was drained and think that showed in the teams performance aswell. Hopefully he has a good break then goes and manages Portugal to a world cup win.
This was sorted weeks ago.

They come and go and hey why get sentimental. The Mendes project will involve comings and goings and profiteering.

I make a forecast that Nuno will be sacked from his next job within twelve months. Nuno and Wolves fitted - he could have took us all the way.

See ya Nuno. Did a good job.

Next ....


Are you on drugs?
He effectively was.
Timing is right here IMO..Thanks for the memories Nuno,but the time to move on is now.

Having slept on it I think you're right about the timing. It could prove to be a masterstroke if they've got someone decent lined up.

If they'd left it six months, suspecting they'd be getting the same obstinate, moody Nuno for that time, then we'd be recruiting in the middle of a relegation battle.

Whereas doing it now means they'll have a much better choice of manager to choose from and the club is a more appealing prospect.

Putting emotion to one side, any manager without the link to the fans that Nuno has would have been chased out of town with pitchforks for some of the stuff that's happened this season.
Shocked , bewildered, dissapointed , worried , feelings that wont go away , i would like to say thank you to a man who i would say first and foremost is a first class human being and a great football manager , our loss will be someone else,s gain , O,O,D.C.L .
Won't it suck if paying off the contracts of Nuno and all the backroom staff uses up our entire transfer budget for next year?!
As strange as it sounds, if it had to happen, I'm glad it happened like this.... Every manager leaves a club eventuality. And almost everyone of them is sacked and generally for poor performances and results which have left the club in an extremely bad position.... This doesn't feel like that.

Nuno is departing with his rep mostly intact and indeed,his profile and standing in the game has vastly improved.
It's been a win for us and is a win for him.

So in a perverted sort of way I can use this to take comfort from his departure.

He's been our greatest manager in my life time, but more importantly, he's shown with his words and actions what an immense human being he truly is.
Make no mistake , Nuno Espírito Santo is the best of us.

I love the ****ing bones of the man and will miss him and his humanity most of all.

All the best, Gaffer... Love ya man.

great post - and this was how i felt after speaking to wife this morning. he goes with head held high and a legacy which over time will be remembered unbesmirched
Saddened by the news. Best manager since Bill McGarry. Was certainly hampered by injuries this year and we under achieved. On a positive note as I generally try to look at the bright side. As ruthless as it seems perhaps Fosun have decided that he has taken us as far as he is likely and the next step on the ladder is someone who can take us up another notch. Perhaps they decided their were warning signs and they have stepped in to protect their investment. Certainly selling the players he did last year for the players he bought in (especially Podence for Jota) demonstrated rather poor judgement. Anyway we will have to wait and see if we get a management upgrade I certainly hope so as overall Nuno did pretty well.
I had a horrible feeling that things would never be the same after the covid break. We had a moment in time which was incredible, but has now passed. Life often boils down to stick or twist and obviously fosun have gone for the latter and only time will tell if it was the right decision. Thanks for the memories Nuno. I'll be there tomorrow trying not to cry.

PS hope they play holy mountain before kick off tomorrow - for me, that tune is indelibly linked to the Nuno era.
I am not looking forward to tomorrow’s game now, I am only watching on TV but it is going to be really strange.
Thanks for everything Nuno, feeling a bit surprised and shellshocked about this to be honest
. The best Wolves Manager in my lifetime, a magical few seasons...

“You cannot control your future if you don't deal with your present.” (Nuno Espirito Santo, Feb 2018)
My guess is that the club were fairly stung at the beginning of this season when we started getting labelled as a bit boring or “a hard watch” (not helpful for the “brand growth”) . Maybe they put some pressure on Nuno to be more attacking, which he did but it wasn’t really true to his instincts, would lead to the players getting mixed messages.
He grew unhappy with what he was being asked to do, the club started thinking he wasn’t the perfect fit.
The irony with all this is that it seems that Nuno really needed a break and spend time with his family. Once done and bit of self reflection and learning from his mistakes he will become an even better manager.

Wolverhampton Wanderers was a great fit for Nuno but the new Nuno in a few months time would be ideal for us....

A really weird feeling as if something is missing....
Can't see how they'd afford them. Surely over 75m for the pair?
Can't say I know anything of Porto's squad and finances but i wouldn't be surprised to see certain players looking for a way out. It's from a genuine ITK source. ( I hate that term :tired:)
Can't say I know anything of Porto's squad and finances but i wouldn't be surprised to see certain players looking for a way out. It's from a genuine ITK source. ( I hate that term :tired:)

Understandable that some players want out, but Fosun aren't going to be selling cheap.
Bad time to mention talk of Neves and Semedo to Porto? :flushed:
Not knocking your source, but unless Neves wants out to be closer to his wife and children in Portugal I cant see that move myself. I know its his boyhood club and everything but he will have major suitors from some of the biggest clubs in world football on another level from Porto.
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